Accessing the Websites

A Geographic Subscription has been taken out by LOCAL AUTHORITY NAME. This enables all statutory and many private organisations access to the Learning Materials and Facilities at no extra cost.

Access Information:

Registration Number: REGISTRATION NUMBER

To access the website you need to go to and click on Register. Use the registration number above to create a username and password for logging in. The first time you login you may asked a couple of questions based around your job role (e.g. Are you based in the statutory or independent sector?)

A User Guide on registering can be found on the website. Use the contact information below if you have any difficulty accessing the learning materials or information.

Comments from People using the Website

  • A comprehensive one stop shop for a wide variety of information and materials related to the Care sector
  • I would need a book to tell you that I would not have got through my NVQ 2 or 3 with out it
  • It helped me get a good start with my R.M.A (ADULTS)
  • It has been very useful to get the Mental Capacity Act online, its the bestway for many care staff to access it

Contacting SCILS/EILS

To contact SCILS/EILS with any query use the following details:



Post:34 Millicent Road

West Bridgford



Phone:0845 22 55 947

Fax:0845 22 55 948

What is on the SCILS/EILS websites?

Individual Learning Sessions:

Learning materials (up to an hour and a half in length) covering a variety of topics for employees at all levels in the organisation (see the list of learning sessions) with a defined set of objectives and links for learning.

Group Learning Sessions:

High quality group/taught learning sessions designed for managers or those with teaching responsibilities to download and run with their employees. Some will be appropriate for an hour and a half session at the end of a staff meeting; others are designed to last longer. All come with handouts ready for photocopying, step by step guidance about running the session and clear learning objectives.

Common/CWDC Induction Standards Programmes:

Comprehensive learning programmes covering the Common and CWDC Induction Standards, enabling those with managerial/training responsibility to download and run with staff.

Induction Standards Online Evidence Booklet:

The Common and CWDC Induction Standards Evidence Booklets can be completed online. Once completed, the learner can create a PDF version for printing out or emailing to their Line Manager/Assessor for assessment.

A1, A2 Assessor and V1 Verifier Guidance:

Guidance for those who are undertaking A1, A2 Assessor and V1 Verifier Training.

Assessor Resources

Resources for assessors working with child care staff undertaking the National Occupational Standards. These are resources covering the mandatory units of the Children's Care Learning and Development Qualifications.

News Desk:

Key issues/documents relating to policy, legislation, research etc, are identified weekly from over 60 other websites, for example, the Department of Health/Education, Commission for Social Care Inspection, Skills for Care etc. A summary of the new information is provided along with a link to the source of the information.

Discussions Board:

A forum for registered users to ask questions or start discussions with other members of the website throughout the Country.

Question and Answer facility:

A facility for staff to ask questions with an answer guaranteed within 48 working hours.

Learning Sessions for staff working with adults

Individual Learning Sessions
  • Acquired Brain Injury
  • Advocacy
  • Asperger Syndrome - an introduction
  • Assessing the Needs of Carers
  • Becoming a Manager
  • Carers and the Law in Scotland
  • Caring for a Dying Person
  • Challenging Age Discrimination
  • Challenging Behaviour
  • Coaching in the Workplace
  • Communicating with people who are deaf or hearing impaired
  • Community Care and the Law in Scotland - an introduction
  • Complaints Procedure
  • Confidentiality
  • Conflicts and Constraints - dealing with
  • Constructive Feedback
  • Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007
  • Counselling Skills
  • Creative Movement in Group Settings
  • Critical Incidents
  • Customer Care
  • Data Protection Legislation
  • Decision Making
  • Dementia and Confusion - how to respond
  • Denial - working with a person
  • Depression
  • Different Intervention Methods in Social Care
  • Direct Payments
  • Disability and the law in Scotland - working with adults
  • Disability Discrimination Act
  • Drugs and Alcohol Misuse
  • Eating Disorders
  • Empathy
  • Goal Setting
  • Group-work
/ Individual Learning Sessions
  • Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points - HACCP
  • Health and Safety Legislation
  • Horse Riding
  • Horticultural Therapy
  • How Adults Learn
  • Human Rights And The Law In Scotland
  • Independence, Choice and Inclusion
  • Individualising Services
  • Key Worker Role
  • Law in Scotland for social care workers - an introduction
  • Learning Disability - an introduction
  • Leaving Care Legislation
  • Legal Developments in the Area of Disability Since 1944
  • Legislation, Policy and Good Practice
  • Listening Skills
  • Literacy Skills
  • Loss and bereavement - an understanding
  • Loss and bereavement - how to respond
  • Making Complaints in Scotland
  • Making Decisions: Working with adults who lack capacity and the law in Scotland
  • Making Meetings Work
  • Managing a Team
  • Managing Change
  • Managing Financial Resources
  • Managing Medication
  • Managing Physical Resources
  • Managing Policies and Procedures
  • Managing Quality
  • Managing Your Time
  • Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Mental Health Legislation
  • Moving and Handling
  • Music in Social Care
  • Numeracy Skills

