Technical Committee Meeting Minutes – December 11, 2013 page 1 of 8
Northwest New Mexico Council of Governments
Northwest Regional Transportation Planning Organization
RTPO Technical Committee
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Metro Dispatch Center, 2215 Boyd Avenue, Gallup, NM
Local & Tribal Governments:Pueblo of Acoma / Raymond Concho, Jr.
Pueblo of Laguna / Dave Deutsawe
Pueblo of Zuni
Navajo Nation / Dexter Donald
Farmington MPO
City of Grants
City of Gallup / Stan Henderson
Village of Milan / Jack Moleres
Cibola County / Judy Horacek
McKinley County / Jeff Irving
San Juan County
Technical Agencies:
New Mexico Department of Transportation: / G-2-G Unit: Brian Degani
DOT District 5:
DOT District 6:Anthony Griego, Joann Garcia
DOT Tribal Liaison:Ron Shutiva
DOT Admin.:Bill Craven – Rail Bureau Manager
Bureau of Indian Affairs / TTP –
NWNMCOG/NWRTPO Administration:
Northwest Regional Planning Organization / Robert Kuipers, Evan Williams
Guests : / Wilbur Lockwood – Pueblo of Laguna, Councilman
TOTAL ATTENDANCE: / 15 (7 members, 5 DOT, 2 RPO, 1guest)
I.Call to Order and Introductions:
- Stan Hendersoncalled the meeting to order at 10:15am, welcomed those in attendance, andproceeded with introductionsand approval of minutes.
- The meeting was hosted by the City of Gallup with lunch provided. Thank you to Metro Dispatch staff for the hospitality.
II.Approval and review of Minutes forNovember13, 2013 Meeting:
- No discussion or changes needed
- Motion to accept meeting minutes: Dave Deutsawe, seconded by Jeff Irving, all in favor, none opposed
III.NMDOT Draft Public Rail Plan Public Presentation
- Bob Kuipers introduced Bill Cravens, Rail Bureau Manager, who made a comprehensive presentation on the draft State Rail Plan. The State Rail Plan is a requirement for Federal funding. Attached is a powerpoint presentation with information.
- RTPO Discussion/Comments:
- Mr. Concho, Jr.: (ISSUE) since planning and population increases will lead to increasing freight and rail (increasing number of train) – (Strategy) would be to invest in bridges and eliminate at-grade crossings in New Mexico
- Acoma will submit writing comments to the State on this plan
- Repeated requests to BNSF on maintenance issues
- Can Quiet Zones at at-grade crossings be implemented?
- Mesa Hill Bridge (GRIP II funding) over BNSF rail – needs funding ($28M) – hoping BNSF will contribute
- Positive train control – computerized system, eliminates operator error (an unfunded mandate – most won’t meet deadline for having this implemented)
- Quiet Zone – are not considered a safety improvement, but the safety improvements needed for a quiet zone can be funded that lead to a community working to designate a Quiet Zone.
- Jeff Irving: Amtrak rail issues and discontinue service – 20 year agreement for Amtrak to use BNSF rail line ends Dec 2015, maintenance responsibilities is the crux of the issue between Kansas and NM – there are sections where the only user is Amtrak and BNSF wants full responsibility and payment from Amtrak. Amtrak is hoping States of NM, CO, KS are being sought to help alleviate cost. Re-route Southwest Chief onto Transcon line (might go to Albuquerque and continue to Gallup).
- Wilbur Lockwood: What is the feasibility of extending Rail Runner services into western New Mexico to Albuquerque? BC: Mentioned in the plan (Rep Lundstrom – House Memorial in 2012) – no local match for the feasibility study. Bob Kuipers gave the history, background, and constraints that emerged from that process.
- Fencing: this is one strategy to increase safety but longer term solutions are needed to get people off the tracks and the need to cross them permanently out of the equation. No silver bullet solution.
- Brian Degani: mentioned a good example from North Carolina where they created a public-private partnership, which invested $100M in strategic infrastructure that linked well to aviation and freight connections. Bob Kuipers mentioned an example similar along the Appalachian states.
- [handout – Project Feasibility Form/Project Information Form]
- PFFs can be completed 24/7/365; process deadline has been adjusted to December 20th; then these need to be turned into PIFs in January
- Do not need to submit a PFF for an existing project, but the RTPO and DOT staff encourages that PIF is updated
- A review process will take place in early January with district offices to finalize the process with their recommendations – projects considered adequately ready will be authorized for PIF’s, which are due January 31
- Cibola County has submitted 2 PFF’s and Larry Joe is working some up for Navajo Nation
- The coordinated effort is the key of this new process to eliminate issues on the backend, Mr. Shutiva offered NM118 as a historic example.
