Young Feminist Wire E-Learning Sessions
Participant Instruction Sheet
Welcome to the Young Feminist Wire E-learning sessions on Interrogating Movements!
This document includes a set of instructions on how to access the e-learning session. Please read carefully before attending the session. Also, please allow yourselves 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the sessions to login to Elluminate, the software we are using to run the sessions.
- Session starts at 10 AM EST SHARP! If you are not sure what this means for your time zone, please use TIME ZONE CONVERTOR to confirm the time in your respective time zones.
- Session will be held on the Friday, December 2nd and the following Friday, December 9th
- There is a link under Using Elluminate in this document that you will use to enter the e-learning session. If you are having trouble activating the link, please email me at . I encourage you to test the link prior to the session to make sure it is working and to login 15 minutes prior on the day of the session.
- Sessions are only run in English.
- Please read the E-RULES section in this document carefully before attending the session.
E-Learning Resource Page
The Young Feminist Wire team has created a password protected page on the Wire for E-learning materials and readings.
We will be posting background readings, instruction sheets, participant lists and other materials important to the session in this page. You can also follow up on other sessions happening in this cycle of e-learning sessions through this page.
You can access the E-learning Resource page by clicking here, or by clicking on it in the header or the right column on the Wire.
Password: Movements (with a capital M)
If you are unable to access this page, please email
Using Elluminate
We will be using the e-learning software Elluminate to run our sessions.
- Click on the following link:
- You will then be taken to page that looks like this:
- Enter the name that you want to be called by during the session into the Name box and hit the LOG IN button. This will be the name that appears to other participants and the moderator in the session e-room.
- Once you click Log In, a pop up will appear on your screen asking for your permission to download Java 6.
- Click SAVE and the download will start automatically. It should only take a few minutes to completely download.
- Once Java 6 is downloaded, click OPEN and then click RUN to fully activate Java 6. Below is a picture of what that looks like.
- After you click RUN, you will automatically be logged into the session. The e-classroom looks like the picture below
This section will provide a set of rules and guidelines to follow to optimize your participation in the session.
Online sessions are a little bit different from in-person trainings since you are unable to see and interact to each other. Therefore, it is important that ALL participants pay close attention to the following rules in order to have a great discussion and conversation.
1) ALWAYS mute your microphone when the facilitator or other participants are talking in order to optimize sound quality. You can un-mute your mic when you are ready to speak by clicking on
the following button
2) Use the CHAT BOX on the left of the screen to flag to the moderator if you need to speak or have a question.
- If you need to raise your hand, type ^ (shift+6) to indicate to the moderator that you have something to say. Do not un-mute your mic until the moderator has called on you via chat to speak.
- If you agree with something somebody is saying, type + (positive sign) in the chat box to denote that
- If you disagree then type – (negative sign).
3) You can view all participants attending the session in the participant box on the upper left hand corner of the e-classroom. As shown below:
4) The white board is only for the facilitator of the session to use.
5) You can ask your questions via chat or voice depending on your connection and comfort.
6) There is an option to use video in this classroom but in order to make sure that the connection is not disrupted and is equally accessible to all participants, please do not turn your cameras on.
For more instructions on how to use Elluminate, please consult the following link:
Introduction – 10 minutes –YFA Program Associate will introduce e-learning session and go over rules
Presentation – 45-50 minutes – Facilitator will lecture from a PowerPoint presentation
Discussion - 60 minutes - Participants discuss and ask questions related to presentation
NOTE: You are allowed to ask questions during the presentation. Use ^ (shift+6) to raise your hand.
Post Session
After the session is over, please make sure to fill out the evaluation sheet that will be available on the E-Learning Resource Page on the Wire. Please email if you have trouble finding it.
Looking forward to your participation!
Young Feminist Activism Program