Appendix B
Reviewers Rating and Checklist
District Name ______
County/District Number ______
Reviewer ______Reviewer ______
Date: ______
Cover Page Complete and Signed
/ ☐ Completed☐ Not Completed
Part A.1 – List of Schools identified for each
/ ☐ Completed☐ Not Completed
Part A.2 – Optional – Tier I or Tier II schools already started
/ ☐ Completed☐ Not Completed
☐ Not Applicable
Part B Descriptive Information District Level
B.1The applicant described the district’s contribution to assist schools in their analysis of need and selection of an intervention model. The district must demonstrate that it has analyzed the needs of each school, such as instructional program, school leadership and infrastructure, and selected intervention for each school aligned to the needs of the identified school.
Proficient5-8 Points / Basic
1-4 Points / Incomplete
O Points
The applicant provided a detailed overview of the needs of the school, its students, and community it will serve. The description of the school attendance area was detailed, providing sufficient information for setting up the needs assessment. The description included charts and/or graphs displaying the results of the data analysis.
The district included data from all four measures of data—student achievement data, school programs data, student/teacher/parent perceptions data, and demographic data. / The applicant provided a brief description of the school attendance area including the economic factors affecting the school. The description was of sufficient extent to help guide the comprehensive needs assessment.
The summary of the needs assessments demonstrated that the district included an analysis of data of all students attending the school and that this data was disaggregated and analyzed to determine students’ needs. / The applicant did not provide a detailed description of its school, its students, and/or its community.
The needs assessment did not disaggregate data.
Points Awarded (Possible 8)
B.2The applicant described factors that indicate the district has the capacity to use the school improvement funds to support each Tier I and Tier II school identified for intervention. Such factors must include: sufficient human and fiscal resources, past history of successful reform initiatives, credentials of staff, ability to recruit and employ a new principal and new teachers, support of parents, community and the teachers’ union. The district must ensure that each Tier I and Tier II school that it commits to serve receives all of the state and local funds it would receive in the absence of the School Improvement Grant funds and that those resources are aligned with the interventions. Tier III schools must indicate that the district has evaluated the capacity relating to the implementation proposed in the SIG grant application.
Proficient5-8 Points / Basic
1-4 Points / Incomplete
O Points
Therequiredactivitiesof theschoolinterventionmodels were aligned toSIGfinal requirements
(Tiers IandII).
Applicationincludesaproficient evaluationof capacity, including:
•High qualifystaff
•Stakeholder commitment
•School board commitment
•Strategicplanningof intervention model
•Alignmentof resources
Evaluationof capacity relatingtothe implementationof the proposedSIGgranthas beenincluded(Tier III). / Therequiredactivitiesof theschoolinterventionmodels were aligned toSIGfinal requirements
(Tiers IandII).
Applicationincludesabasicevaluationof capacity, including
•High qualifystaff
•Stakeholder commitment
•School board commitment
- Strategic planning of intervention model
•Alignmentof resources
Evaluationof capacity relatingtothe implementationof the proposedSIGgranthas beenincluded(Tier III). / Therequiredactivitiesof theschoolinterventionmodels didnot aligntoSIGfinalrequirements.
Applicationdidnot includeevaluationof capacity outlinedinTableA.
Evaluationof capacity relatingtothe implementationof the proposedSIGgrantwas notincluded(TierIII).
Points Awarded (Possible 8)
B.3If the district is not applying to serve each Tier I school in the district, provide an explanation as to why it lacks the capacity to do so. Lack of capacity must address the same factors listed above: sufficient human and fiscal resources, past history of successful reform initiatives, credentials of staff, ability to recruit and employ a new principal and new teachers, support of parents, community and the teachers’ union. A district with both Tier I and Tier III school may not elect to serve only Tier III schools.
If the district is not applying to serve each Tier I school, explain why there is a lack of capacity to serve each Tier I school. (Tier I ) / ☐ Acceptable☐ Not Acceptable
☐ Not Applicable
B.4 (1) ESEA Section 1003(g) funds are intended to turn around a low-performing school. Major changes required in such a turnaround may require external assistance from a person(s) or a company(s). External assistance might be desirable to assist with specific activities to meet the requirements of the intervention model selected. If a district elects to have an external provider, the district must identify the provider(s) by name or company; the reasons or rationale for selecting this provider; the specific services to be provided; the qualifications, including expertise and experience of the provider; and the procurement method used for securing and selecting the provider(s). Note: The Intervention Project Manager is not considered an external provider since he/she must be an employee of or on contract with the district and work full or part-time in the school.
