[For use in Finger Lakes District E-newsletter]

Alternative Biking/Hiking to Annual Conference for Africa University

by Rev. Jeff Childs, Penn Yan UMC

Last year our DS Jeff McDowell and I rode our bikes to Conference from Penn Yan [72miles]. (This year he is busy with cabinet duties ahead of conference, but is planning a biking/hiking event with the district youth for later this summer.) Two years ago I tried walking to conference but my legs and feet gave out as I got to Camillus, 6 miles from my destination and could go no further!

So this year I developed a new plan for walking to conference, and I invite all pastors and churches to join me. I am planning on walking 144 miles (the distance to conference and back) by simply walking 3-5 miles each day. I actually started three weeks ago, and as of May 9th I have already walked the first 70 miles. My goal is to raise $1,440 (or $10/mile) toward the goal of establishing 8 perpetually funded scholarships for AU.

I invite all of my clergy colleagues and laity from across the Finger Lakes District to join me in biking and/or hiking the equivalent distance from your church to the OnCenter in Syracuse. (Several members of a church may covenant to bike or hike and add their total miles to reach the goal as a virtual relay team.) Set a goal to raise funds and awareness of the needs for scholarships at Africa University so students can help change the world in their communities and countries across the continent of Africa.

From across the conference I am hoping people will walk or bike 8050 miles - the equivalent distance from the OnCenter in Syracuse to Africa University in Zimbabwe! If you have any questions or want to walk or bike along with us, call or email me and I will send you more information and add you to the list of hikers and bikers.

Africa University is international and African by spirit and design. It serves youth from throughout Africa and trains them to be leaders within Africa as servants of the common people. It's motto: “Changing Africa: Learning here, Living here, Leading here.” Today AU, a model within Africa, offers colleges of General Instruction, Humanities and Social Sciences, Theology, Education, Health Sciences, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Management and Administration, and Peace, Leadership and Governance. To date around 4,000 students have graduated from AU. Read what a couple students have said about their education there.

Benon Kigenyi from Uganda: “Africa University helped me to think bigger … to think beyond the cocoon of my own country and into the bigger picture of Africa as a continent.”

Ken Mwez from the Democratic Republic of Congo: “The cultural diversity changed my life. When you travel across Africa, you will be pleased to find AU alumni doing a good job in their areas of expertise … they contribute to forging the future of Africa economically, politically and religiously.”

Our biking/hiking is an opportunity for everyone to get a little exercise while at the same time affirming Africa University and the students desperately in need of scholarships. I invite you to offer your prayers, sweat equity and financial support. If no one from your church is going to hike or bike to conference for AU Scholarships and you want to support me or another biker/hiker from our district, let me know. Payment may be made before, during or following conference. Make checks payable to: UNYUMC; mark the memo: “AU Ride/Walk”

Thank you and Shalom,

Rev. Jeff Childs

Penn Yan UMC
