Time called to order: 6:05 pm
Absences:Charles Bradley, Melinda Carter, Natasha Chitsazan, Chris Hill, Shane Williams
Guest Speakers: Abby Fox from the OSU Student Foundation- “We are having a Battle of the Bands on April 17th at 9:00 pm. It will be at the Tumbleweed. Tickets are $15 and the proceeds go to student scholarships. You also get a t-shirt with your ticket. There will be a lot of good bands so come on out!”
Student Concerns: None
Minutes approved as:Written
Corrections: None
President: I am going to a parking meeting on Thursday. Chris is not here because he is giving a speech at the governor’s mansion tonight. Everyone please be at Senate this week and next. Nominations are going on and we really need everyone there.
Vice President: None
RAC Director: Thank you for showing up to Renter’s Fair, it went smoothly. Out of 23 landlords/companies we had 22 show up. About 2/3 of them had freebies to give away. We had 0 participation at the Renter’s Seminar, which was kind of expected. We gave surveys out to the people who came to Renter’s Fair. We only got 7 of these back. I asked if we should have Renter’s Fair at another location on campus…everyone pretty much agreed the atrium is a good place. I asked how we could better promote Renter’s Fair…one said signage around campus. So, Renter’s Fair went really well. Thank you to those who showed up.
Advisor: Robyn’s exhibit is up in the BartlettCenter until Friday. I went to the Street Party on Saturday. It went really well. It was about 50/50 students and Stillwater residents/families. We need to talk about our cookout in informal. Thank you for showing up to Renter’s Fair, it went smoothly.
Other: None
a. Senate Whip: Street Party came under budget, which was good. I helped set up that morning then went back later on.
Nominations, co-sponsorships, absences.
b. City Council Liaison: None
Civic Affairs: None
Internal Affairs: None
Renter’s Advisory Council: Renter’s Fair was exceptional.
University: None
Vice-Chair:I already talked to Marie about this. I finally got a response from vending services-it seems that they don’t understand how our economy works!
Chair:We will be opening nominations tonight. Be thinking about it.
--motion to open nominations for Chair, Vice Chair, Civic Chair, and IA Chair—
Chair- Lora Webb
Vice Chair- Brent Bowling
IA Chair- Justin Walmer
Civic Chair- Elizabeth Anaya, Josh Hillard
--close nominations until next week--
Marie- the election for mayor is tomorrow.
Brooke- Nate Bates is a man whore.
Cookout- April 27th 6:00 pm. We are having brisket, pulled pork, ribs, and smoked sausage. Everyone bring a side dish.
Brooke is making t-shirts that say “Chuck Norris is scared of one thing... (on back-a picture of Marie)
Take the Walk is tomorrow at 6pm
Motion was made to adjourn at 6:40 pm