The Maryland State Conference

on Gifted and Talented Education

October 21, 2011

sponsored by Maryland Educators of Gifted Students (MEGS)

and the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE)


ou are invited to submit a proposal for a one-hour presentation on Friday,

October 21, 2011 at the Maryland State Conference on Gifted and Talented Education. We are looking for proposals reflecting best practices for Grades K - 12 in these topics:


Instructional Needs of Gifted Learners, K - 12:

  • Acceleration
  • Advocacy for Gifted Learners
  • Beyond AP: Creativity in the High school Content Areas
  • Brain Research
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Creativity/Creative Thinking
  • extracurricular opportunities
  • Higher Level Thinking
  • Independent investigations
  • Invention
  • Mentorships/internships
  • Online learning
  • Problem-based learning
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

Underrepresented Populations in Gifted Education:

  • Culturally or linguistically diverse gifted students
  • Gender underrepresentation in gifted programs
  • Students living in poverty
  • Twice Exceptional gifted students with disabilities

All Applications must be Typed on this Form and submitted via Email

By May 2, 2011


Gifted Education: Cultivating Creative Minds

Maryland State Conferenceon Gifted and Talented Education

Friday, October 21, 2011

Please TYPE information into Column 2 of the table. Table will expand to fit contents.

Title of Presentation
Conference Topic (from Call for Proposals):
Lead Presenter Information (key contact).
School System/Agency
School/Agency Address
Home Address
Work Phone
Home Phone
Email Address
Name of Co-presenter (Type NONE if no co-presenter.)
Address of Co-presenter
Targeted Audience (Place an X in column 2)
Classroom Teachers
Resource Teachers
School Administrators
Curriculum Specialists
Targeted Grade Levels (Place an X in column 2 )
Primary Grades, K-2
Intermediate Grades, 3-5
Middle Grades, 6 – 8
High School, 9 - 12
Targeted Session Complexity(Place an X in column 2)
Introductory – Appropriate for those with little or no experience in the field of gifted education
Experienced – Appropriate for those individuals with experience in the field of gifted education


Conference Proposal Description

Type your proposal into Column 2 of the table. Table will expand to fit contents.

Please describe your proposed presentation’s:

  1. Outcomes for participants

  1. Connection to conference theme “Gifted Education: Cultivating Creative Minds”

  1. Research-based or best-practices demonstrated in the presentation

  1. Session activities/materials provided

  1. Lead presenter’s experience in gifted education

Session Abstract

In no more than 75 words, clearly and concisely describe your presentation. Include your desired outcome for the participants and any distinctive features of the presentation. This abstract will be used in the program if your proposal is accepted.


Challenging Gifted Primary Students

In today’s primary classrooms, teachers are faced with students having a wide range of abilities and experiences. Instruction must be differentiated in order to meet such diverse individual needs. Participants will become familiar with the unique needs of the young gifted child. Various ideas, strategies, and materials to keep children engaged and challenged will be presented.

Type your session title and abstract in the Table below:

  1. Statement of Intent: Please read carefully.

Should this proposal be accepted, I/we agree to take part in this program, register for the conference, and pay the registration fees, if applicable. Each lead presenter will receive one free registration. Registration information will be mailed at a later date.

Presentation rooms are equipped with an overhead projector and screen.Additional AV equipment will be the sole responsibility of the presenter. It will be the responsibility of the Lead Presenter to notify the Co-presenter (if applicable) of the acceptance or non-acceptance of this proposal and to inform the Proposal Committee regarding commitment to present.

I/we agree to provide handouts for 40participants.

EMAIL this completed document as an attachmentby May 2, 2011 to

Dr. Jeanne Paynter, Specialist for Gifted Education

Maryland State Department of Education