

September 27, 2012

Dear Parent(s),

ClarkElementary School is blessed to be the founding school of a unique mentoring organization, “Jewels”, which is an organization for young ladies in grades 3-5. This organization is designed to help young ladies at these impressionable ages to work with positive female role models in our school, school system, and communities.

These young ladies will be exposed to numerous opportunities and activities that will mold them into confident, positive, and determined Jewels that are striving for excellence! In addition, our Jewels will experience a sisterhood that will promote unity, love, and respect. Applications for prospective members are only complete when parents and teachers have filled out the appropriate forms. All applications are due on October 4, 2012.

We look forward to a new beginning with the young ladies of Jewels here at ClarkElementary School! If we may offer any additional information, please contact me or any of the other sponsors Ms. Lassandra Craig, Mrs. Seniqa Edwards, Mrs. Cicely Curtis, or Ms. Stacey Tillis.

Jewel sponsors,

Mrs. Rhonda Bailey

Ms. Lassandra Craig

Mrs. Seniqa Edwards

Mrs. Cicely Curtis

Ms. Stacey Tillis

Jewels Candidate Application

To be filled out and signed by legal parent or guardian

ClarkElementary School

Student’s Name______

Student’s Date of Birth______

Physical Address ( No P.O. Box ) ______

Home Phone: ______Cell Phone ______

Parental Information

Mother’s Name ______Father’s Name ______

Mother’s Occupation ______Father’s Occupation______

Mother’s Work Phone______Father’s Work Phone______

Health Information

Is the student given any medication at school? ______

List any health problems such as asthma, heart disease, seizures, or severe allergies, sickle cell, eye or ear problems, etc. proved by a doctor. ______

Child’s Doctor ______Doctor Phone Number______

Background Information

What extra-curricular activities is the student involved in? ______

On any given Saturday afternoon, what is this student most likely to be doing? ______

Parent Name: (print)______

Parent’s Signature______


Teacher Recommendation Form

To be filled out by the student’s teacher

Please recommend young ladies who you think will benefit from the Jewels mentoring organization. We provided ample space, however you do not have to recommend (10) names. Return this form to Mrs. Bailey. (ASAP)

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