MINUTES of a MEETING of the HIGHWAYS and PLANNING COMMITTEE of Bourne Town Council, held on Tuesday 6 January 2009, at 7.30 at the Town Hall, Bourne

(Minuted by Town Clerk)

Present: Chairman Cllr J Smith

Councillors Mrs S Cliffe Mrs P Moisey Mrs K Roche B Fines Mrs L Neal Mrs J Smith D Fisher Mrs H Powell (arr 7.35pm) Mrs S Wilson T Holmes A Prentice 4 members of public/press


Proposed Cllr T Holmes, seconded Cllr Mrs S Wilson and by majority vote

RESOLVED: To approve the reason of apologies for absence from

Councillors D Higgs, Mrs B Johnson and Ms J Pauley


PERSONAL Cllr J Smith Item 8a/Minute 1035P/a Current occupier known to member

PERSONAL Cllr Mrs J Smith Item 8a/Minute 1035P/a Current occupier known to member

PERSONAL Cllr Mrs S Cliffe Item 8a/Minute 1035P/a Current occupier known to member


Nobody indicated any desire to speak on any agenda item


Proposed Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded Cllr Mrs P Moisey and by majority vote

RESOLVED: To approve the above Minutes as a true record and for the Chairman to sign them

7.35pm Cllr Mrs H Powell arrived


Cllr B Fines – Lincs. Playing Field Association - reported on change of proforma for grant applications and that he would be attending the first meeting of the year.

Cllr T Holmes – Development Control - reported on application re Manning Road; no decision had been taken it had been deferred to a future planning meeting.

1033P TO ANSWER QUESTIONS FROM COUNCILLORS - No questions had been received


A) Correspondence for information only – to be received en bloc (available for perusal)

a) S08/1228 MG Skip Hire. Erect a building to enclose permitted waste transfer operations.

MG Skip Hire, Tunnel Bank Road, off Cherry Holt Road Approved

b) LCC _ Temporary Road Closure. A151 Cherry Holt Road/Tunnel Bank. Closures will be in place from 06.00 hrs - 18.00 hrs Sundays 18&25Jan& 01/02/09

c) S08/0922/12 Mr J Strowbridge. Extension to Care Home. The Cedars, Church Wk Approved

d) S08/0881/12 Mrs Bell. Erection of rear conservatory 70 Edinburgh Crescent Approved

e) S08/0876/12 Mr R Edwards, Larkfleet Homes. Erection of Eco demonstration house (Use class B1 (B) Southfields Business Park, Falcon Way Approved

f) S08/0824/12 Mr S Wand. Alterations to form 2 flats. 1A Holt House, Cherry Holt Rd Approved

g) S08/0517/12 Fitzgerald. Demolish existing premises & erect building for retail (A1) financial & professional services (A2) restaurant/café (A3) drinking establishment (A4) and/or hot food takeaway (A5) 17B Abbey Road Approved

h) S08/0870/12 Mr V Roberts. Single Storey rear extension. 55 West Road Approved

i) S08/1012/12 York. Erect1½st office bldg & access rd Victoria Stables, South Rd Approved

j) S08/1190/12 Warners. Change of use from A1 (retail) to C3 (residential) 44 West St Approved

k) A statement from the Prime Minister regarding Royal Mail – (courtesy of LALC). Issued after the announcement of the Hooper Report on the future of the Royal Mail; report warns that this service is under threat due to the impact of changes in technology & consumer choice. Statement promises fulfilment of Manifesto commitment to a publicly owned Royal Mail fully restored to good health by bringing in a partner through minority stake in the Royal Mail’s postal business. Also states that regulation will be reformed, and the ballooning pension fund deficit will be helped.