Proficient5-8 Points / Basic
1-4 Points / Incomplete
O Points
Thedistricthas identifiedindetail theexperience leveland qualifications ofexternal providersto ensure quality.
Theexternalprovider’squalificationswerea key considerationinthe recruitment, screening,and selectionprocess. / Thedistrictbriefly identifiedtheexperiencelevel andqualificationsofexternalproviderstoensure quality.
Theexternalprovider’squalificationswere somewhatconsideredinthe recruitment, screening, andselection process. / Thedistricthasnotidentifiedtheexperiencelevel or qualificationsofexternalproviderstoensure quality.
Theexternalprovider’squalificationswerenot consideredintherecruitment, screening,and selectionprocess.
Points Awarded (Possible 8)
B.4 (2) The applicant described how the district will regularly review and hold accountable the selected external provider.
Proficient5-8 Points / Basic
1-4 Points / Incomplete
O Points
Thedistrict provided a detailed process for reviewing the effectiveness of the selected external provider and explained the accountability system that will be implemented with the selected external provider.
Theapplicationclearly outlined the review and accountability system to be used with selected external provider. / Thedistrict provided a brief outline of the review process and the accountability system to be used with the selected external provider.
Theapplicationminimallyoutlined the review and accountability system to be used with selected external provider / Thedistrictdidnot describe how the external provider will be reviewed and held accountable.
Points Awarded (Possible 8)
B.5Since each Tier I or Tier II school receiving ESEA Section 1003(g) funds will be a schoolwide project, all programs and services provided in the school should be aligned to the selected intervention model. The school level Analysis of Need section of this application should involve staff from the various programs and services in the school. Describe the steps the district will take to ensure that other programs and resources are aligned to support the school in implementing an intervention model. Identify the specific programs and sources of funds.
Proficient5-8 Points / Basic
1-4 Points / Incomplete
O Points
Interventions and other resources wereoutlinedwith specificdetail. They werealignedinorder to fully andeffectively implementinterventions.
TheLEAoutlinedmultiplespecificfederaland stateresources thatcanbealignedwith SIG(i.e., TitleI, TitleII, SpecialEducation,BIE,general funds,statefunds, outsidegrants,etc.). / Interventions and other resourceswerebrieflyoutlinedandprovideenoughsupporttofully and effectively implement interventions.
TheLEAoutlinedafewspecific federalandstate resources that canbe aligned with SIG(i.e., Title I, TitleII, SpecialEducation, BIE,generalfunds, state funds, outsidegrants, etc.). / Interventions and other resourceswerenotalignedand/or didnot support thefulland effectiveimplementationof interventions.
No other federalandstateresourceswere outlined tohelpsupport interventions.
Points Awarded (Possible 8)
B.6 If the selected intervention model includes increasing school time, changing governance at the school level, etc., the district may need to modify existing practices or policies to enable its schools to implement the interventions fully and effectively. Describe the steps the district will take, if necessary, to modify policies and practices.
- Some changes may require approval of the local union.
5-8 Points / Basic
1-4 Points / Incomplete
O Points
Applicant thoroughly addressedthe currentbarriersfacedby theTierIandII schools. Modifications topractices/policies weredescribed indetail.
Atimelinewasincluded inthedescription. / Applicantbriefly addressed thecurrentbarriersfaced bytheTier I orII schools.Modifications to practices/policies weredescribedbriefly.
A specific timelinewasnot includedbut the narrative outlined the sequence of events. / Applicantdidnot address thecurrentbarriersfaced bytheTier I orII school.
Points Awarded (Possible 8)
B.7Describe the steps the district is prepared to take to sustain the intervention model(s) in the selected school(s) after the ESEA Section 1003(g) funds are no longer available. The response might include how the district will institutionalize changes made to meet requirements, adopt changes throughout other schools, or support the school or school(s) throughout the process to fully implement the selected intervention model(s).
Proficient5-8 Points / Basic
1-4 Points / Incomplete
O Points
Thedistrictdirectedresources toshort‐term,one‐timeexpendituresthat willhavealong‐term payoffforstudents andeducators.
For activities that dependonrecurring funding, it includedaplan for improvingsystemic efficacy and sustainingsystemsandprograms after fundingends. / Thedistrict includedactivities that willdepend onrecurring funding, butalsoincludedaplanfor improving systemic efficacy andsustaining systems andprogramsafterfundingends. / Thedistrictdidnot includea realistic planforsustainingtheinterventions afterfundingends; noportionof expendituresweredirectedtoward transitioncosts or improvingefficacy of existingsystems.
Points Awarded (Possible 8)
B.8The district must establish annual goals for student achievement on the State’s assessments in both Reading and Mathematics and the leading indicators in order to monitor schools that receive these school improvement funds.
