Course Contract

Spanish 5

Señora Rizzo

¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to Spanish 5! You will participate in and enjoy many exciting and rewarding experiences this academic year. You will be taking a college level course offered through Hilbert College in which you may receive college credit. It is a challenging course and will require considerable study and preparation on your part. It is with this in mind that I have created the following contract that should be read carefully by you and your parent(s) or guardian(s) so you can know what to expect throughout the year.

Self-Discipline Plan

Since lifelong success depends in part on learning to make responsible choices, we have developed a classroom self-discipline plan which will guide you to make good decisions about your behavior. You deserve the most positive educational climate possible for your growth and the following rules will make this possible.

Rules: 1. We will follow directions the first time given.

2. We will begin class when the bell rings.

3. We will come to class prepared.

Students will bring their Spanish notebook, dictionary, verb book, paper and pens as well as any homework due.

4. We will not interrupt the learning process by speaking out of turn, carrying on

conversations, causing distractions or using cell phones or MP3 players.

5. We will treat each other with respect.

There will be no vulgarity, teasing, name-calling, or put-downs.

If a student chooses to break a rule, the following steps will be taken.

First time: Warning

Second time: Stay 1 minute after the bell and discuss the problem.

Third time: Call home to inform parents/guardians of the problem.

Fourth time: Referral to office.

Severe clause: Immediate referral to the office.

NOTE: Cell phones and/or MP3 players will be confiscated if used during class. Failure to comply with this will result in a referral.

Grading System

Check the parent/student portal on a regular basis. Grades are continually updated.

quizzes/compositions - 60%

quizzes - You will have a quiz every 1-2 weeks.

compositions - You will have 1 major composition per quarter. Points are taken off for every day they are overdue.

homework/classwork/speaking - 40%

homework - You will receive at least one packet per unit of study. Each day the homework is checked to see that the assignments are completed thoroughly and then we go over them in class. You have the opportunity to correct at this time. You will take a homework quiz when the packet is completed. The quiz consists of random questions throughout the packet. You use your completed packet to answer the questions. If you have been correcting your work, you should receive a 10, the highest grade on the quiz.

Also, you will receive homework grades of 10 points each for assignments completed on time. A completed homework assignment is worth 2 points. Half of a homework assignment is 1 point. When a possible 10 points has been accumulated, your grade will reflect the amount of homework you completed on time. Also, you will lose 1 point from this grade each time you are not doing assigned classwork. Expect homework every other day as in a college course!

speaking - Speaking is vitally important in another language. Therefore, the class will be

conducted mostly in Spanish. It is imperative that you contribute fully each day in Spanish in order to earn points for this grade. If you are absent, you cannot earn points towards speaking, so being in class every day is crucial. You will receive a grade out of 5 each 5-day cycle depending on how much you have used Spanish in class. Whenever you speak, it should be in Spanish!

listening - You must listen carefully throughout the class, as I will be speaking mostly in

Spanish. In addition, there will be different listening activities such as lectures, dictations

and listening to recordings.

reading - You will be reading stories, poems and articles throughout the year. At times we will read silently in class. You are expected to do this without talking as it is part of your classwork grade.

writing - Besides the major compositions, you will be writing entries on a variety of topics. You must label each entry in your notebook. You are responsible for getting any entries you missed as the notebook will be collected and handed in for a grade at least three times during the year.

currency/participation - Every day or so you will have an opportunity to earn money from the country we are studying. (euros, dólares etc) The money is earned for correctly answering questions aloud in class. You will keep your currency in an envelope until you have need of it to purchase something. You must put your name on each one. I will collect them when you purchase something and keep a tally of the number earned. Your participation grade is based on the amount of currency collected and a work sheet about what is being purchased.

NOTE: If a student is found to be plagiarizing, the grade for the assignment will be a zero. Plagiarism includes copying another student’s work, using a translator to translate work and/or copying sources directly as printed. If the work is copied from another student, BOTH students will receive a zero for the assignment.


You will need the following supplies for Spanish class every day!

1) a 11/2 or 2” binder with pockets.

2) 5 dividers for the binder

3) spiral notebook

4) notebook paper

5) pens

6) A Spanish/English dictionary

7) The Red Pocket Book of Spanish Verbs – recommended

College Credit

You can receive college credit for this course through Hilbert College. The cost is approximately $100. You will receive 3 college credits upon successful completion of the course. (C- average or better) This credit is transferable to most colleges. This is a tremendous savings when compared with normal tuition at any four-year college.


All four quarters - 20% each (80%) Final Exam - 20%

Grading scale

100 - 93 = A 79 - 77 = C 69 - 67 = D+

92 - 90 = A- 76 - 73 = C 66 - 63 = D

89 - 87 = B+ 72 - 70 = C- 62 - 60 = D-

86 - 83 = B No college credit for 59 - 0 = F

82 - 80 = B- a grade lower than 70!

Hall of Fame

Level 5 students are eligible for the Frontier LOTE Hall of Fame. In order to be inducted, a student must maintain an average of 93% throughout the first three quarters of level 5 with no quarter grade lower than a 90. In addition, students must behave in an exemplary manner in the classroom and also complete 5 participations outside of class in a language club, language mentoring or other activities involving foreign language. Students who exhibit poor behavior or do not participate in languages outside of class will NOT be inducted, no matter what their average is.

Be assured that it is my goal to work with you to insure your success this year. Please read and discuss this classroom contract with your parent or guardian, then sign and return the form below. Please feel free to see me anytime to discuss anything about the class. I also encourage parents and guardians to call if they have any questions or comments. I am looking forward to helping you achieve yours goals this year in Spanish. By working together, YOU will succeed.


Señora Rizzo

926-1720 Ext. 2115

Spanish 5 Course Contract

Student Name (Print) ______

We have read the Spanish 5 classroom contract and have discussed it together. We understand that the majority of the class is conducted in Spanish and that students should receive 5 speaking points each week.

Student signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian signature ______Date ______

Parents/Guardians: Please print your first and last names below and also provide phone numbers where you can be reached during the day and evening. Also, if you would like me to contact you through e-mail, please print your address.

Name ______

Phone (AM) ______Phone (PM) ______

e-mail: ______

Name ______

Phone (AM) ______Phone (PM) ______

e-mail: ______