Regd Charity No 500434

Receipts and Expenditure from 1 January to 31 December 2014

Balance at 31 December / 2013
77,857.17 / 2012
Year to 31 December / 2014 / 2013
Subscriptions – current / 4,064 .15 / 3,685.91
Subscriptions – in arrears / 554.19 / 887.60
Subscriptions – in advance / 200.00 / 456.75
Subtotal / 4,818.34 / 5,030.26
Interest – NatWest Business Reserve Account / 8.10 / 3.75
Interest – NatWest one-year bond / 74.18
Interest – HSBC Deposit Bond / 55.30[1]
Interest – HSBC Business Money Manager / 4.10
Interest – Scottish Widows deposit / 1,840.14[2] / 1,840.14
Subtotal / 1,922.42 / 1,903.29
Donations / 15.00 / 100.00
Gift Aid / 452.52[3] / 0
Book sales / 516.00 / 236.00
Total receipts / 7,724.28 / 7,269.55
Printing & postage of volume 147 / 5,950.00
Bank charges (for LUP invoice) / 23.00[4]
Postage - other / 363.55[5] / 295.12
Photocopying/printing/stationery / 36.55 / 48.21
Deepstore / 630.29 / 487.28
Website / 30.00 / 2,460.00
AGM catering / 66.72
County Societies symposium / 141.00
Donation to Hulton archive appeal / 1,000.00
Total payments / 8,241.11 / 3,290.61
Receipts minus payments / -516.83 / 3,978.94
Statement of Assets and Liabilities at year end / 2014 / 2013
Cash funds
National Westminster Current account / 11,757.23 / 12,282.16
National Westminster Business Reserve account / 25,583.11 / 15,575.01
HSBC Business Money Manager / 0[6]
Other monetary assets
Scottish Widows fixed term deposit / 40,000.00 / 40,000.00
National Westminster Fixed Rate deposit / 0[7] / 10,000.00
Total monetary assets / 77,340.34[8] / 77,857.17
Assets retained for the Charity’s own use
Book stock / 4,000.00[9] / 4,000.00
Total assets / 81,340.34 / 81,857.17
Printing and postage of volumes / Vols 148-151[10]
30,000.00 / Vols 147-150

Fiona Pogson

Hon. Treasurer

2 February 2015

Examined and found correct

Mr G. P. Higgins

Dr J. E. Hollinshead

9 February 2015

[1] This deposit bond matured in March 2013 and the money was reinvested in the NatWest fixed rate deposit as shown in fn. 6 below.

[2] This is a five-year fixed rate deposit which will mature in November 2016 (interest rate = 4.6%).

[3] This figure includes the 2013 gift aid claim which was paid by HMRC on 10/01/14 (£246.27), as well as the 2014 claim.

[4] Liverpool University Press has agreed to allow payment of invoices by cheque in future.

[5] This is accounted for partly by the cost (invoiced to purchasers) of posting orders of back stock.

[6] This account was closed in 2013.

[7] This investment was a one-year fixed rate deposit which matured in June 2014 (interest rate = 0.9%). Tax on the interest will be reclaimed in April 2015.

[8] Please see the report of Council, 2014, ‘Financial Statement and Policy on Reserves’.

[9] This has been calculated by estimating the depreciating value of the remaining stock of volumes 139-147, i.e. volumes published and paid for during the last ten years, 2005-2014.

[10] Volume 151 is for the subscription year 2014. Progress on publishing volumes is noted in the report of Council for 2014.