30th June 2017

The next meeting of GRESFORD COMMUNITY COUNCIL is to be held at GRESFORDTRUST MEMORIALHALL on Thursday 6th July at 7.15 pm. to transact the following business.

Yours faithfully

S. Baxter

Clerk for the Council


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Declarations of Interest[1]
  3. Public Participation: The Council should adjourn for 5 minutes to allow members of the public to ask questions or make statements (NB Councillors should not enter discussion with the public at this time as to do so would be contrary to the advice of the Welsh Government)
  4. Police Report
  5. Talk by Nigel Davies Community Agents Development Officer
  6. Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting of 1st June 2017 (Copy Attached)
  7. Matters from Previous Meetings:
  1. Car Parking- Rofft School- Outcome of Site meeting
  2. 7 Chester Road, Gresford-
  3. Clappers Lane
  4. Additional lighting requested Pont Y Capel Lane- Further costings received.
  5. Dog waste bins at Marford- Specification of bins.
  6. Parking at Co-op Marford Hill
  7. Pistyll Hill Traffic matter.
  1. High Street Gresford-Recommendation for expenditure on signage
  2. Request to use Allington Park for (smaller) Village Festival.
  3. Expenditure Approval- report from WCBC of overhanging trees at Rofft Play area- cost of £188.75
  4. Website- Decision sought as to future development.
  5. Road by Texaco Garage- concerns raised by Mr Matt Vickers- Councillor Atkinson.
  6. Committees
  7. Finance Committee

a)Minutes of meeting held 22nd June 2017- to be noted

b)Progress on Standing Orders

  1. Task and Finish Groups- to receive progress reports from respective groups
  1. Allotments
  2. Feedback on site visit
  3. Latest position with University of Wales.
  4. Telephone kiosk-
  5. letter received from Alyn Family doctors.
  6. Consideration of best use options
  7. Youth Working party
  1. Reports: To receive reports from the following (papers to be circulated by Group Representatives in advance)
  1. Chair’s Report
  2. Wrexham County Borough Council
  3. Gresford Trust
  4. IMAGE
  5. Maes Y Pant
  6. Gresford Community Council Website
  7. Gresford Library
  8. Feedback from Town and Community Council Forum

16.Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended). - To consider the following applications:

(Please view documents in advance of meeting on Wrexham Council Planning portal:


  1. P/2017 / 2017/0472:- Silver Birch ( Adjacent to Bramblewood) (Reduce Crown by 3 Metres and removal of dead branches ( protected by Tree Preservation Order No. WCBC 125.Bramblewood, Hillock Lane, Gresford, Wrexham.
  2. P/2017/ 0460: - Two Storey Side and Single Storey Rear Extension Wynford, 64 Wynnstay Lane, Marford, Wrexham.
  3. P/2017/0434: - Erection of outbuilding (in retrospect). 43 Bodwyn Crescent, Gresford, Wrexham.


  1. Financial Matters and approval of payments
  2. Bank Mandate
  3. Financial Report in respect of Quarter 1.(April 2017- June2017)

18.Member’s urgent announcements and requests for future meeting items.

  1. Repair of sign at Lake- Councillor Dutton


  1. Circulated Correspondence report to be noted.

20.Date, Venue and Time of next meeting:

To confirm that the next meeting will be on Thursday August 3rd 2017 at 7.15 pm at Gresford Methodist Church Hall.( For Planning and Payment approvals only)

If any resident of Gresford,Marford or Borras wishes to attend the meeting concerning any of the above

agenda items, please e-mail or telephone the Clerk beforehand ( contact details above)

Clerk/Clerc: S. Baxter

Telephone/ffon: 01978 355135 /E-mail:

[1] Members must declare personal and/or prejudicial interests in items on the agenda. Members should also declare any gift or hospitality over the value of £25. The Clerk can provide the appropriate forms for these purposes.