- Brian Degani: District 6 would like these submitted and sent across in digital and electronic copies (.pdf).
V.Functional Classification Update Process [mandated with each Census]
- We are in a statewide functional classification update process. This is a nationwide federal update, which will be determined by standard federal criteria – not subject to local political interests. Cambridge Systematics has been contracted to assist with the update.
- [handout-printed powerpoint from Nov. 5 statewide functional classification meeting]
- [handout-guidance manual] Summary refers to both handouts.
- [handout-Cambridge Map Users Guide] Map user guide can be utilized by municipalities, to show municipalities current classifications, and what is being proposed for updates. Those that do need upgrades get information to Bob as soon as possible to work with district and planning staff – have until March, and will likely need new traffic counts.
- Ron Shutiva:DOT is working on a separate but linked process under Long Range Transportation Plan with tribal planners on particular areas like Functional Classification, Freight, Rail, etc. This will increase tribal participation and input on several fronts starting in early 2014.
- Need to get with Districts on RTPO priorities – right away to see if traffic studies are available and have been done that could be used. RTPO staff is looking at NM118 and N36. Other traffic counts support can be made on a case-by-case basis and as scheduling allows – need to coordinate with District and DOT staff.
VI.NWRTPO Annual Report: Deferred report to next meeting.
VII.Reports on Statewide RTPO / MPO / DOT Activity:
- LRTP Plan [Rail, Freight, & Safety Plans]:
- Status has not changed, the first statewide Freight Plan meeting was attended by Bob Kuipers and notes were distributed by email. Paul Sittig is the DOT Planning Department lead for the Freight Plan.
- If members feel there are other stakeholders in our region who should participate in the State LRTP working groups please provide Bob Kuipers with contact information and areas of interest for subcommittee selection
- Tribal planners will be asked to be on a subcommittee
- [handout] Bob Kuipers also attended the December 3rdNM Safety Plan meeting and distributed notes from this meeting.
- Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP):
- Application cycle now open through January 10th deadline
- Projects Possibilities:
- McKinley County is interested in CR19 section that crosses BLM [needs ROW]
- Cibola County may look into Forest Road 180; will follow-up with Matt Reidy
- Annual Work Program: Bob Kuipers distributed the new FY-14 annual work program to members who had not yet received a copy.
- Statewide Functional Classification Update: ACTION: If members need traffic count support, email Bob Kuipers and Brian Degani, who will coordinate with State DOT personnel Eliza Pena and Yolanda Duran.
VIII.Reports, Updates, & Announcements:
A) Training Opportunities:
- Reminder of 51st Paving & Transportation Conference – Jan 6-7, in Albuquerque.
- LTAP Work Zone training was well attended onDecember 6 in Gallup.
- RTPO members reinforced that Lee Cabeza de Vaca promisedthat the project management training would be made available to all NWRTPO members.
- RTPO members prioritized their preferred training for development with LTAP as:
(1) Feasibility Study training;
(2) Grantwriting Course
(3) Grader Operator Training [Eric Garcia] – focus on NDOT and Chapter level needs (need to schedule training early – annual schedule fills up fast)
(4) Strategic planning – discussion around NM53 area and their needs along that State route.
B) Other News / Regional Projects:
Scenic Byway: Trail of the Ancients kiosks are still in the works.
Member appointments and alternatives forms. Bob Kuipers discussed each member status and the process for submitting these forms.Still collecting new member appointment forms which identify the second / alternate member appointment.
Gallup, McKinley and Grants still needingRTPO Orientation;
- ACTION: McKinley County requested 12/17 for a presentation at County Commission
- ACTION: Gallup asked that an agenda request be submitted and at next Council meeting in January would be fine.
Annual December Bond Sale. Discussed this process and the COG’s role of acting as alternative fiscal agent for projects in Gallup and McKinley County.
Transportation Alternative Program (TAP). Bob Kuipers applauded NWRTPO and its results in this first round of TAP funding.
