1. Today is September 16. You are working for the secretary to the director of curriculum, Dr. Jennifer Mainord.
2. Read through all problems first, and then set your priorities. Decide which job is most urgent and needs to be done first, which is second most important, and so on. The calendar at the top of this page should help you in planning your work. Mark your priorities on the priority sheet. Then complete the jobs in the order of importance. When you turn in your work, arrange the jobs in priority order with the apriority sheet on top.
3. You may use your textbook as a reference, but otherwise you are on your own. Assume you are the only person in the office and your boss has left this work for you to do while she is away. Use good judgment and common sense in completing your work. Date all correspondence September 16, current year.
4. Unless otherwise indicated, type only one copy of each document. If additional copies are needed, it is assumed they will be made on a copy machine.
5. When you get time you need to create a data base for the publisher address file. Publisher information is use to send multiple letters to different publishers. Here are five publisher names and addresses, each of which needs to be typed in a mail merge data base.
Fisher Instructional Media Havenbrook Press McAllister & Co.
2837 Morton Road 29 W. Polke Street P.O. Box 677
Oklahoma City, OK 73125 Columbus, OH 43216 Riverside, NJ 08075
Reader’s Book Service Manchester Books
1900 East Kankakee Avenue 3900 Prospect Road
Glendale, CA 91201 Baldwin, NY 11510
6. Last night your boss typed a rough draft of a form letter that will be sent to publishers. Dr. Nelson would like this letter by the end of the week. She would like it merged with the new publishers data base.
7. The textbook Adoption calendar needs to be typed. Your boss has given you last year’s calendar, which she updated. She must have this by September 21.
8. Dr. Nelson has written out the instructions for textbook adoption submissions. One copy needs to be typed by the end of the month.
Dear Publisher:
The attached information shows textbook and supplemental materials that will be up for adoption in our school district next school year. Our process will be to gather these materials during the summer and early fall. From September to the end of November, these materials will be reviewed; in December, they will be submitted to my office with recommendations, and in February, they will receive final approval.
The list you have received describes briefly the types of material that we are looking for and lists a person who should be contacted with samples. We have chosen this method of communicating virtually all of our district needs to publishers and assume that you will forward this information to the appropriate party within your organization.
It should be understood that the contact person is someone who is interested in the subject area indicated and would be the source for information. However, that person will not normally be the final decision person. Usually decisions are made by a representative group of our staff members involved and our Board of Education.
Should you have any general questions regarding this information, please feel free to call me. Questions regarding specific areas on the list should be directed to the persons listed. A number of these persons may not be available at certain times in the summer.
Dr. Charlene Nelson
Assistant Superintendent
For Curriculum Services
1. Two copies of each adoption should be submitted to the district office. One copy will be displayed in the Board of Education Room, the other at a location in our community.
2. A textbook form should be completed and submitted with each text. Where a district committee was involved, a report summarizing the work of that committee should be attached.
3. The principal’s signature must appear on each textbook form indicating his or her approval.
4. In every case, the adoption should be the result of a joint effort of administration and staff. No adoption should be submitted by an individual teacher independent of or without consultation with others in the building or district that teach or administer the same program.
5. Only one building need submit forms and samples as verification of multi-building adoption.
6. Feel free to attach additional information to the forms where space is not available.
TEXTBOOK ADOPTION CALENDAR FOR (insert next school year – example 2008-09) ADOPTIONS
April 19, 2007 Memo to K-12 principals to gather list of needed adoptions
May 24, 2007 List of adoption needs sent to major publishers.
Summer 2007 Materials received.
September, October, November Materials reviewed by district level wide committees.
By December 20, 2007 Adoptions submitted to Curriculum Office. (See attached instructions.)
January 17, 2008 Textbooks are placed on official display at the Board of Education meeting.
February 14, 2008 Adoption of textbooks by the Board of Education
March 7, 2008 Sample copies returned to buildings and final 2007-08 adoption lists distributed.