Faculty Handbook

2015 – 2016

A Leader In Me School

Christine de Zayas, Principal

Willowphine Rosado, Assistant Principal

David Martin, II, Assistant Principal



Letter to Staff..……………………………………………………….. I

All About Us! ..……………………………………………………... II

Eagle Point Mission Statement..………………………………….... III

General Information

Absences ..………………………….……………...…………….…....1

Accidents: Students………….……………………………………….1

Buddy System

Advertising .…….………………………….……………...………… 2

Animals/Pets In the Classroom…………………………….……… 2

Assemblies ………………………….………………...…………….. 2

Attendance/Tardy………………………….………………...…… 2


Budget Guidelines ………………………….……………...……… 3

Ordering Professional Travel Money Collection

Bulletin Boards ………………………….……………...………… 4

Cafeteria ………………………….……………...…………….……. 5

Calendars ………………………….……………...…………….…… 6

Character Education ………………………….……………...…….. 7

Child Abuse Reporting ………………………….………………… 7

Children of Staff Members ………………………….……………. 8

Classroom Management (Discipline 42-43) …………………….. 9

Clinic ………………………….……………...…………….………… 11

Committees (Faculty) ………………………….……………...…... 11

Communicable /Contagious Diseases …………………………. 13

Communications ………………………….……………...………… 14

Meetings Morning Announcements Announcements

Written Newsletter –Administration, PTA Faculty Bulletin Board

Contests ………………………….……………...…………….…….. 15

Copyright Law ………………………….……………...…………… 15

Cumulative Folders ………………………….……………...……… 15

CURRICULUM – OUR PURPOSE ………………………….……. 16

Common Core State Standards

Custodial Support ………………………………………...…………21

Discipline (see also Classroom Management) ……………………22

Dismissal ………………………….……………...…………………..23

Dress ………………………………………………………………...23

Professional Appearance Standards Student Dress Code

Duty Assignments ………………………….……………...……….24

Table of Contents (cont’d)

E-Mail ………………………….……………...…………….……….. 24

Emergency Action Plan/Codes ………………………….………... 25

Employee Self Service (ESS) ………………………….……………. 26

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) ………………………….… 26

Evacuation/Disaster Drills (Fire/Tornado) ……………………… 26

Evaluation Criteria and Procedures ………………………….…… 27

Field Trips ………………………….……………...…………….…....28

Food for Special Events ………………………….……………...….. 29

Fundraisers ………………………….……………...………………..30

Health ………………………….……………...…………….………...30

Homework ………………………….……………...…………….…...30

Intervention Assistance Team (IAT) ……….……………...……….31

Keys ………………………….……………...…………….……….…..31

Lesson Plans ………………………….……………...………………. 32


Parent Teacher Association ………………………….……………...33

Professional Development Services System (PDSS) ……………...33

Professional Growth Plan ………………………….…………….….33

Professionalism ………………………….……………...…………....34

Professional Standards ………………………….……………...…..34

Progress Monitoring Plan (PMP)...…………………………………34

Property Passes ………………………….……………...…………...35

Reporting Pupil Progress ………………………….…………….....35

Progress Reports Honor Roll Criteria Conferences

Interim Reports Promotion/Retention Policy

Safety and Security…………………………………………………..37

Buddy System Visitors School Alert

School Safety Playground Safety/Procedures

Playground Safety Rules

Subpoenas ……………………………………………………………38

Substitutes …………………………………………………………....40

Supervision of Students ……………………….…………………….40

Telephone and Fax usage………...…….……………………………41

Temporary Duty Assignments ……………………………………..41

Textbooks ……………………………………………………………..41

Tutoring ………………………………………………………………42

Videotaping .………………………………………………………….42

Websites ………………………………………………………………43

Workman’s Compensation.………………………………………….44

Accidents: Instructional

Xeroxing ……………………………………………………………...44


SMART Find………………………………………………………….A

SBBC Policy 6000.1 …………………………………………….

Directions to Generate a PMP……………………………………….

Temporary Duty Assignment (TDA)….. ………………………….

Travel Voucher ………………………………………………….….

Trip Report …………………………………………………….

Property Pass …………………………………………………….

Self Reporting ……………………………………………….…..

Classroom Expectations ………………………………………. B

Eight Step Process …………………………………………………...

ESOL Instructional Strategies Matrix………………………………

Professional Development Services System (PDSS) ……………..


Dear Faculty,

The Eagle Point Faculty Handbook has been prepared to assist you in our commitment to create the most effective and positive teaching and learning environment possible. Important information relating to all aspects of school operation and Broward School Board policies and requirements are provided.