- MAP-21 Summary – emailed Nov. 14
- NM DOT Planning Procedures Manual and related doc.s – emailed Nov. 25
- NWRTPO PFF – PIF – RTIPR process – emailed Nov. 27
- LTAP Work Zone Trng. – Dec. 6, Gallup – emailed Nov. 27
- LTAP – Winter Road Maintenance opportunity – emailed Nov. 27
- Tribal Transportation Safety Funding opportunity – emailed Dec. 4
- Tribal Construction Training opportunity – emailed Dec. 4
- Nov. 15 AASHTO Journal – emailed Dec. 4
- Nov. 18 Freight Plan meeting notes – emailed Dec. 4
- Nov. 18 GTG Report – emailed Dec. 4
- EPA Environ. Justice Coop Agreement Prgm. – emailed Dec. 4
- 51st Paving & Transportation Conf., Jan. 6-7, Albuquerque – emailed Dec. 4
- Nov. 22 AASHTO Journal – emailed Dec. 4
- Minutes & Power Point – Nov. 5 Functional Classification mtng. – emailed Dec. 4
- Draft Hwy PFN Shapefiles – emailed Dec. 4
- Nov. 18 Freight Plan meeting notes – final rendition – emailed Dec. 4
- Nov. 25 GTG Update – emailed Dec. 4
C) Local Member Issues, Reports & Updates:
Pueblo of Zuni:
- No report this meeting
McKinley County:
- Focused and busy on closing out projects before 12/31/13
- One remaining project to complete is Sundance Road which will include re-shaping and graveling 3 miles of roadway.
- Navajo Nation coordination and JPA projects:
- N37 (Coyote Canyon Chapter) need to renew agreement to target work in Spring 2014
- Pinedale Chapter agreement with NDOT that Navajo provides materials and County does work on 1 mile of roadway improvements.
- Jeff Irving presented at the Navajo Nation Transportation workshop and participated in the NM Safety Plan Kick-off meeting
- Working on legislative priorities for Santa Fe, including Manuelito Canyon Road project that the Federal government has agreed to put $11M into the bridge project, but readiness funding is needed to access that understanding.
- Continuing right of way work on CR-19 and Johnson Road (CR55)
Cibola County:
- Maintenance schedule and issues still in progress [provided by Judy Horacek in writing]
- TAP project awarded to Grants for Riverwalk Trail development
City of Gallup:
- Legislative Priorities:
- Allison Bridge [$1.5M City commitment to Governor/Legislature],
- College Drive/Hospital Drive Project, and
- Route 66 Pedestrian Safety Project [fully funded by TAP]
- Fully support US491 Completion
San Juan County:
- No report this meeting
Eastern Navajo:
- Dexter Donald, new member. Worked with the Western agency before joining Eastern agency. Fairly new to planning world; NDOT in reorganization of work with new Federal Aid Programs.
- Navajo Workshop in Albuquerque for the Navajo Chapters.
- Community and Chapter level planning is being accomplished; looking to move into the next phase including more follow-ups on turnouts
Northern Navajo:
- No report this meeting
Ramah Navajo:
- No report this meeting
Pueblo of Acoma:
- Mr. Concho, Jr. was requested to send the weblink to presentation materials from Tribal Transportation Conference.
- In April / May 2013, the Pueblo met with BNSF Railway to identify and locate areas of maintenance concerns and improvement projects. A follow-up meeting was held with BNSF representatives recently and no progress had been made in addressing the Pueblo’s concerns.
- Acoma submitted Mesa Hill Bridge as its top priority through the ICIP and for Legislative capital outlay, several high level presentations were made to Executive and Legislative branches to garner support for funding. [$28M]
- Mr. Concho, Jr. attended the Inter-Tribal Transportation Association Conference in Phoenix, which is focused on policy and advocacy in terms of MAP-21 including rulemaking on Tribal Transportation Program and changes needed. Another issue is the different processes and huge paperwork burden/obstacle to access local, State, tribal, and Federal resources needed for projects.
- Acoma is considering an intertribal transportation summit in March.
- A request for proposals is due out soon for several road & bridge projects that the Pueblo has designed.
Pueblo of Laguna:
- L22 (NM23) in redesign at 60% from Paraje to Dancing Eagle (slight delay from cultural site – now mitigated); now resurveying to add bike and ped ammenities
- L55, selected contractor. Will close this Friday to submit bids and construction to start next year
- Bridges (108, 109, 137) in design at 75%
- #137 Traffic Analysis for access to subdivision with 110 homes have 5 alternates, picked 3-non permanent; General Traffic Analysis study is done.
- NM124 & Schoolhouse road – PER report for roundabout and road diet - review with contractor and NMDOT. Need to address comments. May have found more funding to another 1.5miles west to old laguna (bottom of hill) – Partnership Approach: Laguna is funding design through TIGER grant [at 60%] and DOT is funding construction.
- Setting up meeting with District 6 for NM-6 corridor study to discuss straightening out areas identified in DOT crash analysis.
- Major flooding issues on Federal and tribal lands.
