Paper No.-(1) 2018-19 for IAS Mains Date 27-07-2018

1.cfPPk;ksa ls cYkkRdkj ds nks"kh dks QkWalh dh ltk ij viuh lgefr nsa¼Give consent to the punishment of the convicted girl of raping girls½

2.FTA D;k gSa] dSls yxs vkrafd;ksa ds iSls ij yxke] v/;;u djsaA¼What are the dangers of the terrorists involved, study.½

3.lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn&21 thus ds vf/kdkj dh xkajVh nsrk gSa ysfdu thus dk vFkZ xfjekiw.kZ <ax ls thuk gSa] ¼n;k e`R;q dh btktr fo'ks"k ifjfLFkfr;ksa eas nh tk ldrh gSa&lqizhe dksVZ½ vius fopkj nsaA ¼Article 21 of the Constitution guarantees the right to live, but the meaning of living means to live in dignified manner (mercy can be allowed under special circumstances - Supreme Court) Give your views.½

4.miHkksDrk &tfur vyxko ds dkj.k O;fDr LoHkkfod #i ls thuk Hkwy x;k gSa vkSj ruko eas [kqndq'kh dj ysrk gSa] le>k,aA ¼Due to consumer-related separation, people have forgotten to live naturally and are selfish in tension, explain.½

5.osru esa ySafxd vlekurk dk dkj.k D;k gSa&le>k,saA ^leku dk;Z vleku osru*¼Explain what is the reason for gender inequality in the. Unequal pay of equal work.½

Paper No.-(2) 2018-19 for IAS Mains Date 28-07-2018

1.cPPkksa dh rhu voLFkkvksa 'kS'kokoLFkk] ckY;koLFkk ,oa fd'kksjkoLFkk gksrh gSa] esa fd'kksjkoLFkk ds ifjorZu vkSj [krjsa dks le>k,sa ¼Explain the changes and dangers of teenage adolescence in the three stages of childhood in infancy, childhood and adolescence.½

2.Hkkjr ds fy, ckaXykns'k u flQZ HkkSxksfyd cfYd dwVuhfrd ,oa lkefjd egRo j[krk gSa] D;k gSa Hkkjr ckaXykns'k ds chp lg;ksx dk lQj\ ¼Bangladesh is not only geographical but diplomatic and strategic importance for India, what is India's journey of cooperation between Bangladesh.½

3.vkt tc igys ls vf/kd lqjf{kr] LoLFk lEiUUk vkSj yack thou th jgs gS rks D;ksa dgrs gSa thou nq"dj gSa] le>k,sa¼Today, when you are living a more secure, healthy and long life than before, why are you saying life is pure, explain.½

4.izfr O;fDr vk; c<+us dk eryc gS ns'k ds gj ukxfjd dh vkenuh c<+h gSa le>k,as ^vk; cuke [kq'kgkyh*\¼Increasing per capita income means increasing the income of every citizen of the country, explain 'Income versus prosperity'.½

5.efgyk vf/kdkj ds ekeys eas laEifŸk vf/kdkj ds ekeys dks tksM+uk gksxk] D;k gSa] laifŸk esa L=h ds fgLls dh gdhdr\ ¼In the matter of women's rights, the matter of right to the right to join, what is, the reality of the woman's share in the property½

Paper No.-(2) 2018-19 for IAS Mains

1.lM+d gknlk ukle>h gS ;k rduhdh [kkfe;kaW le>k,sa\¼Is road accident misunderstanding or technical flaws.½ djsa& ¼1½ jk"Vªh; equkQk[kksjh izkf/kdj.k ¼2½ iz/kkuea=h vkokl ;kstuk ¼3½ lacaf/kr cky fodkl lsok;sa ;kstukA¼(1) National Profit Authorization (2) Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (3) Integrated Child Development Services Scheme.½