All faculty members are required to read this handbook and implement the outlined procedures to ensure the smooth operation of school business. Having a clear understanding of health, safety and school security presented in this document is essential. Other important sources of information can be found in the Code of Ethics, The Broward County Code of Student Conduct, Eagle Point’s Responsibility Plan, and the Broward County Policies Handbook.

As we begin this new school year, I know you will join me to continue to work toward an increase in student achievement for our students. Together we can make it happen!

This year, at Eagle Point Elementary we will be continuing with the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Students and The Leader In Me as our school-wide initiative. Our school exemplifies the importance of being a leader and leadership roles. As we prepare our students for the future, it is essential that they be given the foundation to question, explore new knowledge and apply available resources, as they are recognizing their leadership skills.

As always, I look forward to working with all of you.

Christine de Zayas



All About Us!

Principal Christine de Zayas

Assistant Principal Willowphine Rosado

Assistant Principal David Martin, II

School Motto: Soaring on the Wings of Confidence & Vision

School Mascot: American Bald Eagle

School Colors: Green and Gold

Dress Code: Unified Dress Code

Spirit Day: Friday – School’s T-shirt

Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Teacher Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Student School Hours: 7:50 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. – 7:55 a.m.

Before Care: 7:00 a.m. – 7:30 a.m.

After School Care: 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Introduction and Purpose
Eagle Point Elementary School
Mission Statement

To empower students to become leaders

with a passion for lifelong learning.

Broward County Strategic Plan

Mission Statement

We, the School Board of Broward County, Florida, are committed to ensure that all students receive a quality education, within a safe and secure learning environment.

·  All students will achieve at their highest potential.
·  All schools will have equitable resources.
·  All operations of the school system align with student achievement.
·  All stakeholders will work together to build a better school system.


Section I – Procedures


Broward County Schools require students use technology and the web in a responsible and ethical manner. The Computer and Network Responsibility Agreements can be found in the Elementary Code of Student Conduct and online. Students and parents must sign it before any usage begins. Students who violate this policy will lose the privilege of utilizing school technology for a specified time.

Additional procedures are required for use of the wireless carts. Laptops are numbered and issued by grade for the year. Carts must be kept locked at all times when class/teacher are out of the room. Student use of the internet must be supervised by the teacher to ensure students are utilizing this resource safely. Teachers using the wireless carts must be trained by the TLC.

Acceptable use standards for employees require that equipment be used for work purposes only, not personal business. Any work done for profit using school system resources belongs to SBBC.


There are three major reasons for being absent: illness, personal and/or professional reasons. Each teacher is provided with ten (10) days of sick leave per year. Six (6) of these days may be used for personal reasons. When the need arises for a teacher to be absent, for illness or personal reasons, you are expected to contact Smart Find Express (Sub-Coordinator-at school emergencies only). (Support personnel should notify the Office Manager by 7:00 a.m.) Unless absence is for an extended period, the office should be notified by 1:00 p.m. each day to confirm plans for the following day. The phone number is 754-321-0050 or via the web https://sems.browardschools.com. If you have any problem registering, call the help desk at 754-321-2340. (Appendix A–Smart Find Express Instructions)


When a student is injured on school grounds, the teacher or adult in charge must immediately advise the office of the injury and refer the child for proper and appropriate treatment. Do not try to move a seriously injured student; call for assistance. The staff member supervising the student must complete an Accident/Incident Report indicating the nature and circumstances of the accident the same day as the accident. Parent contact will be the responsibility of the person witnessing the accident.

It is critical that students be closely supervised at all times, especially on the playground and in other less structured situations where accidents are more likely to occur.

Students may not participate in any contact sports no touching or tackling.

Administration will make the determination whether or not to call 911.

Reminder: Students are not to be sent to the clinic alone. The “Buddy System” is to be utilized each time a student travels to the clinic. A Clinic Pass is to be completed.

Buddy System = 2 students always together

Buddy System = 3 students if one of the children is being “dropped off” (e.g. clinic)


School Board Policy #6300 states, “Schools may not be used as agencies for the distribution of advertising materials which are not associated with curriculum related programs. Materials from outside of school sources should not be distributed to home through students without the approval of the Superintendent or his designee.” This includes materials of a political nature.


As a rule, animals/pets may not be kept in the classroom. The potential liability incurred when pets bite children is of great concern. There may be an exception, however, when the animal/pet is used as part of a unit of study. Individual cases dealing with units of study should be discussed with administration.