Village of Milan:
- Uranium PH3 75% complete, drainage, curb & gutter work now, mid-December to complete
- Uranium PH4 95% complete for design
- (Motel) NM122 on hold till Spring 2014
City of Grants:
- 1stStreet 95% paved and complete with striping and signage needed
- 2nd Street in design
- ACTION: Judy Horacek mentioned the need to reach out to Jim Fisk, Grants Project Manager, on accessing and moving TAP funding for the Riverwalk Legacy Trail.
Farmington MPO:
- No report this meeting
D)State Department of Transportation (DOT) Updates:
Planning/Government-to-Government Unit: (Brian Degani)
- Long-Range Transportation Plan: Claude Morelli is targeting the Cooperative Roundtable meeting for January 9th at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center in Albuquerque. Major Deliverables include:
- Project Manager Plan
- Project Work Schedule
- Public Participation Framework
- Chart Documents for regions and the seven regional working groups
- Public Involvement Plan Process: final document due out the end of December and will be distributed to RTPOs for review; undertaken by Cambridge Systematics
- Freight Working Group will be meeting in January, more details to come from Paul Sittig
- Primary Freight Network has released link to website, map and information – these designations could elevate projects to the Projects List of Freight Benefit that reduce Federal match but still compete for regular Federal allocations and processes. (http// – or check the Dec. 4 GTG Update)
- FinishingStatewide 2020-2040 future forecast for traffic models
- ACTION: Bob Kuipers will pull weblink for the map and information from the GTG (Dec 4th email) to circulate to the RTPO members for their review.
DOT Tribal Liaison: (Ron Shutiva)
- Attended the Navajo Department of Transportation workshop informing Navajo Chapters on transportation processes. He suggested that a New Mexico Navajo Chapters focus may have been easier to drill down into more specifics, and offered the McKinley County Road Forum as a model.
- Working with ArDaniel Begay, NDOT’s Inter-Governmental Agreement coordinator with NMDOT District 5 Dave Quintana on US491 Lightning Agreement and US64 audit for safety enhancements.
- Participation and kick-off of Churchrock’s Tribal Infrastructure Fund planning grant for a feasibility study for the NM118 corridor. Navajo Nation has contracted with the consulting firm “iina ba” to coordinate the project. [Main Contacts: Arlando Teller, NDOT and Douglas Chubin, Senior Civil Engineer]
- Shared that $14M will be available again for the Tribal Infrastructure Fund.
- Participation in the NM Safety Plan kick-off, Traffic Safety Modeling session, and Laguna Pedestrian/Bike Trail Plan [TIGER grant].
- Asking for support with Baahaali (Breadsprings) Chapter’s request for development of a joint road maintenance yard.
- Planning for an intertribal meeting for project development at Isleta.
- Announced that there may be possibility that the Tribal Transportation Technical Assistance Program will be headquartered out of New Mexico rather than Colorado.
District 5:
- No report this meeting
District 6: (Anthony Griego)
- Shared the FHWA audit on 1st Street project in Grants
- Announced that District 6 is working on closing all local government projects by month’s end; only 4 requesting extensions thus far. The LGRF FY-15 application cycle will be coming soon.
- He stressed that timing is extremely important – RTPO members should have a shared interest to make sure we ask for awarded funding when we are ready to start the project and avoid getting projects listed as inactive.
- He stressed “building projects right” especially if you are using Federal dollars.
DOT Administration:
- No report this meeting
BIA – Southwest Office TTP:
- No report this meeting
- No report this meeting
IX.New Business/Open Floor: Members & Guests
- No new business
X.Review Calendar & Announce/Project Events of Interest
- Calendar reminders:
- NM Transportation Commissionmeets: 1/23 – Santa Fe, 2/20 – Acoma, 3/20 – T or C, 4/17- Albuquerque, 5/15 – Ruidoso, 6/19 – Cimarron, 7/17 – Gallup, 8/21 – Farmington, 9/18 – Raton, 10/16 – Fort Sumner, 12/4 – Las Cruces
- Tribal Infrastructure Fund – letters of intent/pre-application due December 16th
- Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) funding opportunity – proposals due January 10th
XI.Next Meetings:
- Planned next 6 months meeting locations:
- January 8th – Mariano Lake Chapter (Eastern Navajo)
- February 12th – Cibola County
- March – no meeting, instead the DOT District RTIPR (zipper) meetings take place
- April 9th – Pueblo of Zuni
- May 14th – San Juan County
- June 11th – McKinley County
- July 9th – Pueblo of Laguna
- Laguna Councilman Wilbur Lockwood announced that he would be stepping down from his role as Councilman, but wanted to continue to be invited and to participate when he could.
- Adjournment: At 2:40 pm; Motion to adjourn made by Judy Horacek,seconded byDave Deutsawe, all in favor, none opposed.