PO BOX 249

Whitney Point, NY 13862

Date: October 3, 2006

Board members met with Gerry Mickelson at 6:15 p.m., in the Boardroom as the Audit Committee, prior to the regular meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Joseph Silvanic

Present Absent

Joseph Silvanic President x

James DiMascio Vice President x

Stephanie Champney Member x

Andrew Palmer Member x

Sara Benscoter Member x

Marlene Smith Member x

Kathleen Driscoll Member x

Carol Eaton Superintendent of Schools x

Jeffrey A. L’Amoreaux District Clerk x

Others in attendance: Mary Ellerson, Bronson Randall, Mary Hibbard, Jill Beebe, Connie Newhart, Earl Newhart, Bob Coles, Bob Hodge, Charlene Leonard, Penny Leonard, Eddie Maslin

1. Dr. Eaton recommended the Minutes of the meeting held on September 19, 2006 and the Warrant for the period ending September 29, 2006 be approved.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by James DiMascio

6 Aye 0 Nay 0Abstained APPROVED

Superintendent recommends the warrant for this period be approved as a consent agenda item.


Dr. Eaton commended:

The Whitney Point Rotary Club for the gift of individual Merriam-Webster Dictionaries for every 4th and 5th grader in the Intermediate School. Mr. Robert Coles was present to give this gift to the Board of Education and School District. Dr. Eaton recommends Board acceptance of the Rotary gift of dictionaries to the grade 4 and grade 5 Intermediate School.

Moved by Sara Benscoter-with appreciation Seconded by Stephanie Champney

6 Aye 0 Nay 0Abstained APPROVED

·  Andrea Stanley, and her students and other teachers for the outstanding mural in the Intermediate School. The mural and Andrea’s class were featured in the Press and

Sun-Bulletin, as well as an appearance Channel 34. The project and its background were included in the attached release.

·  Mrs. Jay Whitelaw and her staff members for their annual Open House on Thursday, September 29, 2006.

·  The Whitney Point school district for holding a food drive to help the area’s food pantries. The Intermediate school will be collecting food during the week of October 2, 2006. Information regarding the food drive was included in the Board packet.


A request for WPCSD to be a shelter for animals during emergencies and evacuations was received. A copy of the request was included in this Board packet.


Dr. Eaton has included additional information regarding the policies offered at the last Board meeting for First Reading. The policies and information are attached in this packet.

Comments From The Public

Mary Ellerson spoke for PTA about security. They felt a total lockdown may be a good idea given all the problems that have occurred nationwide over the past several week. Mr. Silvanic agreed with her and told her the school was increasing security measures this week. Mr. Hodge spoke and said he has come into the buildings 3 times without anyone approaching him, he felt there needed to be someone in each building making people sign in. Dr. Eaton has all main entrances being manned effective October 4th by aides and monitors. Badges should be worn by all employees at all times. No doors are to be propped open and doors are being checked throughout the day to make sure they are locked. Sara Benscoter thanked Dr. Eaton and the administrators for acting on this issue so quickly.


Renovation update

Jeff L’Amoreaux reported on the status of the Renovation Project to date, including the site work bidding process.

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval to reconvene the Facilities Committee, beginning in November 2006, in order to review and redefine the scope of the second renovation project for WPCSD. A report from the Committee would be expected to be given to the Board around May 1, 2007.

Moved by Kathleen Driscoll Seconded by James DiMascio

6 Aye 0 Nay 0Abstained APPROVED

c.  Community Planning Committee Update

Dr. Eaton enclosed the agenda of the most recent meeting of the Community Planning Committee. She and Mr. DiMascio reported on the various activities. The Fall Festival, chaired by Mary Hibbard, will take place this year on Saturday, October 28, 2006. James DiMascio talked about the Business Association meeting September 26th, and the presentation from Thoma Consulting regarding the Main Street Grant Program that the Village of Whitney Point has entered into an agreement with to look into renovating downtown Whitney Point and the Route 11 corridor.


a.  SBR Report on Energy Education

Mr. Eddie Maslin presented the latest information regarding the effectiveness of the Energy Education Program in Whitney Point since it was introduced two years ago. Materials were included in the agenda packet. Gross savings since the implementation has been $169,000 and the net savings has been around $50,000. After 2 more years, the consulting fee will be paid in full and our net savings will be even higher each year.

