April 6, 1976

7:00 PM

CONDUCTING:Mayor James E. Mangum

ELECTED OFFICIALS: Mayor James E. Mangum; Councilmen Lee E. Bamgartner, Merrill Gappmayer, Harley M. Gillman, Wayne B. Watson, and Glen R. Zimmerman.

APPOINTED STAFF:City Manager Albert E. Haines, Director of Finance Alan Homer, Public Works Director Jack Jones, City Attorney Frank Butterfield, City Engineer Russ Brown, and Secretary Kathi Stewart

Others present were as listed:Tom Eckhardt KOVO-KFMC

Lynn Tilton Daily Herald

Dennis Cambridge Orem-Geneva Times

Ken Benson Interested

Bill BurkeInterested

Mrs. M. J. Meyer Interested

Craig Meyer Scout

Darleen Smith Waste Water line

Julius Smith Waste Water line

Henry Rock Waste Water line

Earl Wengreen Annexation fees

Gary Robarge Connection fees

Lois Crawley Interested

Mildren Ivie Interested

Alana Veatch Interested

Delbert Greaves Interested

Irene GreavesInterested

INVOCATION: Albert Haines, City Manager

Approval of Minutes

Council considered the minutes of the 30 March 1976 Council Meeting. Councilman Gappmayer moved to approve the minutes as corrected; motion was seconded by Mr. Gillman and passed unanimously.

Council Reports

Mayor Mangum informed Council that he had received a list of recommendations of new members of the Orem City Youth Justice Council. After Mayor Mangum read the list of names to the Council, Mr. Zimmerman made the motion that council approve the recommended appointments to the Orem City Youth Justice Council. Motion was seconded by Councilman Watson and passed unanimously (list on backside of page)


(801) 225-1550 • EX L 21 or 64

James Simmons


Gary Guymon


Gary J. Martin

Linda Christensen

Chandler Carbett

Youth Counselors


Permanent MembersSchoolADDRESSPHONE

Boyd Christensen, 11OH823 Crestview Ave., Provo225-7439

Chris Killpack, 11OH595 S. State, Orem225-2563

Eric Barton, 10OH631 E. 660 N., Orem225-1713

Shyrlene Stewart, 10OHRt. 1 Box 387 C., Provo225-6855

Jill Bestor, 11OH330 S. Palisade Dr., Orem225-1990

Teri Thompson, 11OH444 E. 700 S., Orem225-0871

Brian Cannon, 9 (2,4)OJ817 N. 435 E., Orem225-6454

Marie Sandstrom, 8 (1,3)OJ365 N. 550 E., Orem225-0034

Kelly Shaw,9 (1,3)LJ1634 S. 350 E., Orem225-1273

Lauren Cook, 9 (2,4)LJ317 E. 400 S., Orem225-5299


Leroy Gibbons,10OH228 3. 300 E.,Orem224-2685

Kurt Apostol, 11OH340 E. 4380 N., Provo225-2625

Peter Christensen, 10OH774 E. 1000 S.,Orem225-3458

Jenilyn Hills, 10OH1761 S. Main, Orem225-2713

Deanne Richards, 11OH662 Z. 60 N. Circle, Orem225-8825

Cathy Twitchell, 11OH530 G. 200 11., Orem224-0025

Lori Mangum, 8OJ157 11. 600 W., Orem225-6852

Jeff Lambson, 8OJ449 N. 250 E.,Orem225-1978

Marilyn Allred, 9LJ552 S. 490 W., Orem225-6613

Jeff McMullin, 8LJ892 W. 600 S., Orem224-0802

Adult Advisor

Youth Bureau

Gary J. Martin--Advisor for Orem Youth Justice Council (home :224-3309) Linda Christensen--Advisor for American Fork Youth Justice Council R. Chandler Garbett--Advisor for Pleasant Grove Youth Justice Council PHONE: 225-1550

Mayor Mangum announced to the Council that they had been extended an invitation to attend a pre-public hearing on the Four Seasons project to be held on Thursday, April 8, at 10:00 AM in the Holiday Inn.

Contingency Account Transfers

Albert Haines recommended that the City Council authorize an appropriations transfer of

$20,758 from the Mayor and Council Contingency Account to the following departments: Elections, GeneralBuildings, Animal Control, and Solid Waste. Mr. Haines further explained that the named departments are anticipated to overexpend their authorized original appropriations; and, by State Stature, OremCity may not allow departments to enter into an appropriations deficit. After a short discussion by the Council, a motion was called for. MOTION: Councilman Zimmerman made the motion that the City Council authorize an appropriations transfer of $20,758 from the Mayor and Council Contingency Account to the following departments; Elections - $3,358 General Buildings - $4,800; Animal Control - $1,400; and Solid Waste - $11,200. Motion was passed unanimously.

Resolution on Annexation Fee Policy

Council considered the resolution on the Annexation Policy as presented by the City Manager. Following an explanation by Mr. Haines concerning the proposed policy, Council participated in a lengthy discussion on the subject as some members of Council were not in agreement with all of the proposed provisions of the policy. MOTION: Motion was made by Councilman Gillman to refer the resolution back to the City Manager for further study and justifications with the following individuals to work with him: Public Works Director Jack Jones, Community Development Director Randy Deschamps, Director of Finance Alan Homer, and Councilman Merrill Gappmayer. Motion was seconded by Councilman Bamgartner and passed unanimously.

