Finance Board Conference Evaluation Form

The Finance Board will receive important information from your responses so please be as accurate and truthful as possible when filling out this form. Please fill out and return this form to the Finance Board after you get back from your conference. Feel free to attach any other additional information you collected during the conference. Your information may be left in the Proposal Bin in the Student Affairs Suite.

Organization______Name of conference______

Date of conference______Length of conference______

Number of Rider students attended______Location of Conference______

Number of Rider advisors attended______Number of colleges/universities at the conference______

Method of travel______Number of meals paid for by SAF per person______

Location of accommodations in reference to the proximity to the conference (i.e. distance/time)______

Types of information gathering/sharing events (Circle all that apply)

Lectures Workshops Round table discussions Interactive presentations Group meals

Types of icebreakers______


Types of free time activities______


What was your group’s favorite aspect of the conference?______



What was your groups least favorite aspect of the conference?______



Was the conference well organized and did it make a good use of your time?______



What are the most important ideas/programs your group wants to implement on our campus?






Would you recommend that other students should attend this conference in the future? Why or why not.




Please circle the rating you would give each of these categories referring to the conference (1 is low 5 is high)

Transportation to and from the conference: 1 2 3 4 5

Information gathering/sharing events: 1 2 3 4 5

Meals included with the conference if applicable: 1 2 3 4 5

Free time activities: 1 2 3 4 5

Ice Breakers: 1 2 3 4 5

Transportation during the conference if applicable: 1 2 3 4 5

Overall rating of the conference: 1 2 3 4 5

Please attach a copy of the conference itinerary to this form along with any other useful information.

Please use the rest of this form and additional sheets if needed to write any additional comments which might be helpful to your organization or the Finance Board for next year’s proposal.



