Sports Medicine

Elbow, Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

MATCHING: Match the structure with the appropriate name.

______1. Annular ligament
______2. Capitate
______3. DIP joint
______4. Distal phalanx
______5. Hamate
______6. Humerus
______7. Lunate
______8. MCP joint
______9. Metacarpal
______10. Middle phalanx
______11. PIP joint
______12. Pisiform
______13. Proximal phalanx
______14. Radial collateral ligament
______15. Radius
______16. Scaphoid
______17. Trapezium
______18. Trapezoid
______19. Triquetral
______20. Ulna
______21. Ulnar collateral ligament /

SHORT ANSWER: Answer the following questions with a brief response.

22. With an elbow injury, where would you check for circulation distal to the injury?

23. How should a fractured phalange be splinted?

24. Name two muscles that are the main wrist flexors.

25. Injury to the ______nerve causes paresthesias into the fourth and fifth fingers.

26. What is the most common mechanism that leads to gamekeeper's thumb?

27. What injury is most often caused by a direct blow to the olecranon?

28. Which nerve is compressed with carpal tunnel syndrome?

LISTING: List the three major ligaments of the elbow.




List the three main muscles that flex the elbow.




35. The ligament that stabilizes and encircles the head of the radius is the:

A. Annular ligament

B. Quadrate ligament

C. Lateral collateral ligament

D. Medial collateral ligament

36. Which of the following muscles is NOT on the anterior surface of the arm?

A. Biceps

B. Brachiali

C. Triceps

D. Brachioradialis

37. Which nerve can become irritated secondary to cubitus valgus present at the elbow?

A. Median

B. Musculocutaneous

C. Radial

D. Ulnar

38. The motions of the elbow joint are:

A. Flexion and extension

B. Pronation and supination

C. Radial and ulnar deviation

D. Inversion and eversion

39. Lateral epicondylitis results from:

A. Repeated trauma to the olecranon

B. Chronic fatigue of the biceps

C. Repetitive extension of the wrist

D. Repeated forceful flexion of the elbow

40. The adolescent athlete who complains of sudden pain and locking of the elbow joint should be suspected of having:

A. Epicondylitis

B. Olecranon bursitis

C. Supracondylar fracture of humerus

D. Osteochondritis dissecans

41. If an athlete complains of burning and tingling or paresthesia to the fourth and fifth fingers, what structure may be damaged?

A. Flexor digiti minimi

B. Interosseus muscles

C. Median nerve

D. Ulnar nerve

42. Most elbow dislocations result from falling on an outstretched hand and result in the ulna and radius dislocating:

A. Posteriorly

B. Anteriorly

C. Laterally

D. Medially

43. Which side of the forearm receives the most frequent impact and therefore is where the majority of bruising occurs?

A. Radial

B. Anterior

C. Ulnar

D. Posterior

44. A fracture resulting from the radius and ulna being forced backward and upward (hyperextension) is called a:

A. Bowler's fracture

B. Colles' fracture

C. De Quervain's fracture

D. Smith's fracture

45. When an elbow is dislocated it is important to consider the possibility of:

A. Fracture

B. Tearing or pinching of the nerves

C. Disruption of the normal blood supply

D. All of the above must be considered

46. Forearm splints are seen most frequently in which sport?

A. Football

B. Volleyball

C. Gymnastics

D. Baseball

47. Which of the following best describes the volar plate?

A. Thickened capsule on the palmar surface of the interphalangeal joints

B. Ligamentous structure on the medial aspect of the interphalangeal joints

C. Thickened capsule on the dorsal surface of the interphalangeal joints

D. Ligamentous structure on the lateral aspect of the interphalangeal joints

48. A wrist ganglion is often seen in sports and most frequently appears:

A. Over the navicular bone

B. On the dorsal surface of the wrist

C. On the palmer side of the wrist

D. At the ligamentous point on the wrist

49. Severe point tenderness in the anatomical "snuffbox" may indicate a fracture of which bone?

A. Hamate

B. Lunate

C. Scaphoid (navicular)

D. Trapezoid

50. Treating a suspected phalanx fracture includes all the following except:

A. Application of ice after the injury has been splinted

B. Splinting the finger in extension

C. Splinting the finger in flexion

D. Referral to a physician

51. A deformity caused by a rupture of the extensor tendon over the distal phalanx is called:

A. Gamekeeper’s finger

B. Mallet finger

C. Jersey finger

D. Boutonniere deformity

52. To ensure the most complete healing of a dislocated PIP and DIP joint, constant splinting must be maintained at a 30-degree angle of flexion for how long?

A. 1 week

B. 2 weeks

C. 3 weeks

D. 6 weeks

53. Which of the following bones of the wrist is most commonly injured from contact while holding an implement?

A. Scaphiod

B. Hamate

C. Capitate

D. Lunate

54. Which of the following results from a rupture of the flexor digitorum profundus tendon?

A. Jersey finger

B. Boutonniere deformity

C. Mallet finger

D. Gamekeeper’s thumb

55. What motion(s) occur at the radioulnar joint?

A. Flexion and extension

B. Pronation and supination

C. Radial and ulnar deviation

D. Inversion and eversion

56. Which of the following muscles attach to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus?

A. Wrist extensors and pronators

B. Wrist flexors and supinators

C. Wrist extensors and supinators

D. Wrist flexors and pronators