Please download this document to your PC, fill in and save with your username, and email to
A pre-requisite for using this equipment is general training at Birck: courses BNC 105 and BNC 150. You will also need to have an account in iLab and be linked to a funding source so that we can bill for the training session (please see your advisor if you are unsure about any of this). Please check the boxes to indicate you have completed:
☐ BNC 105☐ BNC 150☐iLab account with funding
In order to help you get the most out of your research in the Spintronics Lab, please fill out this quick survey. It will help us most effectively train you for your specific measurements.
Name (please print):Click here to enter text.
Please indicate user type:You must select a type
Department (for outside users, enter your affiliation):Click here to enter text.
Professor in Charge:Click here to enter text.
Your email address:Click here to enter text.
Are you interested in using the:
☐ MPMS-3 SQUID magnetometer (DC and AC magnetic properties)
☐ PPMS DynaCool (electrical transport, DC magnetic properties)
Describe the objective of your measurements here:
Click here to enter text.
Describe your process flow and the material composition of your sample:
Click here to enter text.
PLEASE BRING A RESEARCH SAMPLE TO THE TRAINING SESSION. This is immensely helpful in getting you research started in the lab. Note that we do not permit powders or any samples which can release material in the lab – these must be encapsulated in your lab before coming.
For MPMS magnetometry to 400 K:
- for thin films perpendular to field: 5x5mm, 4x4mm; smaller is OK also but will need to be mounted to a larger non-magnetic substrate
- thin films parallel to the field: 4x4mm up to 6x6mm
- powders: typ. 1-10 mg can fit; please contact me so I can provide you with parts to mount the powder in your lab before coming
- crystals/bulk: smaller than 5mm on a side
For MPMS oven magnetometry up to 1000 K:
- thin sample parallel to field: less than 5x5mm; recommend <0.5mm thick, otherwise we will need to use water-based cement to bond the sample to holder.
- Other samples: we can discuss in training
For PPMS electrical transport:
- less than 1x1cm
- If you use Au wire bonding to attach leads, come to me before your session so I can loan you a puck to bond your sample
- For other lead attachment methods: we have bare 75 um Cu wire, Sn/Pb solder station, and Ag paint in lab if this will attach to your sample.
Given these rules, please describe the size and shape of your sample, and (if you know it) what is your proposed sample mounting technique for magnetic or transport measurements?
Click here to enter text.
Do you know the expected signal size for your sample?
(e.g., magnetic moment in emu, resistance in ohms)
Click here to enter text.
Please indicate any previous experience you have in using any Quantum Design equipment (type of platform, where it was located, and how many hours you spent with it):
Click here to enter text.
Do you have a mentor who can guide you with your measurement setup, design and analysis?
Click here to enter text.
Do you have any unique measurement requirements or questions?
Click here to enter text.