l) CPRE – Fieldwork December 2008

m) CPRE – newsletter Autumn 2008

n) S08/1191/12 Mr A Stubley. Retain storage container. Moonshine, 1 Churchill Av Approved

o) S08/1244/12 Mrs J Gilsenen, Central Networks East Plc. Installation of 1200mm dish at 33m, 1 x 800mm dish at 47m on existing mast. Bourne Substation, Manor Lane Approved

p) S08/1235/12 Bush Tyres CoU –indust. unit to motor service centre. 12 Cherry HoltSq Refused

q) S08/1260/12 Bourne Un Charities. Demolish & rebuild gate piers. The Abbey Lawn Approved

r) S08/1282/12 Mr/s Barnatt. Erection of conservatory. 68 Edinburgh Crescent Approved

s) S08/1193/12 Mrs B Smith. Extension to existing conservatory 66 Mill Drove Approved

t) S08/1220/12 J Cooper & G Jackson. Change of use of land to residential & retention of stables.

Melrose House, Main Road, Dyke Approved

u) S08/1219/12 Fox Erect indust building(class B2)Fox Fibreglass Ltd Roman Bank Approved

v) S08/1236/FULL Lishman, Erection of Conservatory, 6 West Road Withdrawn

Proposed Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded Cllr A Prentice and unanimously

RESOLVED: To receive items (a) to (v) en bloc

B) Correspondence for discussion

1. South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) - Economic Development Strategy 2009 – 2014

The above is now open to consultation and is available in copy form, by email, CD or on www.southkesteven.gov.uk/EcodevStrategy . The consultation period ends on 31st January

Proposed Cllr Mrs H Powell, seconded Cllr B Fines and by majority vote

RESOLVED: To recommend that the above is received

2. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) - School Admissions Consultation (members had been notified via email on 15.12.08)

The government has introduced a new regulation that enables parents and groups to comment on schools’ admission policies. Governors use the oversubscription element of the admissions policy when the school has more children wanting to attend than places available. The policy therefore decides who is offered a place in the school and who is refused. This policy is very important and each admission authority consults and reviews it every year to make sure it is still serving the needs of the community. The proposed policies that will apply for September 2010 in this area are available on www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/admissionsconsultation - the website explains how to make a comment, which must be before 28th February 2009. (members had been notified via email)

Proposed Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded Cllr Mrs J Smith and unanimously

RESOLVED: To recommend that the above is received

3. English Historic Towns Forum (EHTF)

·  The EHTF was created in 1987 to support professionals working in the historic built environment, influencing policy makers and offering guidance on all areas of the management of historic towns. With Town Councils expected to assume greater responsibility in the future the EHTF has agreed to open its membership to Town and Parish Councils from January 2009, Membership from 1st January 2009 is £200 payable annually.

Proposed Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded Cllr B Fines and unanimously

RESOLVED: To receive the above – at this moment not to subscribe

4. Information from LALC regarding the powers of PCSOs (members had been notified via email on 12.12.08) The current list of the powers that apply to Lincolnshire Police PCSOs.

LALC has notified councils that, according to the Chief Constable, from April 2009 PCSOs in the county will be able to issue parking tickets as some areas have major problems with persistent offenders and there are no traffic wardens. The Chief Constable expects the PCSOs to use this power wisely.

The Clerk reported that this new power would only be for dangerously parked vehicles etc. not for general parking offences.

Proposed Cllr T Holmes, seconded Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously

RESOLVED: To receive the above

5. Local Development Framework for South Kesteven – Draft Submission Core Strategy November 2008

The document has been received on a CD, together with guidance notes on legal compliance and soundness. The representations on the Core Strategy will be examined by an independent Planning Inspector, the purpose of which is to consider whether the Core Strategy complies with legal requirements and is sound. (members had been advised at a meeting on 9.12.08 & copy of guidelines sent to all members)

Proposed Cllr T Holmes, seconded Cllr Mrs J Smith and unanimously

RESOLVED: To receive the above

6 Communities and Local Government – Code of recommended practice on local authority publicity – A Consultation – response by 12 March 2009 (members had been notified via email on 29.12.08) This consultation is the next in a series of Communities in Control consultation documents following the publication of the Local Government Empowerment White Paper, Communities in Control: Real people, real power, on 9 July and building on work still in progress from the 2006 White Paper, Strong and Prosperous Communities. The above document invites views on the content of the Code of recommended practice on local authority publicity. Particular questions on which comments would be welcome are summarised at Annex A.

