English 12 AP

Mrs. Losi

The Individual and Society: Perception and Reality


1. The following rules will help maintain classroom balance.

1. Show respect for everyone in the classroom including yourself.

2. Be responsible…turn in your work on the due-date, be on time, be organized.

Be Prompt Be Prepared Be Polite Be Productive

2. The following grading system will be used:

A. All homework assignments will be given one of the following marks:

check plus – exemplary (10 points)

check mark – acceptable (9 points)

check minus – incomplete (7)

B. Timed Writings will be graded according to the 9-point rubric used by the College Board for grading AP test papers. Scores will be converted according to the following scale:

9 - 50

8 - 48

7 - 45

6 - 43

5 - 40

4 - 38

3 - 32

2 - 30

1 - 25

C. Letter grades are converted according to the following scale:

A+ - 97-100

A - 94-96

A- - 90-93

B+ - 87-89

B - 84-86

B- - 80-83

C+ - 77-79

C - 74-76

C- - 70-73

D - 65-69

D. Note the following point values:

a. homeworks – 10

b. timed writings - 50

c. essays – 100

d. tests – 50 to 200

e. quizzes – variable (less than 50)

f. projects – 100 to 200

3. If you are in need of extra help, I am happy to find time to assist you. Please take advantage of the offer.

4. Recommended Books: The Elements of Style, by Strunk and White. See links on website. Also purchase your own AP review book. Do this as soon as possible!

5. Your notebook should have a section for notes, vocabulary, and writing tips.

6. Your writing folder will contain all timed writings and their rubrics, as well as any other major writing assignments. This is kept in the room.

7. Vocabulary will be completed and tested weekly.

8. In-class final exam will include all major pieces of literature studied this year.

9. Literature for the year -The Individual and Society: Perception and Reality

Selected texts include: The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway

The Stranger, Albert Camus

Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka

A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare

Tinkers, Paul Harding

+ Selected poetry and short stories

+ Independent Reading: assigned books will be tested during the year