TheVoice of the Council for the Modern Age
A number of images can be used to reflect an understanding of Church. The predominant image advanced bythe Council was People of God having an inclusive
character based on baptism with the sense of all thefaithful guaranteeing infallibility of the Church. Collegialityof the bishops with the Pope in governing the
universal Church was firmly endorsed. The laity hasrights and responsibilities in order to contribute to thelife and well-being of the Church.
The Second Vatican Council – An Explanation
Discuss other ways in which the church continues to understand her presence in the world.
How do we understand our communion with the bishop of the diocese?
Am I living my Baptismal responsibilities at home and in society?
The Council encouraged Catholics to play a full part in the work for Christian unity both in prayer, the soul of ecumenism, and action. Recognising that there were faults on both sides it called for an inner conversion. Catholics are to study, know and value the riches in other Christian traditions.
The Second Vatican Council-An Explanation
How does the church fulfil its role in bringing to completion the prayer of Christ, ‘May they all be one...’?
Discuss the ways we already do and can continue to aid the move for Christian unity.
What faults and defects of character hold me back from the inner conversion in my life?
Reform of the liturgy was to enable full, active, conscious participation of all the laity in its celebration. This reflected the understanding of the Church as all the baptised. The Council proposed a noble simplicitywhereby the rites are short, clear, free from useless repetition and within people’s powers of comprehension without need for much, if any, explanation. The Eucharist is the source and summit from which the life of the Church flows.
The Second Vatican Council – An Explanation
How does the church encourage us all to share the responsibility of reverent and respect filled celebrations of the liturgy?
Do I play my part in the liturgy or leave it all to others, even though I share the same baptismal responsibility?
How do we make the Eucharist the source of our life and bear the fruits in daily life – ‘glorify the Lord by your life’?