Paper Planners

Primary Sources: Original sources of information that have not yet been filtered through analysis, examination or interpretation.

Secondary Sources: Not an original source. It has no direct physical connection to the person or event being studied. Examples of secondary sources might include: history books, articles in encyclopedias, prints of paintings, replicas of art objects, reviews of research, academic articles.

For this assignment, you will pull from the following:
Primary Sources:
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Romeo and Juliet
“Sonnet 18”
Any of Shakespeare’s poems or plays that you have read or are familiar with
Secondary Sources:
Scholarly articles in the packet provided
Any other scholarly article that you can source on the topic

Please choose one broad topic from the following list OR you may provide a topic of your own. If you choose your own topic, the scholarly article packet may or may not support your topic:

·  Shakespeare and Ideal Love

·  Masculinity in Shakespeare

·  Feminism in Shakespeare

·  Gender Issues in Shakespeare

·  Reason vs. Love in Shakespeare

·  Shakespeare, Imagination, and Reality

·  Patriarchy in Shakespeare


You will work with a partner on this assignment.

This assignment is an abbreviated version of a full research paper. You will not write the actual paper, but you will do all of the preliminary work required.

You are required to first choose a topic. The topics provided are general. You must narrow down a specific topic from one of the general topics. For example, if the assignment were about William Butler Yeats, you might choose the broad topic of “Spirit vs. Body in Yeats.” Your narrowed down topic might be “How the spiritual, imaginary world of Tir na Nog is central in Yeats’s early poetry.” You would then explore “The Stolen Child” and “The Lake Isle of Innisfree,” both of which you have read, and use the secondary sources from any scholarly material that supports your topic.

After you have chosen your topic, you will narrow down which TWO primary sources you will explore. You may explore more than two, but you are only required to use two.

You must also choose TWO secondary sources from the research packet to read as support for your thesis. The articles provided should be sufficient for this project. After you decide on your topic, skim through the article titles and decide which two seem likely to support your argument. READ the articles and ANNOTATE them. You will be searching for something that you can quote in your paper as support for your topic.


·  List primary and secondary sources and the broad topic that you chose.

·  Write down a title for your paper that reflects the narrowed down, specific topic you will explore.

·  Provide 2 paragraphs explaining what your paper would be about. What issues would you explore? How would each primary source provide support and examples for your topic? How would each secondary source support your topic? Remember, you are RESEARCHING your topic and searching to prove through your own ideas and the ideas of others how your idea is valid. For example, how do Yeats’s two poems show how he shunned the physical life, and where have others expressed in scholarly articles the same ideas that you have? These secondary sources lend your ideas credibility.

·  Provide a thesis statement.

·  Provide a direct quote from each source that you would use in your paper with a parenthetical citation. Provide a 1-2 sentence explanation with each quote that clarifies how this quote lends support to your ideas. FOUR quotes total.

·  Provide a PRECISE Works Cited page that would accompany your paper. Use the Purdue Owl or the MLA handbook in the classroom as a resource. I will be checking every period, every comma, and every space. Aim for perfection.

·  For the cover of this assignment, print a classical work of art that is inspired or based on one of your primary sources.

Your work will be typed, double-spaced, and stapled together. Type both of your names on the assignment. You will individually turn in your secondary source packet with your annotations for a separate grade. Make sure your name is on the front of this document.

Annotations: Quiz Grade

Paper Planner: Test Grade

Works Cited: Quiz Grade

Paper Planner Rubric – Test Grade

List Sources and Topic ______/ 5

Title Reflecting Specific Topic ______/ 5

2 Summative Paragraphs ______/ 30

Thesis Statement ______/ 10

Cover Art ______/ 10

Direct Quotes with Explanations and Citations ______/ 10

______/ 10

______/ 10

______/ 10

TOTAL ______