People and Culture Business Plan 2015 - 2016

Purpose of the Business Area: People and Culture

People and Culture drive positive change for employee performance, development, engagement, Workplace Health and Safety (WHS), workplace culture and Human Resources (HR) governance. This requires the People and Culture Team to:

·  Build and Create: Procedures, policies, strategies for the purpose of a) attracting and retaining a talented and agile workforce, b) building high calibre leaders and managers, and c) supporting the achievement of business results.

·  Maintain and Adapt: the working environment, employment conditions, workplace culture, and recognition and rewards for employees.

·  Respond and Solve: Individual, team, business area, manager, leader and stakeholder challenges related to people, performance and HR.

Our Vision

To equip, develop, train and support Brisbane, regional and overseas TIQ staff in providing the best regional Trade and Investment services in Australasia.

Our Mission

To identify, plan for and develop TIQ people capability in line with the business and client needs. To promote a culture of learning, resourcefulness, focus, results, relationships, engagement and resilience.

What are People and Culture Responsible for?

Performance and Development

·  Performance and development planning

·  Performance Management

·  Employee complaints, investigations, misconduct

·  Leadership development

·  Learning and development

·  Skills development and training

·  Online learning

·  Recruitment and selection

·  Succession planning

·  Workforce planning

·  Secondments

·  Internships

·  Graduate recruitment

·  Volunteers

·  Study and Research Assistance Scheme (SARAS)

·  Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

·  People and Culture Evaluation including the employee opinion survey

Employee Engagement

·  Employee engagement strategies

·  Induction and onboarding

·  Recognition and rewards

·  Role clarity

·  Role descriptions and job titles


·  Managing organisational change

·  Organisational development

·  Workforce diversity strategies

·  Organisational values

HR Governance & WHS

·  HR Policies and procedures

·  Public Interest Disclosure

·  Workforce analysis and reporting (In conjunction with Corporate Planning and reporting)

·  Working arrangements (Hours of work, leave entitlements, allowances)

·  Contracts of employment

·  Industrial Relations

·  Establishment

·  Voluntary redundancies

·  Remuneration

·  Transfers and TOIL

Strategic Direction & Advice

·  Various People and Culture strategies and matters