MINUTES of the meeting of the SUPPORTING ETHNIC MINORITY ACHIEVEMENT TOPIC GROUP held on Tuesday, 7 November 2006 at
S A Batson (Chairman),P A Cherry, R J Clarkson, P V Goggins, D J Hewitt,
B J Lamb, J Morton
Also present: D Billing, R Clements.
Andrew Griffiths, Planning and Finance Officer, MECSS
Shahla Taheri-White, Head of Service, MECSS
Natalie Rotherham, Scrutiny Officer
Elaine Shell, Democratic Services Officer
Elaine Gibson, Trainee Democratic Services Officer
Apologies for absence were received from DWilliams and J Donovan.
1. / MINUTESThe minutes of the meeting of the Topic Group held on 5 October2006 were confirmed as a correct record, subject to the following amendment:
“that the word “over” in line two of point 6, paragraph 4.1 be revised to read “high”.
The minutes, as amended, were then signed by the Chairman. / Elaine Shell
Paragraph 6.2 of the minutes of the Topic Group meeting held on 5 October 2006
The head teacher of the school in Haringey appearing in a recent BBC documentary about raising EM pupil achievement, had agreed to send a copy of the school’s policy document to the Topic Group. However, despite several emails and letters requesting the document, nothing had been received.
It was AGREED that the Group’s final report should include a recommendation that officers continue to explore/investigate examples of good practice from which Herfordshire can learn. / Natalie Rotherham/Elaine Shell
Andrew Griffiths, Planning and Finance Officer, for MECSS, provided members with a live demonstration of the information on MECSS as found on the
A paper summarising the information found on the website was noted [tabled, further copies are available on request from Elaine Shell, Democratic Services Officer, Tel 01992 555367].
The paper also set out proposals for future enhancements to the website. Other improvements put forward by members for consideration were as follows:
- That information be provided in as many different languages as possible, or, alternatively, that the website have links to sites that can translate the information given.
- That colours used for text on the site be those easiest to read (some colours are more difficult to read for those with a visual disability)
- That some of the information provided, such as that on bullying and racism, be expanded.
- That the site be made as ‘child friendly’ as possible, for those children who might wish to access information and advice themselves.
- That the links between MECSS information and other Hertsdirect sites which are relevant to young people, be increased.
- That information given on the website be regularly updated.
- That ‘web-counters’ be used, so that the number of people using the site can be easily calculated.
- That a ‘did you find this page useful’ question be included on the site, both as a measure of effectiveness and for feedback on what information the user would have liked to have found
- That contact telephone numbers be given alongside email addresses, for those without their own email accounts.
- That the number of ‘user friendly’ words/terms on which a search can be conducted, leading to the MECSS website, be increased.
- That FAQs (frequently asked questions) be listed on one page, with the answers on the second page, rather than questions and answers being given together.
- That feedback on navigating the existing site and suggestions for improvements to it be sought from outside agencies likely to useit (eg, the BME Education Forum).
As requested by members at their October meeting, the Topic Group received a report summarising the, now defunct, ‘MERIT’ project, which had been managed by the WREC (Watford Race Equality Council) prior to its cessation.
Members noted that there wasno advocacy service for BME children in Hertfordshire at the current time. However, it was also noted thatCSF had been looking at providing anadvocacy service for all children, and that they would be tendering for an expanded advocacy service that would incorporate ‘Looked After Children’ and children ‘in need’, including those involved in child protection (ie one advocacy service for all children receiving social care services, including children from BME communities).
It was anticipated that the specification for this service would be completed by the end of October. Members AGREED that the views of the Herts Infrastructure Consortium be sought on what the specification should include.
Once the specification had been prepared, CSF would go out to tender (November) and the provider would be determined by January 2007. The service would commence as soon as possible after this.
It was AGREED that the Group’s report should note the need for a countywide advocacy service but delete mention of the MERIT project. / Shahla Taheri-White
Natalie Rotherham/Elaine Shell
7.1 / A paper summarising the consultation on ‘the future development of extended schools’ (held between 25 September and 3 November 2006) was received for information. [Copies are available on request from Elaine Shell, Democratic Services Officer, Tel 01992 555367].
Members noted the DfES definition of an extended school as:
“a school that recognises that it cannot work alone in helping children and young people to achieve their potential, and therefore decides to work in partnership with other agencies that have an interest in outcomes for children and young people, and with the local community. In doing so, it aims to help meet not only the school’s objectives but also to share in helping to meet the wider needs of children, young people, families and their community.”
