Minutes of a meeting of the Wimblington Parish Council held on Tuesday 10th December 2013 in the small room of the Parish Hall Addison Road Wimblington at 7.00pm
Present Cllrs M T Davis, G Bellard, C Brown
Apologies for Absence P Crawford(family event), E Gowler(Family event), A R Knowles(Business), A Swinden(Business)
816/13Members attendance – Cllr A Swinden
Under Section 85 of the 1972 Local Government Act if a Councillors fails throughout a period of six consecutive months from the date of his/her last attendance to attend any meeting of the authority, he/she shall, unless the failure was due to some reason approved by the authority before the expiry of that period, cease to be a member of the authority. The members of the public were asked to leave the room whilst this item was discussed. Cllr Swinden’sreasons for non attendancewere for family reasons, business and other life commitments. The Councillors were aware that on some occasions he failed to give an apology and only informed them of his reasons when he was aware that he was reaching the six month period. He also indicated that he could not guarantee that for the next few months he would be able to attend parish council meetings and accepted that if it was unacceptable he accepted that he will need to stand down.
Cllr Brown proposed that the reasons be accepted and that he be allowed to stay on for a probationary period of three months and had to attend the next three meetings and the Chair talks to him. His proposal was not seconded because Cllr Swinden had already notified Parish Council by e-mail that he would be unable to attend meetings in the next few months. It was proposed and seconded that in view of the facts stated he ceases to be a member of the Council. The Clerk to action.
Pursant to the National Code of Local Government Conduct Members are reminded that they must declare
if they have any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in respect of any item to be discussed at the Meeting.
Cllr G Bellard item 9(c) & 11(e). Cllr Davis item 11(e). Cllr Wright 11(e).
817/13Confirmation of minutes –RESOLVED –That the minutes of meeting held on 12thNovember 2013 were correctly recorded and that they be signed as being a true record.
818/13Police representative report -
These are the reported crimes for November 2013:
1x burglary other than a dwelling- Block Fen - Purse stolen from personal bag. - 2x theft- fuel theft- Stonea.
1x theft, other-rug stolen from a pony in open field-Manea Road.
1x theft from vehicle- diesel stolen from farm vehicle- Wimblington Road Manea
Fuel thefts
Anyone who has been the victim of fuel theft and has reported this to police and who are on a low income, do not have the means to pay for replacement oil, may wish to contact Isabel Edgington at Fenland District Council asthey have the ability to refer to Cambridge Community Foundation who for a limited time have a small fund to help with emergency fuel payment.
819/13Matters Arising
a) Remembrance Sunday – Further to minute 812/13(d) to consider correspondence from Cllr Brown. Cllr Brown felt that the Council had acted inappropriately in that the wrong wreath was provided and should have been checked. The Chairman felt that the Council had acted correctly and if the incorrect wreath was provided the fault laid with the British Legion at March as they knew the wreath was for a Parish Council. Cllr Brown was congratulated for managing to deal with the incident.
The Council agreed that if the Wimblington Branch of the British Legion could provide a wreath they would obtain it from them. The Council was disappointed that the secretary of the local branch had not informed the Council that they could provide a wreath. Cllr Brown to contact Mrs Rose to confirm the position.
Cllr Brown hoped that next year’s service, which would be the Centenary Remembrance service, would be better organised as he was outraged and disgusted at how the service was conducted this year. The Chairman agreed with him that protocol had not been followed but the matter was not the fault of the Parish Council. Cllr Brown reported that Steven Tooke would be doing the service next year and he was not sure if he would be the Parade Marshall. The Chairman asked that the school be invited to attend and village groups be invited to lay wreaths.
Cllr Brown mentioned that a disabled person fell out of a motorised buggy. He was concerned that bins were placed on the entrance path to the gate. The Clerk stated that he had spoken to the
people concerned and a Safe route had been suggested. They were told to use the main gates as no drop kerbs were involved. The bins were placed on the path for that reason. The Clerk stated that the bins were sorted on Tuesday for collection on Wednesday. On some occasions if the Clerk was unable to visit the village the bins may be left out for a longer period. RESOLVED – That in future Cllr Brown would sort out the bins and arrange for them to be placed outside the entrance each week. Cllr Brown to action
Cllr Brown also mentioned that the War Memorial Angel desperately needs cleaning. The Council felt that the War Commission may have grants available for such work or even an application to the Fisher Parkinson Trust could be made
Cllr Brown to investigate and report back to Council
b) Oak Tree Churchyard – The Chairman reported that Greenwood Tree Surgery had re-visited the site and removed further dead wood from the tree.
