The SIT/STAR3 Committee met on 6-8-11 at 2:45 in the MediaCenter.
Attending were: Julie Stephen, Tonya Guy, Marie Kurucz, Robin Farmer, Inez Joiner, Barb Nail, Tabitha Kington, Kelly Lintner, Joanell Gatling, Tiffany Lawson, Donald Hampton, April McBride, LaJane Rice
- Mr. Hampton presented the menu of "Enhanced Leadership Roles" developed by the district STAR 3 Team.
- These roles are extra opportunities for teachers to demonstrate leadership.
- Middle Fork was alloted 4 of these leadership roles by the district STAR3 Team.
- At the end of the school year, upon successful completion of a project, the teachers selected for these leadership roles will receive a bonus of $500.
- The SIT/STAR3 Committee decided that the following four leadership roles would help us advance our School Improvement Plan:
- Cooperative Learning Collaborator-Locates activities and trains faculty in ways to infuse cooperative learning into all lessons. Helps create school climate where student academic talk is the norm.
- Lesson Planning Facilitator - The in-house, go-to person for help in creating effective lesson plans. Works with district coaches when necessary.
- SIOP Facilitator - The in-house, go-to person for help in implementation of SIOP Strategies. Works with district SIOP coach when necessary.
- Parent Liaison for Academics -Creates awareness and opportunities for parents to be involved in the academic acheivement of their children. Coordinating student-led conferences is a good example of this position in action.
- A priority for us was that the scope of each role be such that a classroom teacher could reasonably do in light of all the other responsibilities they have. These roles were determined to be reasonably "doable" by a classroom teacher.
- The STAR3 Committee will meet in early August of 2011 to define these four roles in more detail. This will ensure that any new faculty members have input.
- Once the roles are "fleshed out", teachers will be invited to apply for one of these roles.
- The STAR3 Committee will interview the applicants. Part of the interview will involve applicants presenting their vision of the role and what they could bring to the position.
- We will invite a district STAR3 Facilitator to advise our committee during the selection process, but this person will not have a vote.
- The STAR 3 Committee will decide which applicants best fit each role.
- The STAR 3 Commitee will collaborate with the selected teachers to develop the final job expectations and progress timelines for each role.
- The selected teachers will incorporate their roles into their PDPs.
- Interested teachers can start this summer preparing themselves for the application process by participating in staff development that would enhance a particular role and by researching strategies and ideas to bring to a particular role.