Lesson Plan
Subject(s): Life Science
Topic or Unit of Study: Earthworms
Grade/Level:Middle School, 7th Grade.
Objective:Students will develop an understanding of the nature of earthworms. Students will be able to identify and label the anatomical structures (internally and externally) of the earthworm.
Summary: As part of life science, students become aware of the different types of animals. The earthworm is used as an example of a terrestrial Annelid. Using the Annelid dissection students are able to see the complexity of the Annelids as compared with the other worms.
Instructional Materials: 17 of each earthworms, dissection trays, scissors, blades. Many (up to 100) dissection pins and petri-dishes (to hold the pins). Alcohol and large beaker to kill the earthworms. A lot of paper towels will be needed.
Resources: A handout showing the external and internal anatomy of the earthworm, to be cut out and pasted into their composition book. The handout was created using a website called Biology Corner ( and Biodidac (
Standards: California Science Content Standards, Grade Seven, 5.a and 7.d
Procedure/Sequence of Activities: Before the day of class I will buy earthworms at a local bait shop, making sure that they are adult worms.
First 5 min. of class – I will pass out the handout, and going over what the function of each structure is that they need to know.
10 min. – I will have all students come up to front desk and show students step by step how to do a worm dissection (since this is their first time). At each step I will pick up the dissection tray and show them before proceeding onto the next step.
20 min. –I will have each student to sit at their tables, with their partner, and wait for me to pass out the worms. At which time they will then start their dissection. During this time I will go from group to group observing their progress and making sure that each group is on task. If students need help cutting or pinning the earthworm I will help them, or if needed do it.
5 min. – I will go from group to group asking them to identify certain parts that are on their handout (head/tail, hearts, clitellum, crop, gizzard, intestines).
Last 5 min. – I will tell students to clean up their workstations. Earthworms and any paper towels used go into trashcans, clean off dissection trays and scissors. Make sure all pins are put into containers.
Differentiated Instruction:
Time Allotment: The class is 45 min. long.
At Level 1, student is performing below expected standard.
At Level 2, student is performing in the lower range of the expected standard.
At Level 3, student is performing in upper range of the expected standard.
At Level 4, student is performing beyond the expected standard.
Student can follow directions / Student needs constant help to complete the activity. / Student needs some help to complete the activity. / Student needs minimal amount of assistance. / Student does not require any assistance to complete the activity.
Student can identify the anatomical structures of an earthworm. / Student can identify few parts of the earthworm. / Student can identify some of the parts of an earthworm / Student can identify most of the parts of an earthworm. / Student can identify all of the main parts of the earthworm.
Student handles worms carefully and with respect / Has limited respect and needs continual supervision. / Student has some respect, but does need some supervision. / Student shows good sense of respect and is careful with the worms. / Student shows a great deal of respect and can supervise others.