Learning Sessions for staff working with adults

Individual Learning Sessions
  • Older People and the Law in Scotland
  • Performance Appraisal
  • Person Centred Planning
  • Personal Care - Basic
  • Personal Development Plan - Suggested Format
  • Personal Safety Training
  • Planning and Delivering Training
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Pressure Care - an introduction
  • Promote Active Support - achievement and fulfillment
  • Promote Anti-discriminatory Practice
  • Promote Empowerment of Service Users
  • Recording Skills
  • Recruitment Interviewing
  • Recruitment Process
  • Reflective Practice
  • Regulation of Social Care
  • Reminiscence Work - Memory and Creativity
  • Research - evaluating guidelines
  • Research - Conducting a Survey
  • Research to Improve Practice
  • Responding to service users
  • Risk Assessment
  • Safe Food Handling
  • Safeguarding adults - Recognising Adult Abuse
  • Safeguarding adults - Responding to Adult Abuse
  • Safeguarding Adults Legislation
  • Safeguarding adults: An introduction to the law in Scotland
  • Self-directed Support (Direct Payments) in Scotland
  • Sexual orientation
  • Sexuality and Personal Relationships
  • Summary of Equality and Diversity Legislation
/ Individual Learning Sessions
  • Supervision Skills
  • Teenagers and Sexual Health
  • The Training Cycle
  • Values - Health and Social Care
  • Values, social care and the law in Scotland
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Working in partnership with other agencies
  • Working with people we find difficult

Learning Sessions for staff working with adults

Group Learning Sessions

  • An Introduction to Fire Prevention
  • Anti-discriminatory/anti oppressive practice
  • Breaching Confidentiality
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
  • Demonstrating the Values
  • Developing a Team [1]
  • Developing a Team [2]
  • Emergency First Aid at Work
  • Equal Opportunities, Prejudice and Power
  • Human Rights and the Law in Scotland
  • Introduction To Understanding Loss and Bereavement
  • Looking After Your Customers
  • Maintaining Confidentiality
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Promote achievement and fulfilment
  • Promote Empowerment of Service Users
  • Promoting anti-discriminatory practice
  • Recognise and Work with Constraints and Conflicts
  • Recognising Adult Abuse and Neglect
  • Responding to an Incident of Abuse
  • Safe Manual Handling
  • Service Setting
  • Stages of Grief and Mourning
  • The Worker Relationship
  • Understanding Communication Skills
  • Understanding Supervision
  • Understanding the Values
  • All 6 Common Induction Standards

Learning Sessions for staff working with

children and young people

Individual Learning Sessions
  • Acquired Brain Injury
  • Activities for looked-after children and young people
  • Advocacy
  • Alcohol and Young People
  • An introduction to the law in Scotland for health and social care workers
  • Asperger Syndrome - an introduction
  • Assessing the Needs of Carers
  • Attachment Theory
  • Attitudes Towards Disability
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder - An Introduction
  • Becoming a Manager
  • Bullying
  • Carers and the Law in Scotland
  • Caring for a Dying Person
  • Challenging Age Discrimination
  • Challenging Behaviour
  • Children's Hearing System in Scotland
  • Children's Rights and the Law in Scotland
  • Coaching in the Workplace
  • Communication and Language 0 - 4 years
  • Community Care and the Law in Scotland - an introduction
  • Complaints Procedure
  • Confidentiality
  • Conflicts and Constraints - dealing with
  • Constructive Feedback
  • Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007
  • Counselling Skills
  • Critical Incidents
  • Customer Care
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Data Protection Legislation
  • Decision Making
  • Denial - working with a person
/ Individual Learning Sessions
  • Depression
  • Different Cultures
  • Direct Payments
  • Disabilities and Special Educational Needs
  • Disability Discrimination Act
  • Disciplinary measures in residential settings
  • Drugs and Alcohol Misuse
  • Eating Disorders
  • Empathy
  • Environment - safe, stimulating and secure.
  • Every Child Matters
  • Facilitating Physical Development 0 - 3 years
  • Facilitating Physical Development 3 - 5 years
  • Facilitating Physical Development 6 - 13 Years
  • Facilitating Social and Emotional Development 0 - 3 years
  • Facilitating Social and Emotional Development 3 - 5 years
  • Facilitating Social and Emotional Development 6 - 13 years
  • Form F - Adoption Process
  • Fostering and Adoption Legislation
  • Foundation Stage - Early Years
  • Foundation Stage Profile
  • Getting it Right for Every Child in Scotland
  • Goal Setting
  • Group-work
  • Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points - HACCP
  • Health and Safety Legislation
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Horse Riding
  • Horticultural Therapy
  • How Children Learn
  • Human Rights And The Law In Scotland
  • ICT and Science in the Early Years

