Legally Blonde Callback List
Callback material is available at and by the callboard. Please be familiar with all music and scenes for the character you are being called back for. Callbacks will take place in the auditorium on Monday 11/21, Wednesday 11/23 and Monday 11/28. Please read the end of this list to find out when you will be called.
Aiden O’Neal
Ella Laniado
Emily Paley
Julia Techler
Juliette Roll
Aiden O’Neal
Anna Nemetz
Ella Laniado
Emily Paley
Sonya Douglas
Aiden O’Neal
Ellie Abbott
Emily Paley
Julia Techler
Katie Wu
Maddie Cetlin
Maeve Sockwell
Rowan Sockwell
Anna Nemetz
Eliza Burr
Ellie Abbott
Madeline Murphy
Michaela Berla-Shulock
Sonya Douglas
Tatum Abbott
Featured Female Roles*
Aiden O’Neal
Asia Freeman
Ella Laniado
Hakule Holmberg
Ilana Ruben
Julia Techler
Juliette Roll
Katie Wu
Kira Liu
Leah Moscowitz
Madeline Murphy
Maddie Cetlin
Maddy Waters
Maeve Sockwell
Mia Bracciale
Michaela Berla-Shulock
Nellie Rogers
Nora Elghazzawi
Pamela Chen
Rebecca Jereza
Rowan Sockwell
Sasha MacDonald
Sonya Douglas
Tatum Abbott
Ezra Dulit-Greenberg
Graham Techler
Jon Paul Roby
Ezra Dulit-Greenberg
Graham Techler
Jon Paul Roby
Peter Diamond
Raphael Weikart
Chris D’Agostino
Jon Paul Roby
Graham Techler
Peter Diamond
Raphael Weikart
Featured Male Roles*
Alex Shames
Billy Cohen
Chris D’Agostino
Ezra Dulit-Greenberg
Harry Watson
Jonathan Gumolka
Jonny Cohen
Kyle Hartmann
Orion Wagner
Peter Diamond
Raphael Weikart
Swardiq Mayanja
Will Champion
Monday 11/21 3:15 – 6:30
All name roles
Wednesday 11/23 11:30 – 1:30
All featured male and female roles
Monday 11/28 6:30 – 9:00
TBA - All those being called back should keep this time open
*Those being called back for featured female roles should familiarize themselves with vocal selections #2 and #4 in the women’s musical selection packet, vocal selection #4 in the women’s/men’s musical selection packet, and scenes 12, 15, 16, 18, 19 and 40.
*Those being called back for featured male roles should familiarize themselves with vocal selections #1 and #4 in the men’s musical selection packet, vocal selection #4 in the women’s/men’s musical selection packet, and scenes 18, 19, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35 and 37.
Thank you to everybody who auditioned! We were very impressed with all of your hard work and preparation. Please keep in mind that if you were not called back, that DOES NOT mean that you will not be cast. You will receive an email after callbacks telling you when the cast list will be posted.