3.vxj lafo/kku us iapk;r eas efgykvksa dk vkj{k.k ugha fn;k gksrk rks Hkkjr esa ,d yk[k efgyk ljiap ugha gksrs ij D;k ^vkj{k.k* efgyk l'kfDrdj.k dh fn'kk esa ,d lkFkZd o Bksl dne gSa] le>k,sa\ ¼If the Constitution had not given reservation of women in Panchayat, then if there is no one lakh women's Sarpanch in India, is there a meaningful and concrete step towards women empowerment.½

4.Hkkjr eas LokLF; {ks= ^ykijokgh vkSj laosnughurk gSa*lgefr nsaA¼In India, the health sector is 'negligent and sensitivity'.½'okl foKku dks pqukSrh gS ;k rkfdZd f'k{kk dk vHkko le>k,saA ¼Challenge the superstition science or explain the lack of logical education.½

6.LoPN Hkkjr vfHk;ku ds lkFk gh LoPNrkdfeZ;ksa ds thou esa xq.kkRed fodkl ykuk yksd dY;k.kdkjhljdkj dh ftEEksnkjh gS] le>k,sa\¼With the clean India campaign, it is the responsibility of the public welfare government to bring qualitative development in the lives of the cleaners.½

7.fnO;kax vkSj lgkuqHkwfr ugha lg;ksx pkfg, D;ksafd og Lo;a ÅtkZoku gS] viuh lgefr nsaA ¼Divyaung and Sadanubhuti should not cooperate because she herself is energetic, give her consent.½

8.lQkbZ dfeZ;ksa dk lEEkku vkSj j{kk gh LoPNrk vfHk;ku dh lQyrk gS] u dh LoPNrk &lIrkg] i[kokM+k vkSj ekg eukuk] fopkj O;Dr djsaA¼Respect and protection of cleanliness personnel is the success of cleanliness campaign, not cleanliness-weekly, weekly, fortnight and month-to-month, express thoughts.½

9.fMizs'ku ;kuh volkn nqfu;k dh lcls cM+h ekufld chekjh cuus tk jgh gSa D;k ;g lekt ds ijLij okLrfod laokn ds volj de gksus dk dkj.k gks jgk gSa] le>k,saA ¼Depression is what is going to be the biggest mental illness in the world. Do you know the reason for the lesser opportunities for real interaction of society½

10.Hkkjr&ikfdLrku ds chp la?k"kZ fojke ;k la?k"kZ dk var gksuk pkfg, le>k,saA ¼Explain the end of a cease-fire or conflict between India and Pakistan.½

11.fookg ds vfuok;Z iathdj.k dh vko';drk gSa D;ksafd vPNs thou ds pkgr esa /kks[kk gS] le>k,saA ¼Mandatory registration of marriage is required because there is cheating in the desire of good life, explain.½

12.Hkkjr gfFk;kj fuekZ.k esa vkRefuHkZjrk dh vksj c<+ jgk gSa] ^esd bu bafM;k* lQy ;kstuk gSa] le>k,saA ¼India is moving towards self-reliance in the creation of weapons, 'Make in India' is a successful scheme, explain.½

13.yksd laxhr Hkkjrh; laxhr dyk dh vfeV Nki gSa] le>k,saA¼Explain, folk music is an imprint of Indian music art, explain it.½

14.^bZt vkWQ Mwbax fctusl bafM;k* ds c<+rs dne dh okLrfodrk dk v/;;u djsaA ¼Study the reality of the growing step of 'Is of Doing Business India'.½

15.vkt balku ds ikl lHkh ds fy, le; gSa fdarq [kqn ds fy, ughaA D;k ^,dkar dk laxhr* mls viukiu ns nsxk] mnkgj.k nsdj le>k,saA ¼Today, humans have time for everyone but not for themselves. Will the music of solitude give him an example, explain by example.½

16.D;k vki lger gS fd cky e`R;q nj] ekr` e`R;q nj ,oa dqiks"k.k dks jksdus ds fy, cky fookg ds fo#) vfHk;ku vko';d ,oa vfuok;Z gS] ;g dkuwuh izko/kku okLrfod gSaA ¼Do you agree that the campaign against child marriage is essential and compulsory to prevent child mortality, maternal mortality and malnutrition, these legal provisions are genuine.½

