Humanities Action Plan 2014-16

Priorities / Actions / Start Date / Lead person / Resources / Milestone 1 / Milestone 2 / Milestone 3 / Success Criteria / Monitoring and Evaluation
Improve the standard of writing across the school / Ensure standard of writing is consistent in all subjects / Sept 14 / Humanities Team / Time for moderation of work across school
Staff meetings / Book look / Humanities moderation with partner schools / Writing in the Humanities is consistent with the standard of writing in all other subjects / Humanities Team observations
Book looks
Enhance high quality learning and achievement in the Humanities / CPD
Collaborative planning and teaching
Improved teaching strategies / Sept 14 / HT/Humanities Team / Training
Staff meetings
Expenditure on creative resources / Humanities lesson study / Staff INSET on critical thinking and Growth Mindset / Creative, critical enquiry based learning with pupil progress good to outstanding / Humanities Team observations
Book looks
Pupil voice is developed across the school through global learning activities / Pupils work with staff to support the school vision, with structures allowing all pupils views to be considered. / Sept 14 / HT/Humanities Team / Pupils’ Forum
Global Learning assemblies / Some pupils are involved with the planning and runningof global activities across the school. / Many pupils are involved with the planning and runningof global activities across the school. / Most pupils are involved with the planning and runningof global activities across the school. Pupils have opportunities for reflection and evaluationof success. / Pupils’ develop ownership of a global learning activity.
Pupils’ and confident voicing their ideas and feel their views are valued.
Develop pupils spiritually, morally, socially, physically and culturally / Develop teachers’ understanding of global skills and values / Sept 14 / All staff / Weald – Kanthenga partnership Joint Curriculum Project
Reciprocal visits
Staff meetings / Action research project / Visit to link school
May 2016 / The school community has a positive attitude towards cultural difference and diversity / Research project
Ensure new curriculum content is embedded / Develop teachers’ knowledge of new curriculum / Sept 14 / Humanities Team / Staff meetings
INSET / Research assessment for whole school / Scheme of work in place to reflect changes in September 2016 / Assessment criteria for whole school completed / All staff confident teaching the new curriculum
Scheme of work completed
Assessment criteria being used by all staff