Proficient5-8 Points / Basic
1-4 Points / Incomplete
O Points
Thedistrict’sgoalswere connected topriorityneeds, theneeds assessment,andportrayeda clear anddetailed analysis of theNebraska NeSA Assessmentintheareasofreading/language artsandmathematics.
Theproposalincludesrealistic andmeasureable goalsand objectives for eachschooltobeserved.
Thedistrict’sapplicationincludedarigorousplan for trackingand evaluatingthesuccessandcost- effectivenessofeachproposedTier IIIintervention.
Theproposalincluded aplanformonitoringthe progressof the SIGonaregular,ongoingbasis. / Thedistrict’sgoalswere connected topriorityneeds, theneeds assessment,andportrayeda briefanalysisof theNebraska NeSA Assessment in theareasofreading/languagearts andmathematics.
Theproposallacks realisticandmeasureable goalsand objectives for eachschooltobe served.
Thedistrict’sapplicationincludedanadequate plan fortrackingandevaluating the successand cost-effectiveness of eachproposedTier III intervention.
Theproposalincludedaplanformonitoringthe progressof the SIG; however,itis notona regular,ongoingbasis. / Goalswerenot clearly relatedtotheneedsassessment and/ortothepriority needareas.
Applicationdidnot includea planfor measuringandtrackingeffectiveness and resultsofproposedTierIIIintervention.
Points Awarded (Possible 8)
B.9Describe the process used by the district to assist its schools in developing this application. Include the district level staff, by position, that were involved in developing this application and who will be involved in supporting the implementation of the intervention models
Proficient5-8 Points / Basic
1-4 Points / Incomplete
O Points
Thedistrict consultedwithnumerous stakeholders (including families and community)regarding the applicationand implementation of the proposedinterventions.
Theapplicationclearly outlinedhowstakeholders wereinformedof theirroleand responsibility for sustainedimprovement. / Thedistrict consultedwith somestakeholders (including families and community) with respect to the applicationand implementation of the proposedinterventions.
Theapplicationminimally outlinedhow stakeholderswereinformedof their roleand responsibilityfor sustainedimprovement. / Thedistrictdidnot consult withstakeholder group’sregarding the applicationand implementationof theproposedinterventions or sharedresponsibility forchange.
Points Awarded (Possible 8)
B.10Describe how families and community will continue to be meaningfully engaged on an “on-going” basis for the duration of the selected intervention model beyond the planning/pre-implementation stage of the grant.
Proficient5-8 Points / Basic
1-4 Points / Incomplete
O Points
Thedistrict provided a detailed plan outlining numerous efforts to engage families and community in the implementation of the grant beyond the planning/pre-planning stage of the grant.
Theapplicationclearly outlined three or more strategies for engaging families and community on an “on-going” basis. / Thedistrict provided some explanation of how families and community will be engaged on an “on-going basis beyond the planning/pre-implementation stage of the grant.
Theapplication outlined from one to two strategies for engaging families and community on an “on-going” basis. / Thedistrictdidnot provide an explanation of how families and community will be meaningfully engaged on an “on-going” basis beyond planning/pre-implementation of the grant.
Points Awarded (Possible 8)
B.11Describe how the district will implement, to the extent practicable, in accordance with its selected intervention mode, one or more evidence-based strategies to improve student achievement in the selected school.
Proficient5-8 Points / Basic
1-4 Points / Incomplete
O Points
The district described in specific detail the evidence-based strategies that would be implemented to improve student achievement.
Theapplicationclearly outlinedthree or more evidence-based strategies to improve student achievement. / The district described with some detail the implementation of some evidence-based strategies to improve student achievement.
Theapplication outlined from one to two evidence-based strategies to improve student achievement. / Thedistrictdidnot describe any specific evidence-based strategies to improve student achievement.
Points Awarded (Possible 8)
B.12Planning/Pre-implementation activities/costs are allowable for this grant. Districts must identify the amount and provide a description of the use of any funds awarded under this application for Year 1 activities that are proposed to be spent between approval by the State Board (August) and full implementation of the selected model.
AcceptableNo Points / Not Acceptable
No Points
Interventions weredescribedandfocusedonhelpingtheschool’s students meet thestate’s standards.
For TierIorII schools, theinterventionmet SIGfinalrequirements.
Specificprograms,professionaldevelopment,oractivitiesarefully defined.
Theapplicationincludes planning/pre-implementationactivities.Theseactivities may include, butarenot limitedto:
•Family andCommunity Engagement
•Professional DevelopmentandSupport
Preparation for Accountability Measures / Interventions werenotdescribedanddidnot address theschool’splansto meet thestate’s standards.
