Six ways Ballet is beneficial to your child!

Ballet isn’t about just the pretty tutus! Not only will your child be instructed in beautiful movement, they will also work hard and improve their bodies while doing it! Below are six different ways that Ballet is beneficial to your child!

  1. Cardiovascular Endurance – Experts say that doing Ballet can improve a student’s cardiovascular endurance. This means they will have a stronger heart and stronger lungs! Just because Ballet is slow movement, it doesn’t mean that students participating in it cannot build up their endurance!
  1. Muscular Strength – Your child can become much stronger while they are participating in Ballet. Every time they jump off the floor, point their feet, or perform a plié they are building muscles strength. Even though Ballet dancers are strong, the muscles are still lean, meaning they will not be bulky. Your little one is already working on a strong body!
  1. Flexibility – Almost every movement a dancer performs requires some form of flexibility. In Ballet class, dancers work on this every week whether they realize it or not! Simple stretching and warm-up will get your child where they need to be as a dancer!
  1. Posture – Everyone knows someone who has amazing posture and carries themselves with class. Wouldn’t you love for your child to grow up this way? Ballet can help! Ballerinas must carry themselves with grace and with their bodies aligned properly. If your child practices this now, they could reduce their chance of pain in their joints and muscles later in life!
  1. Balance and Coordination – For a Ballerina to move flawlessly on stage as she does, she has to have great balance and coordination. This isn’t just used on the stage though, everyone could find it beneficial to have better balance and coordination. These qualities can help wih everyday things such as walking down the stairs or doing things on the playground at school.
  1. Thinking Skills – Ballet may look easy, but it is not. Ballerinas have to think of multiple things at one time. This can help students with their school work as they get older and improve their critical thinking skills!

Thank you so much for letting your child take this class! I hope this gives you a better understanding of how beneficial Ballet actually is!