Appendix 9 References
Appendix 9 References list all references in the book. Though we do our best to cover all but may be missing some due to learned or read long time ago, even forget the part of the content was cited from somewhere. It's not our intention to do so. But it was used as a common sense and forgot to check it source. We appreciate anyone can point it out and we will do our best to make it up. Thanks very much.
Meanwhile, due to the academic research report is lagging than what's available in the world. Therefore, a lot resources are from the internet. However, internet links changes often. Therefore, we highly recommend you go to the book reference to check the most current one. In case of the material was deleted, we will find a similar or more advanced one to replace it. If we cannot find any substitute, we will let you know. Thanks for your understanding.
1. 古文觀止•韓愈〈進學解〉Advanced Study Solution of Gui Wen Guan Zhi by Han, Yu (In Chinese)
2. 黃帝内經 Huang Di Nei Jing (In Chinese)
3. 春秋•老聃《道德经》Dao De Jing by Lao Zi
4.永不過時的50句名言#22, The #22 quote of 50 timeless quote. (In Chinese)
5.幾個小哲理故事 #6,#5,#4,#1Several small philosophical stories: #6,#5,#4,#1 (In Chinese)
6. 針炙穴位學速讀•商玉惠主篇 A Quick Study of Acupuncture Locations by Sahng, Hui (In Chinese)
7. 長生學入門•國際版•長生學慈善基金會The Fundamental of Longevitolog•International Edition• Chang Sen Xue Longevity Association (In Chinese)
8. 長生學進階•長生學慈善基金會The Advanced Longevitolog • Chang Sen Xue Longevity Association (In Chinese)
9. 再連結療癒法•艾力克•波爾著•黃愛淑譯•生命潛能出版社 Reconnective Healing, Dr. Eric Pearl, Chinese Translation: Huang, Ai-Shu, Potential Life Culture Limited(In Chinese)
10.中華百科全書 傳記 黃帝Chinese Encyclopedia biography of the Huang Di (Yellow Emperor) (In Chinese)
11. GRAVITATIONAL collapse, BLACK holes (Astronomy) GAMMA rays et al, Overview of the GLAST Mission and Opportunities, AIP Conference Proceedings. 2007, Vol. 921 Issue 1, p3-7. 5p. 1 Diagram author Ritz, S..
12. Ulrich, H. , Apel, W. D., , Arteaga, J. C. et al, The knee of cosmic rays — news from KASCADE, AIP Conference Proceedings. 8/17/2007, Vol. 928 Issue 1, p31-38. 8p. 4 Graphs.
13. Ciubotariu, Ciprian, Ciubotariu, Carmen-Iuliana , Ciubotariu, Corneliu
Extracting Energy from Cosmic Electromagnetic Fields and Plasmas by a Chaotic Gun Effect for Relativistic Charged Particles, AIP Conference Proceedings. 2005, Vol. 746 Issue 1, p1387-1394. 8p.
