Kentucky Rehabilitation Association
Board Meeting
Friday January 28th, 2010
Lexington, KY
In Attendance:
Keith Banks, KRA President Pat Butch, JPD President
Jamie Yarber, KRA President-Elect Rosemary Moore, JPD President-Elect
Elodie Dickinson, Secretary Jonathan White, KARL President
Alan Gullett, Treasurer Holly Hendricks, Board Member
David Beach, KRA Past-president Jason Herron, Board Member
Todd Hines, KRCEA President Debbie Perry, Committee Member
Teresa Barney, Finance Committee Mentor Jane Smith, KARL Secretary / Treasurer
Roxana Robinson, Board Member
David Beach presented training on ‘Strategic Planning Strategies’ at 11:00 a.m.
Call to Order
Keith Banks called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m. The motion was seconded by Jonathan White. Motion carried.
Reading of the Minutes
Motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes made by Keith Banks. Seconded by Jonathan White. Motion carried.
President’s Report
Keith has updated the KRA website. The new website is: Keith reviewed the website and asked for suggestions. Board & committee members commended Mr. Banks on the quality of his work on the website. Mr. Banks also made a suggestion of developing a history of KRA to put on the website. Photos of past conferences to put on the website were discussed. Mr. Banks also proposed an idea of having a KRA newsletter where members could submit writings. Holly Hendricks volunteered to work on creating a Power Point that can be downloaded onto KRA’ s website that can be used to present to companies / agencies for the purposes of corporate sponsorship / membership recruitment.
Treasurer’s Report
Alan Gullet presented the Treasurer’s report and the 2011 Budget. Current check book balance is $31,218.09 as of 1/28/11. Mr. Gullet submitted the 2011 Proposed KRA Budget, as well as the 2011 Travel Proposed Budget. Holly Hendricks made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded by Jane Smith. Motion passed.
Division Reports
No report as this time
No report at this time
Pat Butcher submitted the KJPD Board minutes that was held on November 10th in Elizabethtown. JPD’s profit from the pre-conference was $2,647.98. New officers were elected for 2011. The 2011 Budget was submitted and approved. Discussion at the meeting was given as to the preconference speaker. One suggestion is to have a lawyer come in and give a more in-depth training on how to read background checks.
No report at this time
Committee Reports
KRA Conference
Jamie Yarber requested assistance with volunteers for the 2011 KRA conference committees. The following nominations were made:
Registration: Holly Hendricks
Facilitation: Teresa Barney
President’s Reception: Erin Hopper & Heather Cole
Presenters: David Beach & Dave Mathis
Presenters Gifts: Roxana Robinson
Necrology: Carla Joseph
Goody Bag Committee: Scott Coulter
Exhibitors: Jason Herron
Ads: Jane Smith
Program Guide: Todd Hines
Corporate Sponsorship: Elodie Dickinson & Debbie Perry
Teresa Barney discussed the questionnaire that was sent out to all KRA members through Survey Monkey requesting feedback on what members would like to see presented at the 2011 KRA conference.
Necrology – Discussion of KRA members who have passed away since the May 2010 conference- Clifton Rice was identified as one member.
Conference will be held in Biloxi, MS., from May 24-27, 2011
Corporate Sponsorship:
Debbie Perry has confirmed Goodwill’s sponsorship for the 2011 KRA conference in the amount of $5,000.
Debbie Perry proposed an opening speaker: Jodi Julseth, Award-Winning Diversity Champion, who works for Best Buy. Debbie hopes that Best Buy may be willing to be a KRA sponsor if Jodi can come and speak at the conference. Debbie also proposed Kevin Kling as a closing speaker. He is a quadriplegic, who is a motivational speaker. She has seen him and recommends him.
Keith Banks reported that as of January 2011, KRA has approximately 246 members. It was suggested that a membership challenge should be made to each board member to recruit at least 1 new member.
No report at this time.
Report submitted by Roxana Robinson. There was a $1,000 scholarship winner for 2010, who was nominated by Erin Hopper. Checking account balance is $3,844.82. Roxana requested assistance with door prizes for the golf scramble.
By-laws- No changes or updates.
Education and Advocacy
Discussion of which board members would be attending the “Governmental Affairs Summit” in Alexandria, VA from March 20th – 22nd, 2011. David Beach discussed a proposed partnership between OVR, OFB, KRA, APSE, Protection & Advocacy, and UK’s MRC program to organize an Advocacy Day Event in Frankfort, KY.
Accessibility- no report at this time.
New Business
Next KRA Board meeting will occur the same day as the KRA 3rd Annual Keeneland Day at Keeneland for current KRA members, as well as a recruitment event for new members. The tentative date is April 22nd.
Keith made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:14 p.m. Motion seconded by Jane Smith. Meeting was adjourned.