Response to Freedom of Information Request

Subject: / Response to Freedom of Information Request
Reference: / ICTBIFoI20110901-002 (INC048147)
Author(s): / Blundell, Ian
Contributor(s): / Walls, Sharon
Approval(s): / Park, Steve
Date: / 21st September 2011

1.  Introduction

Further to your request for information, please find below a response to your question(s), an explanation of your right to appeal and within the appendix; a copy of your original FoI request for reference.

2.  FoI Response

Detailed below are responses to the questions raised within your FoI request (please refer to ‘Appendix 1’):

§  What computer software are you using for Highways Maintenance, Works Ordering and Inspections, how much are you paying per year, how many users are you licensed for and is there a fixed length associated with your current contractual arrangements, if so when?
The Council use Exor (Bentley Systems) for highway maintenance works ordering and inspections. Exor is a managed (hosted) service that also includes a number of other modules/packages that cover street works, mobile working, bridges andstructures,enquiry management etc. The total annual cost for all modules is £81449.00 and this includes 46 user licences. A recurring annual agreement with a 3 month termination period is in place with the supplier.

§  What computer software are you using for Street Lighting Management, how much are you paying per year, how many users are you licensed for, and is there a fixed length associated with your current contractual arrangements, if so when?
The Council currently uses Mayrise for Street Lighting Management. Annual charges are £4017.00 which includes unlimited (within reason) licences. A recurring annual agreement with a 3 month termination period is in place with the supplier.

§  What computer software are you using for UKPMS, how much are you paying per year, how many users are you licensed for, and is there a fixed length associated with your current contractual arrangements, if so when?
The Council currently use MARCH UKPMS for pavement management. Annual charges are £9,950.00 and we are licenced for 3 users. A recurring annual agreement with a 3 month termination period is in place with the supplier.

§  What computer software are you using for Street Works, how much are you paying per year, how many users are you licensed for and is there a fixed length associated with your current contract arrangements, if so when?
The Council use Exor (Bentley Systems). Please refer to Question 1 for details of annual costs and contractual arrangements.

§  What computer software are you using for Bridges/Structures, how much are you paying per year, how many users are you licensed for, and is there a fixed length associated with your current contractual arrangements, if so when?
The Council use Exor (Bentley Systems). Please refer to Question 1 for details of annual costs and contractual arrangements.

3.  Your Right to Appeal

If you are not satisfied with my response to your request for information, you may ask the Council for an internal review of this decision. You should write to Timothy Date, Solicitor to the Council and Head of Corporate Governance, at Warrington Borough Council, Quattro Building, Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 1BN giving details of your complaint. You should do this as soon as possible, or, in any case, within two months of your request being refused.

If, following the outcome of the internal review, you remain dissatisfied with the Council's response to your information request you have a right under section 50 of the Act to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:

Address: / Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: / 0303 123 1113
Facsimile: / 01625 524 510
Website: /

Appendix 1 – Original FoI Request
-----Original Message-----

From: Alan Johnson [mailto:

Sent: 25 August 2011 13:47


Subject: Freedom of Information request - Computer Software used by the Highways Department

Dear Warrington Borough Council,

Q1. What computer software are you using for Highways Maintenance, Works Ordering and Inspections, how much are you paying per year, how many users are you licensed for and is there a fixed length associated with your current contractual arrangements, if so when?

Q2. What computer software are you using for Street Lighting Management, how much are you paying per year, how many users are you licensed for, and is there a fixed length associated with your current contractual arrangements, if so when?

Q3. What computer software are you using for UKPMS, how much are you paying per year, how many users are you licensed for, and is where a fixed length associated with your current contractual arrangements, if so when?

Q4. What computer software are you using for Street Works, how much are you paying per year, how many users are you licensed for and is where a fixed length associated with your current contract arrangements, if so when?

Q5. What computer software are you using for Bridges/Structures, how much are you paying per year, how many users are you licensed for, and is there a fixed length associated with your current contractual arrangements, if so when?

Yours faithfully,

Alan Johnson

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