Recommendation on Class "A" Beer License

Council considered the recommendation from the City Manager to approve the Class "A" BeerLicense for L & L Associates, 809 West 400 North. It was explained to the Council thatL & L Associates is a new business coming to Orem and investigation by the Police Department finds the applicant to be in compliance with City ordinances, and records in the Finance Department show the applicant to be the owner of the business. Council had no discussion on the recommendations; motion was called for. MOTION: Motion was made by Councilman Zimmerman to approve the application for a Class "A" Beer License for L & L Associates at 809 West and400 North to expire March 31, 1977. Motion was seconded by Mr. Gappmayer and passed unanimously.

Connections to Geneva Road Wastewater Line, Vineyard Area

City Manager recommended to the Council that residents of the Vineyard Area between 400 Southand approximately 1000 South be allowed to connect onto the new Orem City line being installed along the Geneva Road and that they be charged as follows: Single residents connection fee - $825.00; Each additional unit on multiple units - $100.00; Monthly wasetewater user charge - Twice the regular charge to Orem City residents. Council briefly discussed this item with Mr. Haines and Public Works Director Jack Jones, MOTION: Councilman Zimmerman made the motion that County residents (excluding those residents in Lindon) be allowed to connect onto the new OremCity line being installed along the Geneva Road and that they be chargedas set forth in the recommendation. Motion was seconded by Mr. Gappmayer and passed unanimously.

Recommendation on 400 North Waste Water Collection Line

City Council was informed by Mr. Haines that he had received a memorandum from Jack Jones, Director of Public Works, concerning the 400 North waste water collection line problem wherein it was recommended by Mr. Jones that Council approve the replacement of the existing 12" sewer line between 400 West and 800 West with a new 15" line; that Council, authorize a bid opening for this work for Friday April 9, at 4:00 PM so that work on the project can begin Tuesday, April 13; and that Council authorize the transfer of funds in the Water Contingency Account in the amount of $42,383 for the project. Council held a brief discussion with Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown. MOTION: Councilman Gillman made the motion that Council authorize opening of bids for work to be done to install a new 15" waste water collection line on 400 North between 400 West and 800 West and authorize the transfer of funds from the Water Contingency Account to cover the cost of the work (not to exceed the amount in the Water Contingency Account). Motion was seconded by Mr. Zimmerman and passed unanimously.

Report on Damages Resulting from Sewer Backup

Council considered reports on damages resulting from sewer backups on 400 North. City Attorney Frank Butterfield read from Utah Code wherein it stated that when such services are offeredby the City, the city is immune from any liability. Council held a discussion with the property owners involved concerning action to be taken as a result of damages done. MOTION: Councilman Gillman made the motion that Council refer the claims submitted to Orem City by those property owners involved in the sewer backup to the insurance company. Motion was seconded by Mr. Watson and passed unanimously.

Report on Devon Industries

Jack Jones informed City Council that he had talked with County Commissioner Yukus Inouye concerning rates and County Landfill Operations. After a brief discussion by Council it was agreed by Council members that more information was still needed concerning the matter. MOTION: Councilman Gappmayer moved that a letter be written to the CountyCommissioners requesting further reports on landfill operation details, and that since this operation affects Orem citizens, that OremCity officials be invited to attend and participate in future meetings concerning the landfill operation.

Status of State Highway Department Property

Mr. Haines reported to the Mayor and City Council that Randy Deschamps had met with officials from the State Highway Department in regards to the property acquisition at 1300 South and approximately 400 West. It was further reported that a letter had been drafted for the Mayor's signature requesting further clarifications concerning the matter. No action was taken by the Council regarding the matter.

Citizen Input Concerning Establishment of L & L Associates Business

Council heard from Mrs. Alana Veatch concerning the establishment of the L & L Associates business in which she conveyed her concern for establishment of the business as swell as the granting of the beer license. Mayor Mangum clarified to Mrs. Veatch the procedures and policies in regards to issuance of both the business license and the beer license. No action was taken by the Council.

Sewer and; Water Rate Recommendations

Mayor Mangum informed the Council that he had held several meetings with large water users to gain their reactions to the proposed water and sewer rate changes and indicated that almost everyone who attended the meetings agreed that Orem's present rate was inequitable, and that the city was making an honest effort to correct those inequities. Public Works Director Jack Jones presented to Council two alternate proposals in regards to the sewer and waterrate recommendations. Council eld a lengthy discussion concerning the two alternate proposals as presented by Mr. Jones; some discussion was also held concerning partial rebates for connection fees already paid by some developers. MOTION: Councilman Gappmayer made the motion that Council accept and approve the recommendation concerning the sewer and water rates as outlined in attachment #2 of Mr. Jone's report, and table any further discussion of rebates pending a recommendation from the staff. Motion was seconded by Mr. Zimmerman and passed unanimously.

Motion To Adjourn: Councilman Watson made the motion that council meeting be adjourned;motion was seconded y Mr. Gappmayer and passed unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 9:50 PM.