6th Grade Honor Chorus
Dear Honor Chorus Participants and Parents,
Congratulations! As a result of their audition your child has been selected to be a participant of the 6th Grade Statewide Honor Chorus. “GMEA organizes and carries out the 6th Grade Statewide Honor Chorus performance program of activities. This program provides selected students with the opportunity to work with other students of equal caliber under the direction of highly qualified master conductors and musicians. Selection to 6th Grade Statewide Honor Chorus recognizes excellence in musical knowledge, technique and interpretation.” This is quite an honor! Only five students can be selected from a school.
This year the honor chorus is February 19-20, 2016. The Honor Chorus will be held (Mid day Friday through Saturday afternoon performance)in Athens, GA at:
The Classic Center, Thomas ST. Athens, GA
In order for students to participate in the honor chorus they must learn their assigned part in the music correctlyBEFORE attending, keep their grades up since they will be awarded an excused absence for that Friday, and have no discipline difficulties in any class. There is a $35 registration fee per child. This fee is due no later thanFriday, Oct. 9th. (Checks should be made payable to DFA) I will be purchasing the music as soon as the list is published and get that and a practice CD to each student for out of school rehearsal. (I will be going but needa parent to accompany their child, I will not be chaperoning.)(Hotel room and meals must be made and paid by the parent).
Parents will need to have their child at the Classic Center no later than 11:30 amon Friday, February 19thso we can register and get them to their first rehearsal. My understanding is that registration begins at 12:00 and rehearsals start at 1:00 pm. The concert is usually about 2:00 on Saturday. A schedule of rehearsals will be provided later along with detailed information and maps.
The dress for rehearsals is nice school clothes. The dress for the concert is“a floor-length black dress with sleeves or jacket OR a floor-length black skirt and black blouse with sleeves or jacket. Blouses will hang below the waist of a skirt by 3 inches (or tucked into skirt). Also, ladies are to wear black shoes that completely encompass the foot. Flip flops or sandals of any kind and clogs present a safety issue when maneuvering steps or risers and are not acceptable attire.” This is a quote from the GMEA handbook and needs to be followed completely. A black skirt with elastic waist band usually works better since they are growing so much during these years and if you sew, wouldn’t be difficult to make. From a distance the skirt and blouse should look like a dress. As long as the blouse has sleeves, no matter whether short, 3/4 length, or long sleeve…it doesn’t matter. (NO sleeveless)
Cost of trip:
1 night hotel stayand 2 days meals (Registration fee paid byOct. 9th) Hotel selections are on the back.
Please either call or email me immediately so I’ll know your child is participating and when you reserve your hotel room..
**If your child cannot participate please let me know now so one of the alternates can prepare. **
Again, Congratulations!
Thanks for your help and support!
Phillip Streetman, Choral Director
Davidson Fine Arts