Cosponsor H. Res. 445, expressing support for gender diversity in boards of directors and other senior management positions

September___, 2016

Dear Representative:

As a member of The Forum of Executive Women (Forum) and as one of your constituents, I urge you to co-sponsor H.Res. 445 - a resolution that expresses the sense of the U.S. House of Representatives that “corporations in the United States should undertake a commitment to ever-fuller utilization of the talents, skills, and work ethic of women on boards of directors and in other senior management positions.” I support this effort to bring about gender equity in corporate leadership and welcome the introduction of H. Res. 445, which promotes the increase in women’s representation on corporate boards and in senior leadership.

The Forum is a membership organization of more than 450 executive women leaders actively working to leverage the power of executive women in the Greater Philadelphia region to expand the impact and influence of women leaders.[1] The membership of the Forum spans a wide variety of public and private companies. For many years, the Forum has issued annual reports on the status of women leaders in top area companies, featuring companies that are leaders in board diversity, and has promoted the now widely-accepted business case for gender diverse boardrooms.[2]

It is my hope that H. Res. 445 will increase awareness of and attention to the importance of the composition of senior leadership at public companies. Gender parity on boards and in leadership is desirable not only for the sake of fairness and equity, but also because it enhances our country’s ability to compete and flourish in a global economy. Businesses’ ability to effectively leverage diverse talent is critical to the long-term competitiveness of the United States. Governments and business leaders around the world recognize that they must draw from all talent in order to succeed. Diversity is now undeniably seen as a competitive advantage.

This resolution comes at a critical time. The 2015 Catalyst Census: Women and Men Board Directors demonstrates that women continue to be statistically underrepresented among corporate boards of directors. Catalyst research and analysis suggest that unless deliberate actions are taken, women’s representation on corporate boards will remain stagnant for decades to come.

I strongly believe that by adopting this resolution and making use of the many resources currently available to expand diversity in corporate leadership, organizations can achieve gender parity at every level.

Members interested in co-sponsorship are urged to contact Kate Schisler in Representative Don Beyer’s office.



[1]See for additional information about the Forum.
