Anthem FTP Gateway

FTP/PGP External Client Instructions


You can pick up a copy of the Anthem public key in the outbound subdirectory EDI_ascii_public.gpg

In order to receive outgoing acknowledgements / reports from the Anthem Gateway, a copy of your public PGP Key will need to be added to the Enterprise Gateway Key-Ring. Please email your public key to .

To validate that the encryption and decryption process works properly, please send an encrypted ASCII file with the contents of the file being “this is a test” to the inbound subdirectory. Once complete, please notify . A Gateway admin will then verify that the encryption and decryption works.

An encrypted reject report will be placed in the outbound subdirectory for you to receive.

If you can receive the reject report and decrypt it then the communications is working properly.

The Primary Key fingerprint of your PGP key will need to be verified in order to establish the proper PGP trust level for your account.

General Information:

Your login ID is in lower case. Always use lower case when you enter your Login ID.

Your password may be both upper and lower case.

FTP directory structure:

When you logon to your FTP account you will find 3 subdirectories:

1.  Inbound – directory where all incoming files being delivered to Anthem Gateway should be placed.

2.  Outbound – directory where all outgoing Gateway acknowledgements/ reports will be placed for your pickup if you have provided Anthem Gateway team your public key.

3.  Userlog – directory where you will find the last 14 days of your Gateway account activity log information. These logs do not contain PHI (personal health information) so they are not encrypted.

The Anthem FTP Gateway expects all files intended for processing to be pushed to your subdirectory named "inbound". Any file delivered to the FTP Gateway not encrypted or not in the inbound directory will not be processed. In addition, with the exception of the underscore “_” and period “.” the FILE NAME CAN NOT contain SPACES or any special characters (i.e. / \ * ? & - $ etc.)

All outbound files from Anthem will be staged to a subdirectory named "outbound".

In the subdirectory called “userlog”, you will find Gateway activity log information. You will find the previous 14 business days worth of activity in your account split out by day. (For each day you will find a separate activity log named “ALmmdd>”.) Inside each log file you will find Anthem Gateway activity log information which you may find helpful in determining if your file was successfully received, decrypted, and processed by the Anthem Gateway.

Connection Information:

DNS name:

URL address: ftp:\\userid: (can be used with some browsers)

IP Address:

(It is not recommended to use the IP address because it might change at some future date)

Using your login and password make an ftp connection to the server. You will be placed in your home directory. The following are some samples of ftp commands to transfer your information.

To send files:

cd inbound

binary (allows encrypted files to be transferred in binary)

put YourFileName


To receive files:

cd outbound


prompt (allows receipt of multiple files without confirming each file)

mget * (allows multiple gets to receive all files in the outbound directory)


To obtain your Gateway Activity Log:

cd userlog


prompt (allows receipt of multiple files without confirming each file)

mget * (allows multiple gets to receive all files in the userlog directory)


(instead of “mget *” you can also use “get AL<mmdd>” and this will retrieve only the activity log you specify)