17.Hkkjr&bZjku laca/k flQZ O;ogkj gh ugha O;kikj vkSj jkstxkj Hkh gSa le>k,saA ¼India-Iran relations are not just behaviors but also trade and employment.½

18.ekr`Ro lQyrk dk ck/kd gSa o lkekftd ikfjokfjd laca/kksa ij izgkj] lEk>k,sa\ ¼Maternity is the hindrance of success and the chaos on social family relationships, explain?½

19.cky] efgyk laj{k.k x`gksa dh jpukRed <kapk dk fodkl cslgkjk cPPkksa ds lqj{kk ls lacaf/kr gSa] vko';drk le>k,saA¼Explain the need to develop the structural framework of children, protection and protection of destitute children related to the safety of the destitute children.½

20.tsy lq/kkj ds fy;s gSa u fd vijk/k ds fy,] le>k,sa\¼Prison is for improvement and not for crime, explain½

21.Hkkjr dh vkRek dk izfrfuf/kRo flQZ efgyk;sa djrh gSa iq#"k ugha o Hkkjrh; ukjh dk vkn'kZ lhrk ugha nzkSinh gSa] le>k,sa\¼India's soul is represented only by women, and not the ideal of Indian woman is Draupadi, explain it.½

22.izfrfnu 3 djksM+ ls vf/kd yksx jsy ;k=k djrs gSa bldh izkFkfedrk D;k gksuh pkfg,\ le>k,saA ¼More than 30 million people travel every day, what should be its priority? Explain it½

23.ekuo rLdjh ,d lQsniks'k O;kikj gSa D;k bls cpk;k tk ldrk gSa] rLdjh dk dkj.k D;k gSa\ le>k,saA¼Human trafficking is a white collar business, can it be saved, what are the causes of smuggling? Explain it½

24.lM+d ifjogu jk"Vª dh /keuh ls fudyrh jDr dh rjg gSa]ifjogu ,d vkRek gSa ij dSls #dsaxs lM+d gknlsa] le>k,sa\ ¼Road transport: The blood transport coming from the artery of the nation is a soul, but how do you stop the road accidents.½

25.cky etnwjh ls futkr ikus ds fy, fd;s x;s mik;ksa dks le>k,saA ¼Explain the measures taken to get rid of child labor.½

26.yksdHkk"kk fdlh ns'k dh LkkaLd`frd xkSjo gksrh gSa ij bleas foyqfIr dk [krjk eaMjk jgk gSa cpko ds mik; le>k,saA ¼Public language is the cultural pride of a country, but it is threatening extinction.½

27.phu Hkkjrh; lhek ij ?kqliSB gh ugha oju~ lkekftd ifjorZu Hkh djuk pkgrk gSa] tks lg vfLrRo ds Hkkouk ds fo#) gSa] le>k,sa\¼China does not intrude on the Indian border but also wants to make social changes, which are against the spirit of coexistence, explain.½

28./kkfeZd ;k=k lcls cM+k i;ZVu m|ksx gSa] ij fdruk lqjf{kr le>k,saA¼Religious travels are the biggest tourism industry, but how safe they are.½

29.cPPks ^ca/kd efLr"d* vkSj ^lhfer O;fDrRo* dk curk tk jgk gSa] D;k lp gSa fd ^fMftVy VsDuksykWth* us cPPkks dks lhfer O;fDrrRo dk cuk fn;k gSa] le>k,sa\ ¼Child mortgage is becoming a brain and a limited personality, is it true that digital technology has made the children limited personhood, explain.½'okl foKku&f'k{kk vkSj ckckvksa dh efgek ij vkykspukRed fo'ys"k.k djsaA ¼Do a critical analysis on superstition science-education and the glory of Baba.½

Paper No.-(3) 2018-19 for IAS Mains

1.vk/kkj ,d ;kstuk ugha gSa] ;g ;wfuolZy fMftVy bUÝkLVªDpj gS] lkoZtfud iwWath ls fuekZ.k fMftVy <kWapk gSa] le>k,saA¼Basis are not a plan, it is universal digital infrastructure, explain the creation of digital capital from public capital.½