Prior to each assembly, please discuss appropriate assembly behavior with students. It is the responsibility of each teacher to see that the students in his/her class conduct themselves appropriately. Clapping is the proper way of expressing appreciation. Please remind students that shouting, whistling and stomping is not appropriate and reflects negatively on their class and the school.

Special area teachers are requested to relieve classroom teachers during the scheduled specials times.


It is the responsibility of instructional personnel to keep accurate attendance records for classroom use and for transmission to the front office. Attendance inputted into PINNACLE is the only accepted attendance unless there is a Sub in the class. Attendance must be taken daily and should be completed by 8:30 a.m. (exception 8 a.m. specials attendance to be completed by 8:45 a.m.)

Students - Encouraging regular attendance is the responsibility of school personnel. Students are to provide the teacher with a note from the parent when returning to class. Every effort should be made to investigate unexplained absences. In an effort to promote good attendance, a letter is sent home to parents by the teacher after a student has been absent (excused or unexcused) five days in 1 marking period or ten days in 2 marking periods. There are extenuating circumstances that will not warrant a letter being sent such as death in the family, serious illness, etc.

Since Eagle Point takes part in the Broward Truancy Intervention Program (BTIP), parents of students with three unexcused absences will be contacted to verify absence. State Attorney’s office will send a letter home following the third unexcused absence. After five cumulative unexcused absences have been recorded, the State Attorney’s Office sends a letter home to the parents setting up a time that they must meet with the school administration. If a student has ten unexcused absences, a letter is sent to the parents and a meeting must take place with the Principal/Designee, Area Designee and a representative from the State Attorney’s Office in court.

TARDINESS (under revision)

Prompt arrival at school is expected of all students. Late arrivals disrupt class and causes loss of instructional time. Students arriving after the second bell must report to the front office for a tardy/late pass. When a pattern of unexcused tardiness becomes evident, the following steps will be initiated: (Tardy Letters in mailroom)

5 tardies: A notification letter will be sent home (first quarter only).

10 tardies: A letter will be sent home indicating that if the tardiness continues, a referral will be made to the social worker.

15 tardies: A letter is sent home notifying parents of a meeting with the teacher and the Principal (first quarter only). During Quarters 2 - 4, letters are sent after 20 tardies.


PURCHASING THROUGH COUNTY AND STATE AGENTS:County imposed procedures require that all materials, supplies and equipment must be requisitioned through the office. See your team leader if you are in need of supplies.


Temporary duty shall be defined as the employee performing his/her duties in a different location other than the regular assignment. A TDA is required for all in-county and out-of-county workshops, conferences, conventions, staff development, meetings, etc. Local staff development does not begin until 9:00 a.m. This is to ensure that a substitute is in place. If there is no substitute, county guidelines state that the teacher must return to school. A completed TDA form, along with a flier or description of the event, must be provided to the principal for approval and processing 10 school days before the event. Principal approval must be granted before attending any event. Do not assume that approval has been given to attend a workshop just because you completed a TDA.

**If a staff member volunteers as a parent to go on a field trip personal days are to be utilized. A TDA should not be submitted. Travel vouchers are to be completed upon return from professional meetings for expenses incurred. Save all receipts and turn in as proof of attendance to these meetings. A Trip Report must also be completed summarizing daily events of your trip.


Online Payments should be established for all Field Trips. SAN Form needs to be completed and forwarded to the Principal for approval and processing. Other money collections please see the Office Manager to sign out a Collection Envelope. It is to be submitted to the bookkeeper/office manager. Admission price and transportation fees are to be paid by school check.

ALL MONIES COLLECTED - Board Policy #6301:

All monies collected or disbursed by school personnel or by students within a school, in connection with the school program for the benefit of that school, a class, club, department, employee or student shall be recorded in the schools internal funds and shall be administered and accounted for in accordance with existing laws, Florida State Board of Education Administrative Rules and Board Policies. Monies collected from students shall be processed according to County Audit Procedures as follows:

•Teachers are to count and receipt monies collected and submit to the Bookkeeper/Office Manager (daily)

•Students may not transport money

•Envelopes will be signed IN and OUT through the bookkeeper

•Original permission slips must be turned in to assistant principal

Always confer with the bookkeeper/office manager for the correct procedures to follow with regard to money.


Any collection from students by teachers for the purpose of ordering paperback books from any "teacher selected" Book Club must be approved. Please obtain the appropriate request form and submit it to the Principal for approval.