
© Nordica D Lindgren

Young, carefree, innocent
You sing, laugh and dance
Taking in all Gods' glory
At every single chance.
Grown up
You ignore the wonders
that you cherished as a child
Gone is the carefree, honesty and mild.
You walk around with blinders on,
Into the race of money and greed.
Not caring who gets hurt
Just to fulfill your selfish needs.
Stepping over the line of morals
to have wealth and material things
Ignoring all Gods gifts
Like the first rain in Spring
Keep that little child inside!
Hold her close to your heart,
We're only here for a brief time
Then with this world, we must part
For a moment each day
It's OK to get silly
to laugh and dance.
Take in all Gods glory
At every single chance.

Source: Carefree, Life Lesson Poem

Friendship: One Of God's Greatest Gifts

© Lauren Manning

I was the young age of three,
and oh, so very small.
I knew almost nothing,
nothing at all.
When I saw a cute little girl,
shaking with fear.
All along in the corner
with her eyes full of tears.
I thought to myself,
I'll go be her friend.
So I went over to her
and touched her sweet little hand.
I said to my new friend,
"Do you want to play?"
My new friend said, "yes,"
and her tears went away.
It's been fifteen years now
and our friendship's still strong
I can hardly believe
we been best friends this long.
As I went to her that day
I was the angel to be.
How could I have known
that God sent her to me?
But, angels need two wings
if they don't want to sit and just rest,
So, God combined both our wings
to show us were blessed.
We can't thank him enough
for his gift of kindness and love
We are both each others angels
sent from heaven above

Source: Friendship: One Of God's Greatest Gifts, Childhood Friend Poem

Life Is Like A Song

Life is like a song
Waiting to be sung.
Will it be played softly
Or like the beating of a drum?
The lyrics are being
Recorded each and every day
In all that we do
And in all that we say.
If we choose to follow God and
Abstain from the devil and his ways
Our song will have a beautiful melody
One of purity and praise.
Now go ahead and write your glorious
Song as you live for Christ each day
For great will be your reward and
In heaven you'll forever stay.
Copyright © Alma Norman

Big Brother

© Terri L. Brewer

You've always been here for me,
But now you are about to leave.
I know we fuss and fight,
But I love you with all my might.
You are my big brother,
And there is no other.
No one can take your place,
And when you leave, there will be this big empty space.
We've never been really close,
But at least you have not always lived across the coast.
Because some big brothers do,
I'm really grateful for the 15 years I've lived with you.
I remember when I was small,
And I would always fall.
You were always there for me,
And I know you always will be.
You told me not to cry,
That it would be ok.
Even if I thought you lied,
It was like my big brother saved the day.
You’ve made me laugh, you’ve made me cry,
You've even helped me hide some lies.
I love you is something I don’t tell you enough,
But I want you to know
When you leave it will be really tough.
I don’t know how my life will be,
Without you here beside me.
You've lived with me for 15 years,
But now we're shedding our good-bye tears.
I know you have to move out,
And start a life of your own.
But promise me without a doubt,
You will never forget us back home.

Source: My Big Brother Off to The Army, Brother Poem