Churchfield Community Association

Annual Report 2001/2002

Year Two – Moving Ahead

The Association’s second year has seen us beginning to become a fixture in the landscape of Acton. We have achieved some important and visible changes to the environment, increased our membership and begun to turn the CCA into an organisation for the long term, serving the people and businesses of the Churchfield Road Area.


Acton Central Station. CCA succeeded in bringing together Silverlink Trains, Railtrack, Action Acton and the environmental charity Groundwork to give a face lift to Acton Central Station. A lick of paint, new benches, planters and some work to improve the drainage in the foot tunnel under the track have worked wonders. So far the graffitists have respected the improvements and stayed away. The success of this project was largely the result of the determination of one executive member – Nigel Perkins.

St Dunstan’s Avenue – Perryn Road footpath. Last year’s campaigning is starting to pay off. New lighting has been installed by London Borough of Ealing. Groundwork have produced designs for landscaping and generally improving the approaches to the footbridge. Most of the St Dunstan’s side will be paved to reduce maintenance, but we asked that part is left as gardens. This has been agreed – provided the Association maintains the gardens. Actual work has not started but we are assured that the resources are in place and work will start soon.

European Car Free Day Sunday 22 September Once again, Churchfield Road was closed for Car Free Day. This time the Association played a much bigger role in planning and running the event.. Our bigger involvement was advertised by having the stewards wear ‘Churchfield Community Association’ tabards. Once again the street was thronged with local people enjoying the novelty of walking down our street without traffic. Free pony rides for children was a popular innovation this year. Thanks to executive members Picot Cassidy and Susanne Hickmott for all the planning which went into this event, and to the many ordinary members who volunteered to help on the day.

The Oaks Meadow. With the support of the management of The Oaks shopping centre, and Acton Park Rangers and Action Acton, a wild flower meadow has been planted on the ground between The Oaks and Churchfield Road. As well as the wildflower meadow a series of giant ‘screens’ designed by artist Mohammed Shiebani are planned . So that by Car Free Day 2003 the area will have been totally transformed to create a stunning and dramatic local feature. Thanks to Jill Sinclair, a CCA member who has led this project.

Shop Front Scheme. In September last year, Action Acton announced a new scheme to enhance the appearance of Churchfield Road with matched funding of £45,000 to go to businesses in Churchfield Road for improving the appearance of their frontages. Take up has been disappointing, with only three shop fronts so far being improved. We have been offering vigorous encouragement to Action Acton and to local businesses to re-launch the scheme. Time is running out, and unless more applications are received, there’s £40,000 that will end up being spent elsewhere.


Meetings. Open Meetings are at the heart of the Churchfield Community Association, allowing anyone to come and have their say whether or not they are paid up members. In 2001/2002 we held four open meetings, including the AGM. Traffic, rather than graffiti and street cleaning, has become the dominant topic. A lively meeting in July gave the first hearing to the argument for and against the Uxbridge Road tram scheme, with contributions from Jane Ashley of ‘Save Ealing Streets’ and Harvi Muhtar, the borough’s Director of Traffic. The new venue, St Mary’s Hall and later meeting time have both proved popular. We are particularly grateful for the way in which the Central Ward Councillors have been so generous with their time in supporting the open meetings.

Newsletter. We have published four more editions of our Newsletter. Sponsorship from Bristows Printers of 124 Churchfield Road has made this possible. Without their help the Newsletter could not continue, because last year’s funding from Action Acton was for start-up only. We are also extremely grateful to Executive Member Picot Cassidy, who has produced the Newsletters more or less single-handed.

Notice Board. We now have a handsome notice board at the entrance to Acton Central Station. This is already proving its worth by enabling us to let members know about forthcoming meetings and events. By displaying permanent information about the Association, it is also attracting new members. Of course not everyone uses the station, and we are investigating the possibility of a second notice board at the western end of Churchfield Road.


The London Borough of Ealing is planting six new trees in Churchfield Road and plans to plant many more in the surrounding streets this autumn. Thanks to our team of tree people, Fiona Dennis, Carl Tamboli and Jill Sinclair for supporting this initiative and to Jan Polnik LBE’s tree officer for making this happen.


Social events are an important part of the process of creating a sense of community, and the Executive intends to organise them as often as funds and energy permit. In June, we held a well attended party for members at the Churchfield Café. Idea for further social events (and offers to organise them) would be welcome.


There are now 152 members compared with 127 last year. We are very pleased that membership has held up so well because it means that members have shown their faith in the durability of the Association by renewing membership for a second year. The strong growth in membership is also a tribute to the work of Paul Talbot who has taken over the newly created post of Membership Secretary.

Next Year

After two years, the Executive has decided it’s time to check back with the members to make sure the Association is doing the things you want done. There’s a questionnaire with the new Newsletter for members to complete.

The Churchfield Community Association is an Equal Opportunities Organisation and positively welcomes the involvement of every member of the local community.

Chair Susan Hauser 20 Goldsmith Road London W3 6PX tel. 020 8992 9586

Secretary Mike Morris 34 Goldsmith Road London W3 6PX tel. 020 8992 5033 e mail