California ISO Conformed Tariff as of March 31, 2009

The Tariff is current through March 31, 2009. Currently effective language from Tariff Amendments and Compliance filings which FERC has approved is shown in clean copy.

Please Note: For amendment and compliance filings that supersede currently approved language, it will be necessary to consult previous versions of the Tariff to see the full text of the language superseded by the highlighted pending language.


Pending Amendments

The following CAISO Amendment filings were submitted and are still pending FERC approval. The pending language is highlighted in italicized green shading.

  • CAISO’s Folsom/Alhambra Operational Control Tariff Amendment submitted on February 13, 2009 in Docket No. ER09-710-000. The pending language can be found on Sheet Nos. 93, 94 and 94A (Section 7).


  • CAISO’s Settlement’s Clarifications Amendment Tariff Amendment submitted on March 30, 2009 in Docket No. ER09-918-000. The pending language can be found on Sheet Nos. 215, 256, 257, 273, 277, 278, 279, 281, 282, 283, 285, 286, 288, 290, 293, 294, 312 and 961 (Section 11 and Appendix A).


Pending Compliance Filing

The following CAISO Compliance filings were submitted and are still pending FERC approval. The pending language is highlighted in grey shading.

  • CAISO’s Mach 31, 2009 GMC filing in compliance with FERC’s March 30, 2009 Letter Order in Docket No. ER08-585. The pending language can be found on Sheet No. 1190 (Appendix F, Schedule 1).


  • CAISO’s March 30, 2009 Underscheduling in DAM filing in compliance with FERC’s March 26, 2009 Order (126 FERC ¶61,277) in Docket No. ER06-615-041. The pending language can be found on Sheet No. 847 (Appendix A).


  • CAISO’s March 30, 2009 Miscellaneous Tariff Clarifications (Bucket) filing in compliance with FERC’s March 24, 2009 Order (126 FERC ¶61,262) in Docket No. ER09-556. The pending language can be found on Sheet Nos. 235, 252, 292, 551, 569, 569A, 572, 573, 574, 579, 580, 582, 795, 851, 922 and 923 (Section 11, Section 28, Section 30, Section 40 and Appendix A). Sheet Nos. 639, 651, 652B and 652C were refilled with a new October 1, 2009 effective date only.


  • CAISO’s March 26, 2009 Start-Up/Minimum Load filing in compliance with FERC’s February 24, 2009 in Docket No. ER08-73. The pending language can be found on Sheet Nos. 746 A and 918 (Section 39 and Appendix A).


  • CAISO’s March 23, 2009 Exceptional Dispatch filing in compliance with FERC’s February 20, 2009 Order (126 FERC ¶61,150) in Docket No. ER08-1178. The pending language can be found on Sheet Nos. 243, 243A, 643A, 756, 756A, 756B, 815, 818, 818A, 818B, 823, 824, 826, 827, 828, 828A, 829, 833, 865, (Section 11, Section 34, Section 39, Section 43, Appendix A).


  • CAISO’s March 23, 2009 Parameter Tuning filing in compliance with FERC’s February 19, 2009 Order (126 FERC ¶61,147) in Docket No. ER09-240. The pending language can be found on Sheet No. 541B (Section 27).


  • CAISO’s March 20, 2009 SGIA filing in compliance with FERC’s March 3, 2009 Order (126 FERC ¶61,191) in Docket No. ER06-630. The pending language can be found on Sheet Nos. 1557, 1564 and 1564A (Appendix T).


  • CAISO’s March 20, 2009 SGIP filing in compliance with FERC’s March 3, 2009 Order (126 FERC ¶61,191) in Docket No. ER06-629. The pending language can be found on Sheet No. 1506 (Appendix S).


  • CAISO’s March 12, 2009 Further Response Regarding BPM filing in compliance with FERC’s February 19, 2009 Order (126 FERC ¶61,148) in Docket No. ER06-615-011 and ER07-1257-000. The pending language can be found on Sheet Nos. 284 and 285 (Section 11).


  • CAISO’s March 2, 2009 Price Cap filing in Compliance with FERC’s January 30, 2009 Order (126 FERC ¶61,082) in Docket No. ER09-241. The pending language can be found on Sheet Nos. 538B, 538C, 663 and 663A (Section 27and Section 35).


  • CAISO’s January 27, 2009 Reliability Coordinator/NAESB Standards filing in compliance with FERC’s December 30, 2008 Order (125 FERC ¶61,384) in Docket No. ER09-169. The pending language can be found on Sheet Nos. 25, 119-123, 131, 137, 634, 641, 641A, 905, 907, 926, 1773 and 1774 (Section 4, Section 8, Section 34, Appendix A and Appendix X).


  • CAISO’s November 25, 2008 GIPR filing in compliance with FERC’s November 25, 2008 Order (124 FERC ¶61,292) in Docket No. ER08-1317. The pending language can be found on Sheet Nos. 864, 1799, 1801, 1801A, 1802, 1805, 1808, 1811, 1858A and 1858B (Appendix A Appendix Y).


  • CAISO’s October 31, 2008 Order 890 Transmission filing in compliance with FERC’s June 19, 2008 Order (123 FERC ¶61,283) in Docket No. OA08-62. The pending language can be found in Section 20 and Section 24.
