Name: ______Class:______Date:______

Observations – Label ALL Parts of the Frog

External Anatomy of the Frog – External Anatomy #7

Mouthparts of the Frog – External Anatomy #12

Digestive system and other Parts of the Frog – Digestive System #3

Urogenital System of the Frog – Urogenital System #4

The Frog Heart – Circulatory System #3

Questions: Use your knowledge of frogs to answer the questions below.

  1. Describe how the eyes of a frog close. ______


  1. Describe the movements of the sides of the frog’s body during breathing. ______


  1. Describe how a frog jumps. ______


  1. a. Are the hind legs or the forelegs more important in jumping? ______

b. Are the hind legs or the forelegs more important in landing? ______

  1. Is the skin of the frog smooth or rough? Moist or dry? ______


  1. Describe the color of the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the frog. ______


  1. How many digits are on each of the frog’s hands? ______
  2. How many digits are on each of the frog’s feet? ______
  3. Is your frog male or female? How can you tell? ______
  4. Where is the tongue attached to the mouth? ______
  5. How many lobes does the liver contain? ______
  6. Describe the mesentery that holds the intestines. ______


  1. Describe the general shape, or plan, of the frog’s digestive system. ______


  1. Describe the inside wall of the stomach. ______


  1. Describe the contents of the frog’s stomach. ______


  1. What happens when the air is pumped into the lungs? ______


  1. Compare the walls of the two atria and the ventricle. ______


  1. Describe the movement of the leg muscles as the leg is bent and straightened. ______


Analysis and Conclusions

1. How are the feet of a frog adapted for swimming? ______


2. How is the coloration of the frog an adaptation to its habitat? ______


3. How is the location of the nares an adaptation to living in water? ______

4. The tip of the tongue in a live frog is sticky. What would be the advantage of this? ______

5. How does the length of the small intestine relate to its function in absorbing digested food?


6. Explain why in a frog’s heart the ventricle has a thicker wall than the atrium. ______


Critical Thinking and Application

1.  Frogs are insect eaters. How is the frogs tongue designed for the type of food it eats?


2.  List three adaptations that permit the frog to live on land successfully. ______


3.  List three adaptations that permit the frog to live in water successfully. ______


4.  The frog’s sense organs are located on the top of the head. How does this help the frog when it is in the water? ______