b.  Summer Maintenance Report

Mr. Eddie Maslin presented his report on the work that was completed during the summer of 2006. An overview was presented. The Board thanked the entire custodial group for their efforts in the summer, as well as the entire year.

c. Treasurer’s Report and Reserve Fund Transfer

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of the enclosed audit report.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Sara Benscoter

6 Aye 0 Nay 0Abstained APPROVED

d. School Materials Auction

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of a school materials auction containing the items to be auctioned. The list provided by Eddie Maslin was attached to the agenda. The auction will be held October 7th by Manasee’s at the Fairgrounds.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

6 Aye 0 Nay 0Abstained APPROVED

e. Committee on Special Education

Dr. Eaton requested Board approval the recommendations of the Committee on Special Education.

Moved by James DiMascio Seconded by Sara Benscoter

6 Aye 0 Nay 0Abstained APPROVED

f. Appointments

Dr. Eaton recommended the Board approve the hiring of Edna Ford as a Bus Monitor, effective September 18, 2006.

Moved by Katheen Driscoll Seconded by Stephanie Champney

6 Aye 0 Nay 0Abstained APPROVED

Dr. Eaton recommended the Board approve the hiring of Gordon Boyce as a Bus Monitor, effective September 27, 2006.

Moved by James DiMascio Seconded by Sara Benscoter

6 Aye 0 Nay 0Abstained APPROVED

Public Comment

Mary Ellerson announced that she is going to recognize Andrea Stanley and her class for their mural display at the Middle School, and the custodial department for the work over the summer, at a home basketball game.


a.  Committee on Special Education

Dr. Eaton requested Board approval of the additional recommendation of the Committee on Special Education.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by James DiMascio

6 Aye 0 Nay 0Abstained APPROVED

b. Resolution

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of the following resolution:

Be it resolved that Andrew Palmer, Whitney Point Central School District Board of Education Trustee, will be on a leave of absence from said Board from September 25, 2006, until January 1, 2007, and that he will return to the Board of Education at that time.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by James DiMascio

6 Aye 0 Nay 0Abstained APPROVED

c. Field Trip Request

Dr. Eaton recommended the Board approve the request from Jo-Anne Knapp for grade 6 students to attend a concert at the Anderson Center at BU, on Friday, October 13, 2006. Information regarding the request was provided to the Board.

Moved by Kathleen Driscoll Seconded by Stephanie Champney

6 Aye 0 Nay 0Abstained APPROVED

d. Non-Resident Student

Dr. Eaton recommended the Board approve Brianna Ellis, as a non-resident student for the 2006-2007 school year as a grade 12 student.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

6 Aye 0 Nay 0Abstained APPROVED

e. Transportation Request

Dr. Eaton recommended the Board approve the request from Jill Dunham, Whitney Point Pre-School, for school bus transportation to the Anderson Center, Friday, October 13, 2006. All costs incurred will be paid by the Pre-School. Information regarding the request was included in the Board packet.

Moved by Sara Benscoter Seconded by James DiMascio

6 Aye 0 Nay 0Abstained APPROVED

For Your Information

First Meeting of the Health Consortium, Friday, November 3, 2006 at the Binghamton Club at 6:30 p.m.

Executive Session

For the purpose of a follow up personnel discussion

Future Board Dates:

October 17, 2006: Celebration of Calendar Student Artists

Policies for Second Reading

Financial Report

Student Achievement Accountability Report II

Renovation Report

November 7, 2006: Treasurer’s Report

Renovation Report

Health Consortium Update

A motion was made to move to Executive Session at 8:13 pm.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by James DiMascio

6 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:46 p.m.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by James DiMascio

7 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

Jeffrey L’Amoreaux

District Clerk

Whitney Point Central Schools

Executive Session

PO Box 249

Whitney Point, NY 13862

OCTOBER 3, 2006

Joseph Silvanic called the meeting to order at 8:14 p.m.

Position Present Absent

Joseph Silvanic President X

James DiMascio Vice-President X

Stephanie Champney Member X

Andrew Palmer Member X

Sara Benscoter Member X

Marlene Smith Member X

Kathleen Driscoll Member X

Dr. Carol Eaton Superintendent X

Jeffrey A. L’Amoreaux District Clerk X

A motion was made to adjourn the Executive Session at 8:45 p.m.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

6 Aye 0 Nay 0Abstained APPROVED

Jeffrey L’Amoreaux

District Clerk