Information TechnologyQuestionsSeries 1 / Item: 13


Select the alternative that correctly answers the following questions.

1Which of the following is NOT a programming language:





2C++ and Visual Basic are often referred to as:

(a)Object oriented programming languages

(b)Second generation languages

(c)Web page languages

(d)All of the above

3What is the value of y, if y = 17 mod 4





4How many times will the following loop be executed?

Count  1

While count  5 do

Write loop(count)

Count  count + 1






5What is the value of G in the following section of code if M = 67?





6What is the value of H after this section of code?

S  6

H  4

IF (S <= 5) OR (H = 4) THEN

H  5


H  7






7A program needs to do some calculations involving the formula:

F = 9 ( C + 32)


This formula written CORRECTLY in pseudocode would be:

(a)F  9 * C + 32 / 5

(b)F  (9 * C + 32) / 5

(c)F  9 /( C + 32) * 5

(d)F  9 * (C + 32) / 5

8What is the value of K after this section of code?





9Examine the following section of code. What is the most likely description of AREA_RECT?

Length  16.5

Width  2.3

AREA_RECT (Length, Width)

(a)It is a procedure or subprogram

(b)It is a variable

(c)It is an array

(d)It is a function

10The best type of variable that could be used to store a class of student’s test mark as a percentage.





True / False

1The following diagram is referred to as a Venn diagram.

2A BOOLEAN variable is one that can store decimal numbers.

3Program documentation is additional information that helps us understand the code.

4A case statement is a structure for accomplishing multiway selection.

5A counter controlled loop is often referred to as a while loop.

6An advantage of modular programming is that the program segments are easier to debug.

7A queue is a programming structure and is called a LIFO (Last In First Out) structure.

8When typing in the code for a program, a reserved word used in the language is mistyped. This will cause a run-time error.

9A good practice when testing programs is to run enough test cases so that every statement in the program is tested at least once.

10A text file is a data file made up of records consisting of lines of character data.

Match the Word to the Statement

A - syntaxE - compiler

B - debugF - array

C - parameterG - assignment

D - pointerH - algorithm

1____The task of eliminating program errors.

2____A well-defined sequence of steps for solving a specific problem.

3____This is the rule of a particular programming language.

4____A way of allocating dynamic memory.

5____A simple structure of a sequence of elements of the same type, related to each other by the order in which they are given.

6____Data that is passed to a subprogram.

7____A statement that is the way of allocating a value to a variable.

8____A program that converts instructions into machine language.

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