820/13Income Expenditure
a) The members considered and approved the following accounts for payment
Anglian WaterCemetery/allotment water124.78 6.24 90.61
British GasElectricity – hall 131.02
Cambs CC Clerks pension 236.61
R WrightClerks salary 627.38
Mrs M Moulton Booking Clerk 82.03
R BarkerCaretaker 136.72
British Gas Hall maintenance 20.00 4.00 24.00
Fenland DC Hall rates 120.00
E.onElectricity at pavilion 26.63 1.33 27.96
Anglian WaterWater recreation field 8.68
B ElmoreCatch on cemetery gate 50.00 10.00 60.00
British GasGas – hall 380.32 33.35 413.67
E NicklinHall hire refund 390.00
b) The Clerk presented a schedule of income £31,528.65 and expenditure£28,157.87 for 2013/2014 and gave an indication of expenditure of £30,990.00 for 2014/2014. Fenland DC would not be in a position to confirm Council Tax Support Grant until 19th December but the Precept form was not required to be returned until 7th February 2014. Councillors were asked to look at the estimates and give the Clerk their thoughts. Cllr Bellard mentioned a provision for tree work should be included. The Clerk mentioned that grass cutting tenders could push up expenditure and Councillors needed to consider if reduced cuts were appropriate. Also hall bookings would be reduced and any shortfall would need to be financed by the precept.
c) Risk Management & health & Safety – the Clerk presented an Audit Commission National Fraud Initiative, Corporate Procurement Policy, Fraud and Corruption, Whistle Blowing. RESOLVED – that Councillors look at the proposed documents and that consideration of adoption be given at the January meeting
Observations on the following applications
FYR13/0825/FS Fink 42 March Road dwelling – access is on bend considered dangerous
FYR13/0847/OP Salter 52-62 March Road – 7 dwellings – objections on the grounds of access to the site, development outside planning area and there is not a need for executive houses they should be looking at affordable housing.
FYR13/0869/FD Dabbs 50 March Road – extension to provide toilet/shower – no objections
FYR13/0870/FL Scott 23-25 Doddington Road – dwelling – objections – narrow part of road and entrance via bus stop pull off.
FYR13/0422/FW King 32 Eastwood End – dwelling – An appeal has been made to the Secretary of state- The owner of 32 Eastwood End is concerned that he has given no approval to cross over his drive and should be mentioned to appeal inspector.
The Spinney Horsemoor Road Wimblington March Cambridgeshire PE150QL- Permission is REFUSED to carry out the Change of use of land for the sitingof 4no mobile homes and 4no touring caravans, for 4no traveller families toinclude the laying of hardstanding. The Council endorsed that they thought that people power was one of the reasonsthat refusal was granted.
Proposed Housing scheme March Road – agents have met with Fenland DC and a letter to residents of adjoining estate sent. Public consultation proposed for 30th January 2014
822/13Highway Matters/Street Lighting/Transport
a) Street lights
Complaint that the light outside a house in Eaton Estate has been chopped off at the top with a 9 inch grinder by a man standing on a cherry pick on the back of a van. It has now been left with a bright orange bag over it. The light was working, and appeared to be in good working order.The light is on a junction so is now a safety risk.
Addison Road FPC2 bagged, Eaton Estate FPC1 fuse box taped, FPC2 bagged, FPC4 cast iron leaning, FPC9 fuse box taped.
