Table SI. Sample selectivity corrected hours regressionsa

Independent variables / Total Hours I (Standard) / Total Hours II (Workplace) / Total Hours III (Workplace and Worker)
Age / 0.525** / 0.580** / 0.584**
Age2 / -0.009*** / -0.009*** / -0.009***
Gender (female) / -3.102*** / -1.392 / -1.482
Ethnicity / 10.507*** / 8.979*** / 6.587***
Single / 0.687 / 0.547 / 1.277
Wales b / 0.528 / -0.858 / -1.279
Scotland & NI / 0.913 / 0.605 / 0.293
South West / 1.543 / 0.730 / 0.554
North England / 1.508 / 1.000 / 0.920
East of England / 1.417 / 1.920 / 1.315
East Midlands / -0.330 / -0.215 / -0.340
West Midlands / 0.955 / 1.012 / 2.544
Yorkshire / 0.561 / -0.177 / 0.272
Predicted Heckman ln wage / 9.792*** / 13.110*** / 13.714***
No. dependent children aged<=16 / -1.696*** / -1.619*** / -1.502***
Age of youngest child < 5 / -3.689*** / -3.730*** / -2.845***
Partner's wage / -0.213*** / -0.169*** / -0.129***
Partner wage missing / -2.040 / -1.727 / -1.366
Partner not employed / 3.732 / 3.571 / 2.955
Partner employment status missing / 0.906 / 0.858 / 0.397
Non-labour income / -1.390* / -0.971 / -0.480
Shift/rota/work patternc:
Shift mix / -1.670** / -1.643**
Permanent nights / -3.096* / -2.658*
Flexi-time / -0.690 / -0.911
Other / -3.932 / -2.839
Multiple / -0.374 / -0.711
Working Weekdays only d / -2.707*** / -2.280***
Required to work on call e / 4.085*** / 3.188***
Influence over change in
shift/rota/work pattern f:
Some influence / -3.038*** / -2.411***
Large influence / -3.792*** / -2.890***
Work setting g:
Undefined/Other / 2.743*** / 2.533**
Care home / 6.086*** / 6.438***
Charity / -0.980 / 0.295
Hospital Outpatients / 1.064 / 0.889
Hospital A&E / 4.583** / 3.470*
Hospital Acute / 2.150* / 1.538
Hospital IC / 4.846** / 3.719*
Hospital Surgery / 2.696** / 2.167*
Hospital Paediatrics / 1.828 / 1.986
Hospital Geriatrics / 3.150 / 2.391
Hospital Palliative / 1.551 / 1.066
Hospital Other / 2.862*** / 2.807***
Hospital Mental / 4.640*** / 4.504***
Importance of:
General job security / 0.647
Predictability of hours / -1.188***
When hours are worked (time of day) / -0.858***
Job helping others / 0.365
Pay / 1.440***
Availability of paid overtime / 1.111***
Flexibility of working hours / -1.007***
Promotion prospects / 1.212***
Inverse of Mills ratio / 2.105 / -1.083 / 1.409
Constant / 11.552 / 1.542 / -8.549
Observations / 1384 / 1384 / 1384
R2 / 0.215 / 0.288 / 0.359
Elasticity of hours with respect to own wage / 0.264 / 0.353 / 0.370

a * significant at 10%, ** significant at 5%, *** significant at 1%

b The base case is London and the South East

c The base case is days only

d The base case is working weekends only or weekdays and weekends

e The base case is stand by, sleep in, and not applicable

f The base case is no influence

g The base case is Community based and Primary Care.