Life Cycle Plan (LCP) TemplateVersion no x.x

Life Cycle Plan (LCP)

<Project Title>

<Team No>

<Team members and roles>


Version History

Date / Author / Version / Changes made / Rationale
08/20/05 / Prajakta Puri / 1.0 / -Original template for use with LeanMBASE v1.0 / -Initial draft for use with LeanMBASE v1.0
-LeanMBASE Guidelines / -
08/30/06 / Supannika Koolmanojwong , Raffi Tikidjian / 1.6 / -- removed Section 4.1.4, 4.3 and 4.4
-- added Table template / -Duplicate with FRD and QMP
09/14/07 / Supannika Koolmanojwong / 1.9 / -Updated Section 3 / -Consistent with LeanMBASE 1.9
-Instructional ICM-Sw Guidelines
08/06/08 / Supannika Koolmanojwong / ICM 1.0 / -Removed Section 6.0 Appendix
-Updated Section 1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 3.3 / -To comply with Instructional ICM-Sw standard

Table of Contents

Life Cycle Plan (LCP)

Version History

Table of Contents

Table of Tables

Table of Figures


1.1Status of the LCP Document



2.Milestones and Products

2.1Overall Strategy


2.3Project Deliverables


3.1Overall Summary

3.2By Phase / Stage


4.1Monitoring and Control

4.2Methods, Tools and Facilities



Instructional ICM-Sw Template for LCP1 Version Date: 08/25/08

1Table of Contents

Table of Tables

Table 1: Artifact deliverable in Engineering Stage

Table 2: Artifact deliverable in Production Stage

Table 3: Stakeholder responsibilities during software life cycle

Table 4: Stakeholder responsibilities during each phase

Table 5: Authorized Stakeholder Representatives

Table 6: COCOMOII Scale Driver

Table 7: COCOMOII Cost Driver

Instructional ICM-Sw Template for LCP1 Version Date: 08/25/08

1Table of Contents

Table of Figures

Figure 1: <Figure Title>

Instructional ICM-Sw Template for LCP1 Version Date: 08/25/08

Life Cycle Plan (LCP) Template Version no x.x


1.1Purpose of the LCP
1.2Status of the LCP

2.Milestones and Products

2.1Overall Strategy
2.3Project Deliverables
2.3.1Exploration Phase

Table 1: Artifact deliverable in Exploration Phase

Artifact / Due date / Format / Medium
<artifact name> / <due data / <format type: .doc, .pdf> / <Medium type:
hard copy, soft copy>
… / … / … / …
2.3.2Valuation Phase

Table 2: Artifact deliverable in Valuation Phase

Artifact / Due date / Format / Medium
<artifact name> / <due date / <format type: .doc, .pdf> / <Medium type:
hard copy, soft copy>
… / … / … / …
2.3.3Foundations Phase

Table 3: Artifact deliverable in Foundations Phase

Artifact / Due date / Format / Medium
<artifact name> / <due date> / <format type: .doc, .pdf> / <Medium type:
hard copy, soft copy>
… / … / … / …
2.3.4Development Phase

Table 4: Artifact deliverable in Development Phase

Artifact / Due date / Format / Medium
<artifact name> / <due date> / <format type: .doc, .pdf> / <Medium type:
hard copy, soft copy>
… / … / … / …


3.1Project-specific stakeholder’s responsibilities
3.2Responsibilities by Phase

Table 5: Stakeholder's Responsibilities in each phase

Phase/ Stakeholder: Role / Stakeholder: Role>
Exploration / Primary Responsibility
-<Responsibilities> / Secondary Responsibility
Development-Development Increments
Transition Increment

Table 6: Authorized Stakeholder Representatives

Stakeholders / Category / Organization
<name> / <stakeholder category :
client / customer/ maintainer> / <organization name>
… / …. / ….
Team members / Role / Skills
<Name> / <Role> / <skills required>


4.1Monitoring and Control
4.1.1Closed Loop Feedback Control
4.1.3Project plan
4.2Methods, Tools and Facilities
Tools / Usage / Provider
<Tool> / <Usage> / <Tool Provider>


Table 7: COCOMOII Scale Driver

Scale Driver / Value / Rationale
<Driver name> / <value> / <comments>
… / … / …

Table 8: COCOMOII Cost Driver

Cost Driver / Value / Rationale
<Driver name> / <value> / <comments>
… / …

Instructional ICM-Sw Template for LCP1 Version Date: 08/25/08