2.oSf'od gksrk ty ladV eas Hkkjrh; uxj 'kgj vkSj xkWao Hkh D;k gSa] vgy&Hkwty ;kstuk] le>k,saA¼Explain what are the Indian cities and villages in the water crisis that is global, air-water scheme.½

3.ekslqy eas 39 Hkkjrh;ksa dh gR;k ,d /kkfeZd mUekn Fkk ;k Hkkjrh; jksth jksVh dk ifj.kke] fopkj O;Dr djsa] vHkh D;k djsa\¼The killing of 39 Indians in Mosul was a religious frenzy or the result of Indian Roti Roti, expressed thoughts, what to do now.½

4.E;kaekj Hkkjr vkSj phu ds chp ,d yksdrkaf=d foLrkj gSa ;k ,d Bgjko\ ¼Myanmar is a democratic extension or a standstill between India and China.½

5.f[kykQr vkanksyu ds 100osa o"kZ eas Hkh vkt eqfLye lekt esa usr`Ro ladV fn[krk gSa] fooj.k nsa\¼Today in the 100th year of the Khilafat movement, there is a leadership crisis in Muslim society, give details.½

6.vk/kkj uEcj ,d Økafr gSa] ;g ,d jk"Vªh; igpku gSa] 1-3 djksM+ Hkkjrh;ksa dk ;wfud o lqjf{kr igpku gSa] le>k,sa\¼Aadhaar numbers are a revolution, it is a national identity, 1.3 million Indians have unique and safe identity, explain.½

7.Hkkjr us bZt vkWQ Mwabx fctusl dh lwph esa 30 LFkkuksa dh Nykax yxkbZ gSa] D;k gSa blesa ewy vkfFkZd miyfC/k] v/;;u djas\¼India has jumped 30 places in the list of Is the Doubling Business, what is the basic economic achievement in it, studying.½

8.QkLVSx D;k gSa] D;k ;g lM+dksa ij okguksa dh la[;k fu;af=r dj ldrk gSa\ ¼What are fastgages, can it control the number of vehicles on the roads.½

9.ns'k ds lkefjd leqnzh lqj{kk esa iuMqfCCk;ksadk c<+rk nk;jk ns'k Hkh viuh igpku gSa] le>k,sa\¼Increasing scope of submarines in the strategic maritime security of the country is also their identity, explain.½

10.xjhch] Hkw[k ,oa dqiks"k.k ls lM+ jgk Hkkjr esa ^jk"Vªh; iks"k.k Hkh"k.k ;kstuk* ,d lkFkZd iz;kl ¼T;knk Hkw[k dk eryc gS T;knk dqiks"k.k½A ¼'National Nutrition Griha Yojana' is a meaningful endeavor (excessive hunger means excessive malnutrition) in India, which is decaying from poverty, hunger and malnutrition.½

11.L=h dks laaj{k.k ds fo"k; eas tgkWa lekt dks vkxs vkuk pkfg, ogkWa dkuwu dke dj jgk] D;k gSa cky fookg dh foaMEcuk gSa\ ¼Regarding the protection of women, where the society should come forward, the law is working, are there a windmill of child marriage.½

12.[kjhQ dh mit eas dHkh izkd`frd vkinkvksa dk f'kdkj gksuk gSa ;k U;wure leFkZu ewY; O;oLFkk vkadyu djsaA ¼Eat natural calamities or produce a minimum support price system during the kharif production.½

13.gekjk [kk|kUUk o iks"k.k dk;ZØe nqfu;k esa lcls cM+s dk;ZØeksa esa ls ,d gSa ij ifj.kke vk'kkuq#i ugha gSa] vkadyu djsa] D;k udnh ds tfj;s dqiks"k.k ls yM+kbZ yM+h tk ldrh gSa\ le>k,saA ¼Our food and nutrition program is one of the biggest programs in the world but the results are not aspirational, assume, can you fight with malnutrition through cash? Explain it½

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