Proposed Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded Cllr A Prentice and unanimously

RESOLVED: To receive the above for the time being. Anyone interested to obtain a copy from the office; if any comments are received from members the issue would be re- considered through the appropriate committee

7 NALC – Policy & Parliamentary Consultation P32-08 Publication of candidates’ addresses at UK Parliamentary elections (members had been notified via email on 18.12.08 & copy distributed to all members)

The Ministry of Justice is seeking views on whether the addresses of candidates at UK Parliamentary elections should continue to be included on ballot papers and other election documents open to the public. This follows concerns that the current requirement may put at risk the safety and security of MPs, candidates and their families. There are 8 questions. Response direct to Ministry of Justice by 28 January 09 or through NALC by 20 January 2009.

Proposed Cllr T Holmes, seconded Cllr B Fines and by majority vote

RESOLVED: To recommend that individuals respond direct


Resolved for the following observations to be forwarded:

PREJUDICIAL Interest declared by Cllr A Prentice for item (a) and (c) due to work involvement

and he left the meeting

a) Ref: 1) S08/1300/12/JJ/PC1 & 2) S08/LB/7086/12/JJ/PC1

Applicant Mr Roger Hill, Roger Hill Design Consultants Ltd

Proposal 1) Re-development of offices & land to provide 10 residential

Apartments with ground floor office space

2) Extension & alterations to Listed Building

Location 1 & 1A West Street

Application Type Major Full - Residential & Listed Building Consent

Proposed Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded Cllr Mrs H Powell and resolved by majority vote

OBSERVATION: No objections for both of the above applications

b) Ref: S08/1327/12/PWM/PC1

Applicant Mr A Mallard, Barker Storey Matthews

Proposal Change of use from A5 (hot food takeaway) to B1a (office)

Location Former Tasti Bites, Cherry Holt Road

Application Type Full Planning Permission

Proposed Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded Cllr Mrs S Wilson and unanimously resolved

OBSERVATION: No objections

c) Ref: S08/1360/12/RV/PC1

Applicant Mr & Mrs C Lees

Proposal Erection of 2 commercial units (classes A1, A2 & A3)

Location R/o 28 West Street

Application Type Reserved Matters

Proposed Cllr Mrs L Neal, seconded Cllr B Fines and unanimously resolved

OBSERVATION: Bourne Town Council does not wish to make any comments because the council was unanimously against the principle of the initial Planning Application.

Cllr A Prentice returned to the meeting

d) Ref: S08/1368/12/PWM/PC1

Applicant Mr & Mrs Kaufman

Proposal Erection of conservatory

Location 40 Coggles Causeway

Application Type Full Planning Permission

Proposed Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded Cllr Mrs H Powell and unanimously resolved

OBSERVATION: No objections

e) Ref: S08/1379/12/RV/PC1

Applicant Mrs Kirk

Proposal Erection of conservatory

Location 1 Pinewood Close

Application Type Full Planning Permission

Proposed Cllr Mrs H Powell, seconded Cllr Mrs S Cliffe unanimously resolved

OBSERVATION: No objections


The Clerk – An Agenda for the Bourne Area Local Forum to be held on 15 January 2009 at Morton Village Hall, has been received – members to contact the office if for a copy.

The Clerk – Notification has been received that the Government has announced that it will abandon its plans to change dispensing by doctors.

The Clerk was asked to also check on other schools’ websites.

Due to there being no further business the Chairman declared the Meeting closed at 8.25pm


Highways and Planning Committee Meeting held on 06.01.09