And the benefits offered by them as:
“The major benefits to children, young people and adults were enhanced self confidence, improved relationships, raised aspirations and better attitudes to learning.”
Members noted the role of complementary and supplementary schools within (these definitions of) the extended schools programme.
It was AGREED that the final report of the Topic Group should recommend that it be a responsibility of the extended schools co-ordinator to make contact with (all 55 known) complementary and supplementary schools in the County.
Consideration was given to the second draft of the Topic Group’s final report. [The report would be presented to the CSF Scrutiny Committee at their December meeting].
The following amendments, applicable to the whole document, were AGREED:
- The narrative of the report be consistent; the present tense should be used.
- The findings detailed in the main body of the report follow the same order as the findings listed at the beginning of the report.
- Membership of the Topic Group be listed as an appendix to the report.
- Where the titles of policy documents etc are given, that these should be shown in italics
- Amendments in the next draft be clearly identified.
- That progress made on all the recommendations made by the Topic Group be evaluated, within the scrutiny process, in June 2007. This should form a recommendation in the report.
- Members should email Natalie Rotherham or Elaine Shell with any further comments and/or amendments
The glossary should be completed where gaps currently exist and should also include the following terms
- ‘Aiming High’
- Soundfill systems
- Complementary schools
- Supplementary schools
- Green card
- Reference to the ‘OSC’ in paragraph 2 should be revised to read ‘Overview and Scrutiny Committee’
- ‘Executive member for schools’ be revised to read ‘Executivemember for Education’
- Remit of the Topic Group;
(ii)Add a question mark to the end of issue 1
- Finding 2, line 1; Delete the words ‘The significance of’
- Finding 5, line 2; Delete ‘eligible’ and insert ‘available’
- Finding 6; Revise to read ‘Hertfordshire schools have accumulated reserves of £40 million’
- Findings 5 and 7; Reword to form one recommendation
- Finding 8; Reword to reflect the fact that members observed the use of sound-fill systems and were impressed by their effectiveness
- Add findings on
-Advocacy service (no longer exists)
-Extended schools (role of Complementary and Supplementary schools)
-Traveller groups (tbc following members’ meeting with representatives of the traveller community on 23 November (see 7 below))
- Finding 9; Delete as a finding, reword and add as a recommendation
- Recommendation 1; Delete and use reworded finding 9 (above) as recommendation 1
- Recommendation 2; Add to end ‘, particularly through the extended schools initiative’
- Recommendation 3, line 1; Delete the word ‘performing’ and insert ‘achieving’
- Recommendation 4; Reword to add in the positive impact to schools’ finances of increasing the take up of free school meals
- Recommendation 6; Expand to include reference to the ‘teacher role model’ (see recommendation 10 below)
- Recommendation 7; Combine with recommendation 9
- Recommendation 8; Delete the word ‘ business’ in line 1, and add reference to the role of school champions
- Recommendation 9; Delete the words ‘underspent by’ and insert ‘haveaccumulated reserves of’ ; Combine with recommendation 7 (see above),
- Recommendation 10; Delete as a recommendation and add the reference to the ‘teacher role model’ as a means of raising expectations and aspirations to recommendation 6 (see above)
- Recommendation 11; Reword (should refer to ‘chairs’ of governing bodies; these groups of people should be reminded of their responsibilities regarding racial issues etc)
- New recommendations on
- Advocacy service (no longer exists, a county wide service should be established as soon as possible)
- Extended schools (role of Complementary and Supplementary schools; to include minute 5.5 above)
- Traveller groups (tbc following members’ meeting with representatives of the traveller community on 23 November (see 7 below))
- Evaluation and monitoring (see bullet point 6, paragraph 6.2 above)
- The need for the Authority to encourage the active recruitment of school governors from the BME community
- The need for officers to continue to explore/investigate examples of good practice from which Hertfordshire can learn (see 2.2 above)
Main body of the Report
- The local community leadership role of members should be noted in the main body of the report.
- Page 10, paragraph 5.6; to be reworked (delete all mention of MERIT)
- Pages 14 – 17; to be reworked
Traveller Groups
It was AGREED that an evening meeting with the Head of Service (Travellers) and some of the traveller community, to discuss how travellers are currently being supported, and to identify any specific issues that need addressing, be held as follows:
Date : 23 November 2006
Time: 7.30pm
Venue:HollybushSchool, Hertford
Attendees: All those members able to make this date/time
Elaine Shell
Democratic Services Officer
October 2006 / Natalie Rotherham/Elaine Shell
Natalie Rotherham/Elaine Shell to note all
Members of the Topic Group
Shahla Taheri-White to confirm details to members by email