14. Penelope Quest, Kathy Roberts, The Reiki Manual p1, 5
15.Dr. Eric Pearl- the original of Reconnective Healing,
16.The Science of The Reconnection
17.Introduction, Universal Human Body Energy(UDPHT, UHBE),
18. Gary E. Schwartz, PhD, William L. Simon, The Energy Healing Experiments (Science Reveals Our Natural Power to Heal) Atria Books, New York, London, Toronto, Sydney p 9
19.瑜伽Yuga瑜伽 (In Chinese)
20.Mary Noel, Network Spinal Analysis: A Review,
21. John R. Cross, Healing with the Chakra Energy System, North Atlantic Books 2006, p44
22.旋轉查克拉中心-頂輪, Lightweb,(In Chinese)
23. 七脈輪簡單介紹 Brief Introduction to tech seven chakras (In Chinese)七脈輪簡單介紹
24.清理脈輪Dying Consciously - The Greatest Journey (In Chinese)
25. Gallob R Reiki: a supportive therapy in nursing practice and self-care for nurses, Journal of the New York State Nurses Association (J NY STATE NURSES ASSOC), 2003 Spring-Summer; 34 (1): 9-13. (13 ref)
26. Catlin, Anita; Taylor-Ford, Rebecca L. Investigation of Standard Care Versus Sham Reiki Placebo Versus Actual Reiki Therapy to Enhance Comfort and Well-Being in a Chemotherapy Infusion Center, Oncology Nursing Forum (ONCOL NURS FORUM), 2011 May; 38 (3): E212-20. (59 ref)
27. Baldwin AL; Schwartz GE, Personal interaction with a Reiki practitioner decreases noise-induced microvascular damage in an animal model, Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine (J ALTERN COMPLEMENT MED), 2006 Jan-Feb; 12 (1): 15-22. (28 ref), Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85724-5051
28. Baldwin, Ann Linda, Fullmer, Kirstin, Schwartz, Gary E. Comparison of Physical Therapy with Energy Healing for Improving Range of Motion in Subjects with Restricted Shoulder Mobility Evidence-based Complementary & Alternative Medicine (eCAM). 2013, p1-9. 9p. 1 Color Photograph, 1 Diagram, 4 Charts, 3 Graphs.
29. Bowden, Deborah, Goddard, Lorna, Gruzelier, John, A Randomised Controlled Single-Blind Trial of the Efficacy of Reiki at Benefitting Mood and Well-Being, Evidence-based Complementary & Alternative Medicine (eCAM). Jan2011, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p1-8. 8p.
30. Morse, Melvin L., Beem, Lance W. Benefits of Reiki Therapy for a Severely Neutropenic Patient with Associated Influences on a True Random Number Generator, Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. Dec2011, Vol. 17 Issue 12, p1181-1190. 10p. 3 Charts, 8 Graphs.
31. Brooks, Audrey J., Schwartz, Gary E., Reece, Katie et al, The Effect of Johrei Healing on Substance Abuse Recovery: A Pilot Study, Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. Sep2006, Vol. 12 Issue 7, p625-631. 7p. 2 Charts.
32. Reece, Katie, Schwartz, Gary E., Brooks, Audrey J. et al, Positive Well-Being Changes Associated with Giving and Receiving Johrei Healing, Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine. Jun2005, Vol. 11 Issue 3, p455-457. 3p.
34.Phylameana lila Desy What is Johrei Healing
35.Johrei - Divine Universal Energy,
36. Edited by Nancy Allison, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Body-mind Disciplines, p43
37.Dr. Michael Whelan on Network Spinal Analysis
38.Advancing New Strategies for Living & Healing in our Rapidly Changing World, NSA,
39. Br J Gen Pract, Spirituality, healing and medicine, BJGP The British Journal of General Practice, v. 41(351), October 1991, PMC 1371827, p 425–427
40.地球生物的DNA正在被改變(English voice, Chinese screen)The DNA of life on Earth is being changed. Voice in English with Chinese translation on screen.
41. Ulrich, H., Apel, W. D., Arteaga, J. C., et al, The knee of cosmic rays — news from KASCADE, AIP Conference Proceedings. 8/17/2007, Vol. 928 Issue 1, p31-38. 8p. 4 Graphs.
42. Chertok, I. M., Grechnev, V. V., Meshalkina, N. S., On the correlation between spectra of solar microwave bursts and proton fluxes near the Earth, Astronomy Reports. Nov2009, Vol. 53 Issue 11, p1059-1069. 11p. 1 Chart, 4 Graphs.
43. Kirsanova, M. S., Wiebe, D. S., The Effect of the Ionization Rate on the Chemical Composition of Dense Cores of Dark Molecular Clouds, Astronomy Reports. Sep2004, Vol. 48 Issue 9, p705-715. 11p.
44. Launonen, T.1 , Ashton, D., Keane, P., Growth, nutrient acquisition and ectomycorrhizae of Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell. seedlings in fertilized or diluted air-dried and undried forest soil, Plant & Soil. Jan2005, Vol. 268 Issue 1/2, p221-231. 11p.
