Please complete this form and email as an attachment to
or fax to our US office at +1-217-328-0435.
PLEASE NOTE: If your proposal is accepted, you will need to submit a paid conference registration. To appear in the conference program, you must submit a paid registration to Common Ground. (Although virtual proposals, by definition, will not be included in the conference program, a paid virtual registration must still be submitted to Common Ground.)
Title Prefix
/ Word or words at the beginning of the main title of the work, such as ‘A’ or ‘The’.Title Without Prefix / Documenting A Personal Thinking Language / The main title of a work or part of a work, not including the Title Prefix.
Subtitle / The secondary title of a work, or title following the main title.
Presentation Type / Place [X] below as applicable:
[ ] 30 minute Paper Presentation
[ ] 60 minute Workshop Presentation
[ ] 90 minute Colloquium
[X] Virtual Presentation / Virtual Presentation: A paper submitted without the participant attending the conference in person, but eligible to be refereed and published (if accepted) in the journal.
Short Description
(Proposal description) / A visual guidebook can be used to help design students document and develop an awareness of the ways in which they think and work. (24) / A very brief narrative description, one or two sentences in length – maximum of 30 words.
- Entry of more than 30 words not possible as they will be omitted in the publication process.
- For use in the program
Longer Description
(Proposal abstract) / Each of us has unique ways and means of thinking, collectively known as a personal thinking language. However, most of us are unaware of its features. A visual guidebook provides a personal guide to documenting one’s personal thinking language, which is not a visual language alone, but a mix of words andvisuals, and ways of thinking and working with others, and the use of tools. A personal thinking language can be organized by categories, which include graphics, color use, symbols, study skills and time management, private language with collaborators, and influences.
Graphics, color use, and symbols are visual aspects of a thinking language. Diagrams, maps, and paintings, are examples. Structural units of visuals include line, shape, color, motion, texture, pattern, direction, orientation, scale,angle, space and proportion. Study skills and time management may use one or more of the othercategories. Word use, inparticular, constitutes a private language that perhaps only one person is aware of,although most effectively used with one or more others in written or spokenconversation. Influences include teachers in the broadest of terms, distant teachers,whom one has not met, but has been influenced by, and ideas from books and otherworks. (199) / Longer description in the form of an abstract, summary, or synopsis 150-200 words. Entry of more than 200 words not possible as they will be omitted in the publication process.
- May be broken into multiple paragraphs by using line returns.
- Do not use italics or bold text—use single inverted commas to highlight text, such as the titles of books, terms in other languages, etc.
- Do not use references or notes - such information may be provided in the final version of your paper for refereeing.
- As the Short Description may also be sometimes displayed alongside the Longer Description, it is not advisable to repeat any of the wording of the Short Description here.
- For use on website in 'Session Descriptions'
Keyword Set / Metacognition
Design thinking
Design tools / Words or phrases that describe the content of the work.
-Start each keyword or phrase on a new line.
- Maximum 10 entries
Knowledge Focus / [ X ] Practice Focus
[ ] Research Focus
[ ] Theory Focus / Indicate whether your presentation or publication has a Practice Focus, Research Focus or Theory Focus. Choose only one.
Presenter Stream Selection / Place [X] below as applicable:
Conference Stream List
[ ] Information Systems and Architectures
[ ] Digital, Internet and Multimedia Design
[ ] Industrial Design
[ ] Engineering
[ ] Architecture, the Built Environment and Planning
[ ] Social Policy, Culture and Welfare
[ ] Business, Economics, Knowledge Management
[ X ] Instructional Design and Learning Systems
[ ] Design Research
[ ] Design Policy, Planning and Politics / The conference is divided into streams. These are loosely grouped, approximating perspectives, knowledge-bases, professional practices or disciplines.
- Indicate which conference stream most accurately describes the subject of your presentation.
- One or more conference streams may be chosen. If you select more than one stream or ‘other’, the conference organizers will choose a stream based on a reading of your title and abstract, or which seems to fit best with other presentation proposals that have been submitted.
/ Dr. / Titles or qualifications that appear before your name. e.g. Dr; Prof.; Assoc/Prof.; etcGiven Names / Cindy / First or Personal Name
Surname / Beacham / Surname or Family Name
Email / / This is compulsory as your proposals cannot be submitted without an email address.
Your Participation Status / Place [X] below as applicable:
[X] Participant
[ ] Non Participant / Non participants include co-authors who need to be credited, but who are otherwise not participating.
City / Morgantown
State / WV
Country / USA
Position in Organization / Associate Professor, Curriculum Coordinator / Official Position or Job Title
Division in Organization / Department of / Name of the unit within your organization, i.e., the department, division, school/faculty
Affiliated Organization / West Virginia University / Name of your organization, i.e., the university, school, company
Biography / A brief biographical note. Describe your work, background and interests.
- 100-150 words recommended. Entry of more than 200 words not possible.
- Continuous text, within a single paragraph.
Co-Presenters/Co-Authors Contact Details & Naming Order /
Author details in the previous section will be listed as first author unless otherwise specified.
Honorific: Dr.Full Name: Neal Shambaugh
Main Email Address:
Participation Status
[X] Participant
[ ] Non Participant (co-author only, not directly involved with presentation)
Position: Professor, Graduate Programs Coordinator, Instructional Design and Technology
Dept: Technology, Learning & Culture
Organization: West Virginia University
Country: USA
Biography (max. 200 words – OPTIONAL):
Professor and graduate programs coordinator of Instructional Design and Technology. Author of two textbooks on instructional design. Other teaching interests include visual literacy. Previous work experience includes radio announcer, video producer, training program production. / WHEN LISTING PRESENTERS, PLEASE LIST THEM IN ORDER
If there are multiple presenters/authors provide the requested detail of each presenter or author. If you have little detail about the co-presenters/author you will still need to supply the following compulsory information:
- Given name
- Surname
- Email Address
All attending presenters and authors must register separately once the proposal has been accepted.
PLEASE NOTE: If your proposal is accepted, you will need to submit a paid conference registration. To appear in the conference program, you must submit a paid registration to Common Ground. (Although virtual proposals, by definition, will not be included in the conference program, a paid virtual registration must still be submitted to Common Ground.)
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