Week 16 Update

Another week in the books! This week was pretty great! A big highlight was that we had Stake Conference yesterday! It was quality! It was a broadcast from Salt Lake to all the stakes here in Guatemala. Elder Bednar presided and it was fantastic. Also one part was broadcast from Guatemala City, where President Duncan, Elder Ochoa and Elder Alonso spoke to us. It was great. We had four investigators show up. They all spoke about the Sabath Day and how when we keep the Sabath Day holy we are showing our love to our Heavenly Father. I was thinking about that and was thinking that in a world today we have so many things going on. We may not feel we have a lot of time to sit back and look at all we have been given and all of our blessings. We make it really clear to our investigators that God gave us six days to do everything we need to get done, jobs, play, etc. So why do we think it is dificult to give only one day a week back to Him to give Him thanks?

The week was pretty normal, nothing crazy happend here in Xela. I bought a pair of new tenis shoes for 3 bucks in a paca so that's pretty sweet. Now I won't have to use my good ones for service and things like that.

Our investigadors and doing pretty good. However our dates for baptism fell with all of them that had dates because they didn't go to church yesterday. Bummer. We have changes the8 of December. How it works is either I go to a different area or my companion does. But we think I will go because I will finish my training and usually the people that finish training go to a different area. We'll just have to wait and see. I hope I can stay here and keep these sweet investigadors but the Lord knows best.

Hope all is going well for you guys. I'm doing pretty great. Food is okay too I guess. Pollo, pollo, y mas pollo. All they eat here is chicken. I can't complain to much tho. They sure know how to make some good tasting chicken. I had Mom send me our famous brownie and cookie recipe so I will bust out my cooking skills this week and maybe go make some at a members house if I can find some ingredients down here. Which is probably going to be difficult. If only we had a walmart in our area. Dang.

Pics:Elder Escobar y Yo usando nuestra nueva ropa traditional

Some turkeys with a quality view

And a pic with Donald Trump