45. Gary E. Schwartz, PhD, William L. Simon, Unlocking the Mystery of Invisible Energy Fields, The Energy Healing Experiments (Science Reveals Our Natural Power to Heal), Atria Books, 2007, p 22
46. Richard J. Stevenson, John Prescott1 and Robert A. Boakes2, Confusing Tastes and Smells: How Odours can Influence the Perception of Sweet and Sour Tastes, Oxford Journals >Life Sciences & Medicine > Chemical Senses >Volume 24, Issue 6 > Pp. 627-635
47.Alice in Wonderland syndrome,
48.基本粒子Basic Particles (In Chinese)基本粒子 earth shape picture from NASA,
50.地球素顏照形狀醜陋網友稱毀三觀(In Chinese)The Urgly Outlook of the Earth talked by Internet Viewers (In Chinese)
51.Probable Benefits and Risks – Gastric Electrical Stimulation,
52.Spinal Cord Stimulation for Chronic Pain,
53.Electrical Cardioversion (Defibrillation) for a Fast Heart Rate, WebMD Home >Heart Health Center >Heart Disease Health Center,
54.Electroconvulsive therapy,
55. Nader N Massarweh,MD, Ned Cosgriff, MD, Douglas P Slakey,MD, MPH, FACS,Electrosurgery: History, Principles,and Current and Future Uses,
56.中醫史, A+醫學百科 > 中醫史,Chinese Medicine History, A + Medical Encyclopedia> Chinese Medicine History (In Chinese)中醫史
57.中醫刺灸/水針療法, 醫學電子書 > 《中醫刺灸》 > 水針療法, Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Moxibution/Watery Injection Therapy, Medical Ebooks > "Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion" > Watery Acupuncture (In Chinese)中醫刺灸/水針療法
58.水疗法Hydrotherapy, 《理疗学》 > 第九章 温热疗法Physiotherapy > Chapter Nine Heat Thetapy (In Chinese)
59.Water cure(therapy),
60.马王堆帛书, 开放分类:书法设备历史文学秦汉考古编辑出版史, Mawangdui Silk book, Open Category: Calligraphy Device Historial Literature, Qin and Han Archeology Editing and Publishing History (In Chinese)马王堆帛书
61.拔罐療法的發展歷史 [原創 2007-9-20 10:52:43],
The History of The Cupping Therapy [The Original 2007-9-20 10:52:43] (In Chinese)
62.王洪圖教授, 北京中醫藥大學, 黃帝內經 第二講 書名由來、作者、成書年代背景及流傳, The Second Lecture of of the Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor) The Origin of the Book Title, Author, Book's background and Spread, by Professor Wang, Hongtu, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (In Chinese)
63.《周易乾鑿度》Zhou Yi (Book of Changes), The Universe Forming Thoery (In Chinese)
64. Barlow, Fiona; Walker, Jan; Lewith, George,Effects of Spiritual Healing for Women Undergoing Long-Term Hormone Therapy for Breast Cancer: A Qualitative Investigation, Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine(J ALTERN COMPLEMENT MED), 2013 Mar; 19 (3): 211-6. (36 ref),
66.旧石器时代, Paleolithic (In Chinese)旧石器时代
67.宋明瑾, 老子思想與養生氣功, 臺灣大學老莊風貌, Lao Zi Thoughts and Healthy Qigong by Song, Mingjin, Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi Ethos, National Taiwan University (In Chinese)
68.彭述之, 老子的哲学及其社会思想, 中文马克思主义文库 -> 彭述之, 一九四六年四月, 原刊于一九四六年在上海出版的《求真杂志》第一卷第一期, The Lao Zi's philosophy and His Social Thoughts by Shu Zhi Peng, Chinese Marxism Library -> Shu Zhi Peng, April 1946, originally published in Shanghai 1946, magazine of "Seeking the Truth" Volume 1, Phase 1 (In Chinese)
