The Epic of Gilgamesh Graphic Epic Group Project

1.  Get into a group of five people.

2.  Read the Epic of Gilgamesh (YES, ALL OF IT!).

3.  Each group will be assigned a section of the epic with which to work. Each group will create a graphic epic strip to illustrate the main events of the assigned section.

4.  Requirements/Suggestions:

a.  Your section of the graphic epic must fit on ONE page (just front OR front and back)

b.  You must have dialogue with most of your illustrations (narrative is fine as long as there is dialogue as well).

c.  Use to select what layout you wish to use for your graphic epic strip. You may choose the same one or different ones for the front and back of your page if it is applicable.

d.  A list of ten vocabulary words from the assigned section of the epic must accompany your graphic epic strip. For each word, you must provide a definition in your own words (instead of providing a dictionary-worded definition) give an explanation of how each word is used in the story. This list should accompany the graphic epic strip (not included in the one page limit for the graphic epic strip).

5.  Each group member will have a specific job they will sign in for, on which they will be evaluated. Group members MUST WORK TOGETHER to create the final product.

Group member roles

Background artist: This person is in charge of designing the background artwork in each box and making certain that it accurately relates information presented in the epic.

Character artist: This person is in charge of designing the character portrayals in each box and making certain that it accurately relates information presented in the epic.

Captions: This person is in charge of creating the wording for the captions, writing them neatly in each callout and making certain that it accurately relates information presented in the epic.

Reader/Editor: This person is in charge of proofreading the epic and the vocabulary list for any spelling/grammatical errors PRIOR to submission of the graphic epic strip. They are also in charge of making sure that both the vocabulary list and the graphic epic strip are aesthetically pleasing and understandable.

Scholar: This person is in charge of creating the vocabulary list with accompanying definitions and explanations.

In the event of groups under five members – roles may be combined. Your group grade will be worth a quiz grade and your individual grade will be worth a quiz grade. This project will mainly be completed as an OUTSIDE of class project. You MAY ask questions and receive some time in class to meet with your group but exchange contact information with your group mates for optimal success.

Graphic Epic Strip due: Friday October 12, 2012