For TierIorII schools, theinterventions donotmeet SIGfinal requirements. This sectiondoes notprovideanoverviewofthemaincomponentsoftheInterventionsbeingproposed.
The district described the activities that will occur during the planning/pre-implementation period (August 2016 or Year 1) and how each activity will better enable the district to implement the SIG activities during the first year of full implementation. (No Points) / ☐ Acceptable
☐ Unacceptable
☐ Not Applicable
A LEA-level budget is needed only if the district is requesting funds for LEA-level support for the school(s) to assist in implementing one of the models as identified in question B.1.above. LEA-level costs are allowable but cannot cause the entire application to exceed the established funding limitations ($50,000 to $2,000,000) per school and must clearly be LEA-level activities and necessary to assist the school(s) to implement one of the models.
C.1Describe the proposed activities, including the planning/ pre-implementation activities, and how the activities will assist the school(s) to implement, fully and effectively, one of the intervention models within the time period of this grant. See B.10 above for requirements, allowable uses, and evaluation of pre-implementation costs included in LEA-level budgets.
Proficient5-8 Points / Basic
1-4 Points / Incomplete
O Points
Activitieswereoutlinedwith specificdetail. They werealignedinorder to fully andeffectively implementinterventions. / Activities werebrieflyoutlinedandprovideenoughsupporttofully and effectively implement interventions. / Activities werenotalignedand/or didnot support thefulland effectiveimplementationof interventions.
Points Awarded (Possible 8)
C.2.Complete the LEA-level Budget (EXCEL Spreadsheet will contain all budget pages, for all three to five years, including a summary budget for the entire application. (See updated verbiage on LEA App.)
AcceptableNo Points / Not Acceptable
No Points
Thedistrict submittedaline-itemed budget.
Thedistrict submittedabudget thatreflects amounts requestedfor each yearofathree-year period.(TierIandTier IIonly).
Reflects sufficient sizeandscopeto support full andeffective implementationof selectedmodel (Tier IandII) orSchool ImprovementGrant (Tier III). / Thedistrictdidnot submit aline-itemedbudget.
Budgets amounts were omittedornotclearly indicated.
The district submitted a line-item budget that reflects amounts requested for each of the Acceptable three to five-year period. (No Points) / ☐ Acceptable
☐ Unacceptable
☐ Not Applicable
Assurances have been checked
/ ☐ Completed☐ Not Completed
Waivers have been checked that district will implement
/ ☐ Completed☐ Not Completed
☐ Not Applicable
Part A. Descriptive Information School Level
A.1.Analysis of Need
Information gained from a thorough analysis of need is used to identify the most appropriate intervention model and activities for each requirement. The analysis of need includes (a) Student Achievement and Leading Indicators; (b) Services/Programs Profile; (c) Staff Profile; (d) Curriculum/Instructional Practices Profile; (e) System Profile; and (f) a description of the stakeholders involved and the process used. Schools are encouraged to use information on identified needs from other sources like data retreats, school improvement processes, school wide project plans, and Improvement Plans included in the NCLB Consolidated application, if available.
Leading Indicators
This analysis must include information on the following student achievement and leading indicators for each school included in the application. Annual reporting is required of each district receiving an ESEA Section 1003(g) School Improvement Grant on both. The data submitted in this application will be the baseline data for measuring progress in each of the three to five years of the grant.
Leading Indicators
/ CompletedNot Completed
Not Applicable
(a)Student Achievement - List identified areas of need. Compare the identified areas of need to the intervention models and the required activities for each model. How will the intervention model selected help the school to meet the needs identified from the Student Achievement and Leading Indicators Profile?
Proficient5-8 Points / Basic
1-4 Points / Incomplete
O Points
Areas of need have been clearly identified and these identified needs have been tied to the required activity for each model. The school has identified how the intervention model chosen will clearly meet the identified student achievement gap. / Areas of need have been identified and the identified needs have been tied to some of required activities for each model. The school has identified how the intervention model chosen will help meet the identified student achievement gap. / Areas of need have not been identified or tied to any of required activities for each model. The school has not identified how the intervention model chosen will help meet the identified student achievement gap.
Points Awarded (Possible 8)
(b)Programs/Services Profile – This profile identifies programs/services that support academic achievement for struggling students and might include summer school, tutoring programs, before and after school services; parent and family engagement; community partners, social workers, etc. List identified areas of need. Compare the identified areas of need to the intervention models and the required activities for each model. How will the intervention model selected help the school to meet the needs identified from the Programs/Services profile?