69.東方易經大學黃春霖校長之易經八卦命理風水名片姓名取名十大認識, 東方首頁 > 案例實證 > 易經(八卦)卜卦實證案例-易經風水大學, The Ten Fundamental of Understanding the Naming in The Eight Divinatory Trigrams, Numerology, Feng Shui and Name of The Yi Jing (The Book of Changes) By Chun-Lin Huang, the President of the Oriental Yi Jing University, Home> Case Study > Yi Jing (Eight Divinatory Trigrams) Divination Cases - Yi Jing & Feng Shui University (In Chinese)
70.郭璞, Pu Guo, The Feng Shui Originator in the Chinese History (276-324) (In Chinese)
71. Nick Indriolo and Benjamin J. McCall,INVESTIGATING THE COSMIC-RAY IONIZATION RATE IN THE GALACTIC DIFFUSE INTERSTELLAR MEDIUM THROUGH OBSERVATIONS OF H+ 3, The Astrophysical Journal > Volume 745 > , Nick Indriolo and Benjamin J. McCall 2012 ApJ 745 91 doi:10.1088/0004-637X/745/1/91,
72. Ruini, Chiara , Vescovelli, Francesca, The Role of Gratitude in Breast Cancer: Its Relationships with Post-traumatic Growth, Psychological Well-Being and Distress, Journal of Happiness Studies. Mar2013, Vol. 14 Issue 1, p263-274. 12p. 3 Charts.
73. Stanley, Ruth, TYPES OF PRAYER, HEART RATE VARIABILITY, AND INNATE HEALING, Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science. Dec2009, Vol. 44 Issue 4, p825-846. 22p.
74. Toussaint, Loren , Friedman, Philip , Forgiveness, Gratitude, and Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Affect and Beliefs, Journal of Happiness Studies. Dec2009, Vol. 10 Issue 6, p635-654. 20p. 1 Diagram, 7 Charts.
75. Puzeras, E. , Tautvaišienė, G., Cohen, J. G., High-resolution spectroscopic study of red clump stars in the Galaxy: iron-group elements, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 10/21/2010, Vol. 408 Issue 2, p1225-1232. 8p. 3 Charts, 7 Graphs
76.灵气疗法, Reiki (In Chinese)灵气疗法
77. Diana Stein, Essential Reiki - A complete Guide To An Ancient Healing Art, The Crossing Press, Inc., Freedom, CA, 1995
78.Interview with Scientific Hand Analysis Practitioner Jane Sanders,
79.出手真靈光, It Really Works By Press Your Hand On (In Chinese)
80.拜見祖師爺~人電學第3關卡~~, Meet the Original Master ~ Human Bio-Electrical Energy the 3rd Gate (In Chinese)拜見祖師爺~人電學第3關卡
81.About Donald Epstein, D.C.,
82.SRI: 12 Stages of Healing,
83.光子, Photon (In Chinese)光子
84.2/24人體能量場的知識分享之後(小樹), After Sharing the Human Energy Field Knowledge (Little Tree) (In Chinese)
86.Frequently Asked Questions,
87. Ahlers, Markus, The cosmic triad: Cosmic rays, gamma-rays and neutrinos, AIP Conference Proceedings. May2013, Vol. 1535 Issue 1, p238-244. 7p. 2 Graphs.
88. Heydari-Fard, Jabar, Bagheri-Nesami, Masoumeh, Shirvani, Marjan Ahmad, Association between quality of life and religious coping in older people, Nursing Older People. Apr2014, Vol. 26 Issue 3, p24-30. 6p.
89.佛教历史, The History of Buddhism (In Chinese)佛教历史
90. Testa, Gina, Manning, Maurie Jo, Getting AAAs, not ZZZs, in the classroom, Children's Digest. Sep97, Vol. 47 Issue 6, p10. 2p. 4 Black and White Photographs.
