Hunt Valley Board Minutes

March 16, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at Hunt Valley Elementary School.

Attendance:Kurt Lorenz,Liz Krein, Mary Mulligan, Sharon Burke, Shannon Kiser, Mandy Warbel (by proxy), John Chapman

Absent: Mark Toler, Doug Gelbach

Other Attendees: Donna McCraith, Kenny Wheeler, Julie Ambrose, Julia Eldridge, Geoffrey Ballou, Lauren Dunn, Julia Davis, Alyce Dawson, Tracy Montenegro, Scott Krein

Quorum: Yes


Treasurer: Liz Krein

County taxes payment includes a payment from the last fiscal year and one from this fiscal year.

We have started our new contract payments to NV Pools.

The Swim Club received request for a donation for the West Springfield High School 2017 All Night Grad Party. HVSC will make a $25 donation to the event.

Membership: Sharon Burke

11 memberships for sale

3 pending

3 sold since February

ID cards will be printed for permanent members only—estimate 1600 ID cards. Cost of cards--$63 (1000 already purchased)

Printing cost at FedEx/Kinkos will run $140.

Plan to do in-house laminating.

Total cost of printing and laminating ID cards will be $271.00

Recommend purchasing custom Hunt Valley lanyards and ID pouches to sell to membership for $2.00 each.

Operations: Doug Gelbach

No report

Competitive Activities: John Chapman

Swim team reps came forward with a recommendation of an alternative coach for the program. The recommendation came not out of dissatisfaction with the recent head coach, but because of the longstanding relationship with this coach and the recognition that his experience and his ties to the area would make this a good choice for our program. 2 swim team reps, 2 members with varying ages of children participating in the swim program, and the competitive activities chair met and decided to offer Sean Mayer the head swim coach position.

Buildings & Grounds: Mary Mulligan

May 7 (Sunday) and May 20 (Saturday) proposed for work days. Will send out an email in April to let everyone know. Free guest passes for those who participate.

Security: Looking for new board member to oversee security.

Social: Mandy Warbel

No report

Old Business:

Engraved patio bricks—looking for someone to be the lead in the setting up of a program. Also need to get some pricing from contractors to determine installation cost.

Kurt reportedthat we need to be looking for someone to draw up a plan on options for the tennis courts. While we have decided not to repair the tennis courts, no other options can move forward until we are able to submit some plans to the county to find out what is feasible. Donna McCraith agreed to pursue some information from the county needed for us to begin considering engineers for a study.

New Business:

Via email, Kurt Lorenz requested the Board consider allowing Lorine Hawthorne to come and present her case after he had received a phone call from her about the new rule, asking if we could allow Chris to drop the girls off but remain in the vehicle. After much email discussion with many expressing concern about any exceptions to the rule, John requested that we consider receiving a written statement rather than in person, given the emotional nature of the issue. Kurt asked for a vote on whether to receive and review a statement from Lorine Hawthorne. With a vote of 6 yes and 1 no, the Board voted to receive a written statement should Mrs. Hawthorne choose to submit one.

At the meeting, there was discussion about the pool board receiving a statement from this member regarding the recently approved rule prohibiting convicted sex offenders from Hunt Valley Swim Club and its activities. Many attending members objected strongly to any exceptions to the rule. Scott Krein attended the meeting and strenuously objected to the board considering any exemption to the newly adopted policy. Shannon Kiser communicated that herwillingness to receive a statement was not a desire to make any exceptions to the rule, but to give the member in good standing the opportunity to have the voice that the bylaws give every member. Liz Krein communicated that she would not consider any exceptions to the rule adopted at last month’s meeting. Mary Mulligan made a motion that a letter be sent to Mrs. Hawthorne from the Board that the Board will accept a written statement but the rule as written will stand in place and there will be no other vote on this issue.

Resolved that the Board of Directors determines as a policy that membership shall not be available to any person (1) who has been convicted of any offense listed in Virginia Code Sections 18.2-370.2, 18.2-370.3, 18.2-370.4, and/or 18.2-370.5, prohibiting those offenders from proximity to children, and/or (2) is or has been a person required pursuant to Va. Code Sec. 9.1-901 to register on the Sexual Offender and Crimes Against Children Registry. It is further resolved that such persons to whom membership is not available pursuant to this policy shall not be allowed to be present on HVSC property at anytime or at any property during the conduct of any activity of HVSC, regardless of where such activities are conducted.

Liz Krein seconded the motion. Motion approved, with Kurt Lorenz abstaining. Jeff Ballou requested that the letter include the specific language of the rule. Mary will draft the letter.

Liz Krein submitted her resignation from the Board. She committed to work for one more month, and then step down in her role as treasurer. The Board received her resignation with thanks for the outstanding work she has done for the Hunt Valley Swim Club.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Next Meeting: April 20