Learning Sessions for staff working with

children and young people

Individual Learning Sessions
  • Illnesses - identifying and coping with them
  • Independence, Choice and Inclusion
  • Individualising Services
  • Key Worker Role
  • Law in Scotland for social care workers - an introduction
  • Learning Disability - an introduction
  • Leaving Care Legislation
  • Legal Developments in the Area of Disability Since 1944
  • Legislation, Policy and Good Practice
  • Listening Skills
  • Literacy Skills
  • Loss and bereavement - an understanding
  • Loss and bereavement - how to respond
  • Making Complaints in Scotland
  • Making Meetings Work
  • Management Responsibility in Child Health, Safety and Protection
  • Managing a Team
  • Managing Behaviour
  • Managing Change
  • Managing Financial Resources
  • Managing Physical Resources
  • Managing Policies and Procedures
  • Managing Quality
  • Managing Your Time
  • Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Mental Health Legislation
  • Moving and Handling
  • Music and Dance In the Early Years
  • Numeracy Skills
  • Observation and Assessment Skills
  • Outdoor Play
  • Parenting Skills
  • Parents responsibilities and rights in Scotland
  • Parents/carers - working with
  • Performance Appraisal
/ Individual Learning Sessions
  • Person Centred Planning
  • Personal Care - teaching
  • Personal Development Plan - Suggested Format
  • Personal Safety Training
  • Planning a Suitable Daily Routine for Babies
  • Planning and Delivering Training
  • Play environments - organising these with families
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Primary English
  • Primary Maths
  • Primary Science
  • Promote Anti-discriminatory Practice
  • Promoting Intellectual Development with Babies
  • Promoting Physical Development with Babies
  • Protection of children and the law in Scotland
  • Recording Skills
  • Recruitment Interviewing
  • Recruitment Process
  • Reflective Practice
  • Research - evaluating guidelines
  • Research - Conducting a Survey
  • Research to Improve Practice
  • Safe Food Handling
  • Safeguarding children and young people - Child Care Legislation
  • Safeguarding children and young people - Child Protection Conferences and other key procedures
  • Safeguarding children and young people - Child Protection Legislation(1)
  • Safeguarding children and young people - Child Protection Legislation(2)
  • Safeguarding children and young people - preventing/responding to Child Abuse

Learning Sessions for staff working with

children and young people

Individual Learning Sessions
  • Safeguarding children and young people - Recognising Child Abuse
  • Self-directed Support (Direct Payments) in Scotland
  • Sexuality and Personal Relationships
  • Spiritual Wellbeing
  • Summary of Equality and Diversity Legislation
  • Supervision Skills
  • Teenage Parents and pregnancy teenagers - improving outcomes
  • Teenagers and Sexual Health
  • The Training Cycle
  • Theories of Child Development
  • Theories of Learning
  • Understanding Disabilities and Special Educational Needs
  • Understanding Physical Development 0 - 3 years
  • Understanding Physical Development 3 - 5 years
  • Understanding Physical Development 6 - 13 years
  • Understanding Social and Emotional Development 0 - 3 years
  • Understanding Social and Emotional Development 3-5 years
  • Understanding Social and Emotional Development 6 - 13 years
  • Understanding the Values of Child Care
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Working in partnership with other agencies
  • Working with Babies - Providing a Safe, Secure Environment
  • Working with people we find difficult
/ Group Learning Sessions
  • An Introduction to Fire Prevention
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
  • Developing a Team [1]
  • Developing a Team [2]
  • Emergency First Aid at Work
  • Human Rights and the Law in Scotland
  • Introduction To Understanding Loss and Bereavement
  • Looking After Your Customers
  • Malleable and Manipulative Play, Tactile and Sensory Experiences
  • Mathematics in the Early Years
  • Observation and Assessment Skills
  • Policies and Procedures (Induction)
  • Role Play in an Early Years Setting
  • Safe Manual Handling
  • Stages of Grief and Mourning
  • Storysacks
  • Understanding Supervision
  • Using Materials to Provide Art and Craft Opportunities
  • Using Music and Dance to Stimulate and Encourage Creative Play
  • All 7 CWDC Induction Standards


 Social Care Information and Learning Services