91. Spencer, Kyle, How Would You React in a Crisis? Cosmopolitan. Jun2005, Vol. 238 Issue 6, p176-176. 1p. 1 Color Photograph.
92.Philanthropist Liu(In Chinese) who uses Chinese five cardinal relationship to educate patients in China to correct their concepts and behavior by holding classes. Patients learned how to correctly act and excite what they learned, their body expelled toxins out with phlegm, diarrhea, etc. Then, even cancer can get cured. Please refer to if you can hear Chinese and understand.
93.黄帝内經Huang Di Nei Jing(In Chinese)
94.《靜思書軒。心靈講座》看見自己的天才 (上),(In Chinese), "Jing Si Book & Cafe •Mind Lecture" Seeing Your Own Genius (Part 1)
95.意識的力量到底有多大?(In Chinese)看看人家使用意識強大的人做的實驗吧!,
96.How Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Can Balance the Body? or
97.脈輪圖,Chakra Chart
98.人體器官圖, Body Organ Chart
99.大包穴位圖, Da Bao Xue Location
100.膀胱經背後穴位圖, The Foot Tai Yang Urinary Bladder Meridaian acpunture points on the back (in Chinese)足太阳膀胱经穴
101.Gamma Wave,
102.鋸箭法Cut The Arrow Method (In Chinese)
Note: It means that only eliminate the "visible part", i.e. only eliminate the symptoms
103.成树江 ,从“赤脚医生”到世界医坛——记针刀医学创始人朱汉章From the "Barefoot Doctors" to the World Medical Forum by Shu Zhang Chu - Remember the Acupotomology Founder Mr. Hang Zhang Chu (In Chinese)
104. 辛紅娟、高聖兵,追尋老子的踪跡一《道德經》英語譯本的歷史描述,(In Chinese)
105.吴云清中国长寿之星养生之道Chinese Longevity Stars' Good Health Methods by Yunqing Wu (In Chinese)
106.心咳(In Chinese)心咳
107.文天祥Wen Tian Xian(In Chinese)文天祥&prd=so_1_pic
108. Gu Wen Guan Zi《古文觀止》(In Chinese)古文觀止
109. Bian Qie Xin Fa《扁鵲心書》(In Chinese)
110.傳統中醫火灸療法Traditional Chinese Medicine Moxibution Treatments(In Chinese)
111.《難經》Nan Jing is a TCM theory book that explained 81 hard to understand questions in the Huang Di Nei Jing. The original name was Huang Di Eighty-one Difficulties. There are 3 volumes. Its contents includes pulse diagnosis, meridians, zang and fu organs, yin and yang, causes, etiologies, ying and wei, back shu points and acupuncture needling basic theories. Meanwhile, its contents some symptoms. (In Chinese)難經
112.《難經》/論病Nan Jing / Discuss Diseases (In Chinese)難經/論病
113.Huang Di Nei Jing《黃帝內經》talks about diseases etiologies and prognoses. It also include some treatment methods. It's mainly for preventive health maintenance and for longevity. It was written by many authors through a period of times. It was completed in Han Dynasty.
114.《神農本草經》(In Chinese)Shen Long Ben Cao Jing was broadly used before Ming Dynasty Lee, Shi Zhen has written the Ben Cao Gamg Mu《本草綱目》. It has less herbs than the later one. However, they are more powerful to treat diseases than the Ben Cao Gamg Mu. The later one was welcomed by Chinese physicians especially in the south of China's physicians after the book was published in 1596 (but the writing was done in 1578). It's due to that the listed herbs are more gentle and with pictures to identify. Once prescribed wrong, the bad effects are also mild. It makes people has a wrong image that the Chinese herbs treat diseases is slow. Actually, it's not. For the TCM herbs were used to treat acute and severe disease with amazing results before the Ming Dynasty. However, due to long time since the Ming Dynasty until now, it has passed near 450 years. There are many herbs cannot be identified and many of them are processed wrong especially under nowadays to make quick money instead of doing right to save lives.