Members / Present (Y /N ) / Members / Present (Y /N )Fr.YvonSheehy(Pastor-ex officio) / YES / Judy Edwards(School) / NO
CharGoehring(Human Concerns) (Chairperson ) / YES / KathyKarls(Worship) / NO
Bernie Farrell (Vice-Chairperson) / YES / Beth Rydeski (Finance) / YES
JoAnneStolowski(Secretary) / NO / JohnHoward(Finance) / YES
MikeKarolewicz / YES
Unfilled -Vietnamese(At Large) / NO / Dave Flynn (Trustee ex officio) / YES
Fr. Joseph Thien Dinh(Associate Pastor ex officio) / NO / Bob Mihm(Trustee ex officio) / YES
Guests present: None
Opening: The meeting opened on 02/23/17 at 7:00 pm with a prayer by Bernie.
Parish Community Comments: None at this time
Approval of Minutes:January 19, 2017 minutes were approved without change.
Pastor’s Report:Nothing
Update on Narthex Carpeting – Dave Flynn reported the job was completed; responded to questions and everyone commented that the carpeting looked very nice.
Community Building John Michael Talbot Concert update:Bernie reported that the date is set for October 12th (Thursday) at 7:00 p.m. The group was asked if we wanted a concert in May which we declined. Ads will be provided by the group four (4) months in advance. The group will provide reports so we don’t oversell tickets. The parish can decide on ticket prices before the concert. The parish will need to provide ushers, greeters, people to sell books and cd’s, taking charge cards – Bernie will follow up and make arrangements. Fr. Yvon and Pat Boyer will put some mention in the bulletin. Insurance certificate from the group has not been received.
Char commented that she will see that Parish Council meeting notices are placed in the bulletin the Sunday before meetings and the agenda on the parish website.
Finance Committee update (John Howard, Bob Mihm). Comments supplied from the Finance Committee were reviewed. (Incl. below) There was one question about the comment of additional principal on the church loan. Due to the continued shortfall in donations the format of the section in the weekly bulletin concerning donations should be revised so that the Annual budget column is replaced with matching YTD budget data thru the current month so shortfalls are more obvious.
Leadership update:1) Mike talked about Common Ground and about building leaders within various committees. 2) Mike attended a stewardship meeting January 8th at the archdiocese – from the presentation there was a book and he will see what additional copies of the book cost. The meeting covered stewardship “What is it” and how to build awareness within the parish. It was commented that geographically SMOT is at a disadvantage so we need to make people aware of what we are doing here to raise awareness in the community. Bernie asked about the archdiocese stewardship survey and Mike said he would complete it. He would bring back plans and ideas concerning stewardship in our parish. 3)Mike is working on developing a template of the committees, who are missing members and to standardize descriptions, contact persons etc. 4)Mike was also going to follow up about our parish website.
There was some discussion about long term capital projects that were of interest to the parish like: LED lighting in the church, repaving/restriping of the parking lot, windows in the parish office and school, improving the parish website
Closing: meeting adjourned at 8:30pm
Meeting Dates:2017: Mar 23, Apr 20, May 18, June 22, Aug 3
Continuing items:
- John Michael Talbot Concert – Bernie Farrell
- Hospitality Sunday – Jan 22nd Parish Council -Mike Karolewicz would like as many members of council as available for the function after 8:30 and 10:30 mass. Four more hospitality dates are set: Feb 19; Mar 19; April 23; May 21. For groups that want to host and promote their activities. There will be specific instructions to follow for these events to make it easier for all to manage.
- Ministry Organization chart updated which committees are active, members, etc.
- Parish website
Parking Lot items:
Finance Committee comments presented at January meeting:
January / 2017 - YTD1 / Year-to-date weekly collections for January were 503,071 dollars compared to the YTD budget 526,100 an unfavorable difference of 23,029. The January YTD total also is less than the Jan 2016 total by 17,384 dollars. Collections for R/M and Energy combined are also unfavorable to the budget by 3,314 dollars
2 / Income from the Donations and Memorials exceed the ytd budgets by 11,286 dollars.
3 / Fund raisers including calendar raffles results are 8,291 dollars which is 8,209 less than budget.
4 / Life Teen income is 6,300 which is 5,325 less than budget and is 2,069 dollars less than last Jan 2016.
5 / YTD income is 599,461 dollars which compared to the budget modified by removing Scrip of 12,000 dollars is 34,046 dollars under budget.
7 / Due to the accounting treatment for expenses related to the school being booked to AR Seton on the balance sheet which was not reflected in the budget comparisons to actuals are difficult.
8 / Net ordinary income is 77,401 dollars which compared to the budget modified by the net for Scrip of 2757 dollars is favorable to the budget by 55,300 dollars.
9 / The church loan was reduced by only 4,065 dollars in January and is 78,507 dollars lower than the amount at June 30th, 2016. However, the HOT ROD account carried a balance of 47,226.56 as of January 31, 2017 so additional principal should have been paid off, this needs to be corrected in February. The reason for the lack of an additional principal payment is unknown.