Doddington Road FPC5 bagged March Road FPC1 bagged, FPC9 bagged (Could be removed), and FPC12 fuse box open. The position as regards to maintenance is still under talks by Fenland DC
RESOLVED – That FPC5 Doddington Road and FPC2 Eaton Estate be replaced.Clerk to action
b) Footpaths and highway issues
The Clerk to confirm that bids for works in 2014/2015 have been submitted as agreed under minute 810/13(b)
The salt bin at Hook near the entrance of Chapel Cottage plants needs to be place at the entrance to Workhouse Drove Eastwood End. Clerk to request Cambs CC to move bin
Complaint from the resident of 58 Chapel Lane about the foot path that runs from (Doddington Road to Chapel Lane). The path is badly broken up at one point and in bad need of repair and waiting for an accident to happen. No authority claims responsibility for the path. The matter has been reported to Rod Marshall who is making investigations.
823/13Recreation Ground
a) WMPF –J Clarke reported that quotes to move the power and demolish and enclose shelter were required as those already held were out of date. Cllr Clarke to action
b) Parkfield – No report was made by Cllr Gowler.
824/13New Cemetery/Churchyard/Allotments
a) New Cemetery – The Clerk reported that all was in order.
b) Wimblington St Peters Churchyard
The Chairman and Clerk had met with representatives from the PCC regarding the Closed Churchyard at St Peters. The PCC had agreed to write to the Council as it appears that the PCC had never written to the Council requesting that they took over responsibility for it when it was closed on 16th December 2004. Upon receipt of the request the Council could then notify FDC of the official closure and then discuss the issue of maintenance.
The PCC have removed the trees blocking the access to the gutters and windows.
The PCC made a request for salt bin for use at the church.
RESOLVED – that a salt bin be provided. Clerk to action.
c) Allotment Association – Further to minute 812/13(c) request by Association to review Terms & Conditions regarding the provision of sheds. A plan was produced showing the locations in front of the back boundary with Knowles Transport and along the fence with properties in Doddington Road. The sheds would be owned by the Allotment association and of a unified design. RESOLVED – that the request is granted and the agreement be amended when renewed in the New Year. Council to action
825/13Parish hall
a) General matters – The Clerk reported that the pressure had dropped and the heating was not working. British Gas had called and suggested that a magnetic filter be fitted and would provide a quote.
b) Other matters –The Chairman reported that bookings have been lost. The fostering group will no longer use the hall, the ballet dance class has had to cancel due to pregnancy of teacher and the karate class teacher is moving from the area. It was agreed that the fee of £390 paid by E Nicklin (ballet dance class) be refunded.
The Council were aware of the competition for hall hire in the village and considered ways of attracting hirers. One suggestion being Wi Fi. The costs would be investigated. The Clerk to action
826/13Correspondence & Other matters
a) Wimblington Parish Fun Day – The committee have secured a grant of £300 from Burnthouse Farm Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund
b) Thomas Eaton School – letter of thanks for donation of £74.40
c) Post Office – Changes to Wimblington Post Office – Monday to Saturday 07.00 – 20.00 and Sunday 09.00 to 18.00
d) Volunteer Centre – request for donation and letter explaining their role in the Community. RESOLVED – That no donation be made on this occasion.
e) Wimblington Summer Show Committee – Request for donation for banners. AS only two Councillors were not affected it was agreed that this issue be deferred to the January meeting.
f) Cars for sale - Mill Hill Round about. The issue of cars being advertised for sale on the grass verge had been noted and reported to Rod Marshall of Cambs CC.
g) A Birch of 5 Rhonda Park asked if a safe means of crossing the Isle Of Ely Way at Eastwood End /Bridge Lane could be provided. The Council agreed that a problem existed and felt that a residents pressure group may be the best way forward. The Matter to be referred to Cambs CC highways/Cllr D Connor. Cllr Davis to action
827/13Date of next meeting
The Council have agreed to hold at least four meetings a year on a Wednesday. The Clerk is not available until 16th January (Thursday). Resolved the next on Wednesday 22nd January 2014
The meeting was closed at 20.50
P Fulcher raised concerns over the hedge at Chapel Lane that restricted pedestrians. Clerk to report to R Marshall
S Morrissey asked about speed limits in Waggener’s Way and felt that it should be 20mph. It was then asked about other estate roads, cul de sacs etc and it was agreed that Cambs CC be approached regarding the issue. Clerk to check with R Marshall