Job Description / London Development Officer
Responsible To / The Executive Officer for London and the South of England
Responsible For / Volunteers in the areas identified
Hours of Work / 5 days per week some evenings and weekends may be necessary
Place of Work / Home Based
Salary / £25,000

Contact the Elderly’s Mission:

  • To relieve the loneliness of frail, isolated elderly people who live alone with little or no support from family, friends or Social Services.
  • To encourage volunteers to find enjoyment and fulfillment in achieving our purpose, by providing a unique and valuable nationwide service of regular companionship for lonely elderly people.

Purpose of job:

In line with the charity’s mission, the Development Officer will grow the number of Contact the Elderly groups in the London Boroughs north of the river, as identified as areas of need for the service. To recruit, motivate and support volunteers as well as identify elderly beneficiaries. Raise awareness amongst the public, voluntary sector and referrers.

Main tasks and responsibilities

(i) Managing and developing Groups

  • In conjunction with the Executive Officer for London and the South, assess new areas of greatest need (older people) and opportunity (volunteers), starting new groups.
  • Recruit core volunteers (drivers, hosts and coordinators), create more volunteering opportunities that aid our work (e.g. in media, marketing, fundraising) and identify older beneficiaries using local media and relevant organisations pursuing all leads.
  • Hold an induction meeting for new volunteers and periodic updates to ensure all understand the work and ethos of the charity.
  • Identify a Group Coordinator for the Group; establish and maintain regular, warm and supportive contact with the coordinator and ensure referrals are dealt with promptly.
  • Ensure CtE paper and electronic processes and systems are followed e.g. seeking references, CRB checks, keeping the database up-to-date.
  • Liaise with referral agencies to recruit genuinely isolated older members e.g. social services and other public, private and voluntary sector organisations concerned with elderly people.
  • Explore employee volunteering opportunities with local companies.
  • Establish speaking opportunities with various organisations.
  • Identify areas of risk, implement a remedy and create new opportunities for recruiting volunteers and attracting referrals.
  • Manage a portfolio of groups, both established and new groups generated by this role.

(ii) Promotion & Publicity

  • Develop good relations, secure and follow through media opportunities to increase awareness of CtE through local press, radio, TV, magazines, use of the Exhibition Stand etc.
  • Seek editorial articles, interviews and community programme time.
  • Place leaflets/posters in/on libraries, staff notice boards, clubs & societies including churches etc.
  • Cultivate local dignitaries – mayors, MPs, celebrities etc.

(iii) Finance and Fundraising

  • Make regular, documented expense claims to Head Office.
  • Manage your budget.
  • Inform National Office of any fundraising needs or opportunities – such as local authority grants, companies, trusts or individuals.

(iv) National Office Procedures

  • Prepare monthly reports for management, including accurate statistics.
  • Provide material including photographs and quotes for newsletters and annual reports.
  • Attend staff/regional/annual meetings and training courses as required.
  • Share ‘good practice’ in working with volunteers and elderly clients.
  • Carry out any other reasonable tasks assigned to you by your line manager.

Person Specification:

Job Title: London Development Officer


  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills [written, verbal]
  • Understanding of and empathy with the issues affecting older people who are isolated and lonely
  • Ability to engage with and communicate appropriately with older people and generally with people from all walks of life
  • Organised and methodical approach to work
  • Self motivated and the ability to work with minimal supervision and under pressure to deadlines
  • An ability to work on one’s own initiative as well as part of a team
  • Marketing and communication skills
  • Full driving licence
  • Flexibility and ability to travel extensively to areas of the country identified for growth.


  • Experience of recruiting, working with and supporting volunteers
  • Able & competent administrator
  • Experience of delivering and implementing community projects
  • Computer literate – preferably using Word, Excel, PowerPoint

Commitment to the following personal values and attitudes must be demonstrable:

  • Positive attitude towards all age related issues
  • The value of the voluntary sector and volunteer activity
  • An environment which promotes equality of opportunity, recognising and valuing diversity
  • Flexible interactive teamwork
  • Providing excellent customer service to all volunteers and elderly members
  • Promoting a positive image of Contact the Elderly at all times